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  1. Anyone look at the synths and think of Data? I mean, there's a phaser mod. Teleportation in the game. What's next, a rebuild of a Enterprise? I dunno what I'm getting at. I was wondering if anyone would make a Star Trek uniform so I could make Nick look like an idiot. Not a need, just kinda throwing that idea out there http://media0.giphy.com/media/gSlkoMbpOcvO8/giphy.gif
  2. I have a request for two separate weapon categories. I was wondering (if it's not too big of an issue) if before the game and all the mods came that it be easier to have two weapon categories instead of one. I know it's a little weird, some playthroughs I like to have only energy weapons and the other anything that falls under 'guns's. I feel that it would make it a little easier to find what you are looking for when you're rp as a certain character. Sure you could just look up 'energy', 'plasma', 'laser', etc. but then you'd search for a little longer than necessary to find what you are looking for. I hope I'm not telling anyone how to run the site, It's just a little idea that came in my head and I was hoping to get some input. So people of the Nexus what do you think?
  3. Sooo, uh here's this request. I'm kinda wanting to replace all the weapons and armor with mods. Like if I wanted to be total nerd and just have guns and clothing or Immersive weapons to be the only thing. Is this possible? I mean I could do it. Wanting to know if it's possible or already out there
  4. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32237/? While they're trying figure it out, here's a mod that lets you add the effect to any weapon. But I'd use the one they are making, it would have a little more appeal and it would allow them to test their self. If you get it up I'll download it and endorse you :)
  5. This is probably and totally rule breaking, but this is more curiosity than anything. My Request/Question is kinda like a Bashed Patch but it takes out weapons/armor/items/spells/etc. out of a big quest mod, turn off the mod, and keep what you've received from it. It would be just one big item mod and you could continue adding on mods Again, This would never work out right with copyrighted items. But I'm mainly posting just for the question: would it be possible?
  6. Hi! I'm looking for something simple and I don't know what keywords to look up. I'm looking for a shout that summons a dragon not for fighting but more for storage kinda like the dremora butler but can hold more than 150. I'm also thinking that the dragon would fly into town and sell all items it has, like the dog/cat in torchlight. anything like this? Thanks
  7. I feel really bad for what authors on steam had to go through. I won't put my feelings about it here because I fear of making this a 'debate'. I just have a request or more of a wish. A mod for every author who tried the paid option on steam. Not just any mod though, a collection of books. See I was wondering if we could instead of messages and emails, Have a little book store somewhere in skyrim. Filled with thank you notes from modders across the website in the form of books. It's an overwhelming task, but I think I'm up to it. If not someone with more gusto than me can do it. OR we create/change town names with the author in it. Like Arthmoor Docks, Chesko Tundra, Etc. Just something to show that we care and regardless of how this turned out we thank them. If none of the above works out this is just a psa to tell you to Donate :)
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSyyiP75_n8 Here you go, Brodual talks about others than the one mod. The one I used is in the video, in my opinion it's the best http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62676/?
  9. Hello! I was hoping to make/ask/look for a different kind of follower mod. Not one that effects stats or anything. But how the followers follow you. Here's a list of what I'm looking for: 1. Followers wander but don't relax. Like in a dungeon they walk around you, not standing still the whole time. 2. Separate in a town. Kinda like browsing like an npc. 3. When backtracking, they automatically get out of the way. 4. When walking around they are not walking in a straight line, but spread out. Only walking in a straight line if there is no room. 5.During combat they try to move out of your way so you can attack, like if the cursor is over them they move. or if you are coming up behind them to melee attack they move around the enemy. If I'm asking for too much there is no sweat making it, I sometimes just need to tell someone about my ideas. :laugh: Nor does it have to be exactly like what I'm asking for, just something like it! Thanks!
  10. Thanks ya'll, these are perfect :D
  11. Hi! I was wondering if someone could help me find/make for me armor for an adventurer who uses everything in between in his travels. I'm thinking more of a character that is in the middle of everything. they aren't decked out in the best, but it's not the worst. I'm hoping for an armor that's not too baggy nor too skin tight. The loners armor has the right idea, but it's way too bulky thanks for your time. p.s sorry for the title and grammatical mistakes, I can barely see on my phone
  12. Hi! I was wondering if someone could make me some special salvaged power armor. :pirate: It would look a lot like the NCR Power Armor but you can see a lot of the recon armor underneath it. Like where the red stripes are on the arms but those plates removed and the recon armor visible. http://i.imgur.com/TERUNeS.jpg The armor would of course not have a NCR Symbol. The idea of the armor is it's been gutted out to make room for someone with no training but the essentials still on it. I haven't thought much into I admit, but it would also have no gloves. One or None of the helmets tubes. Maybe the boots and gauntlets are a steel retexture of the stealth suits? I don't know what really to add, that's up to you dear listener. thank ya much
  13. At the end of the paradise falls quest it always felt as if Rory should be a companion. I was wondering if someone could take his follow scripts and extending them outside the quest. Please and thank you!
  14. an armor mod that doesn't add anything knew. But it adds variation to the current armor, like how the steel armor has one with shoulders and one with out. More of the same armor, Maybe armor that based off the smith you get it from it has a custom look it based of the smith. Like the telltale sign of who you got it from. OR custom looks to armor that you make your self, like a symbol or a pattern to show it was made by you, sell that, then find it on a bandit...
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