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About Khajit187

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  1. Jesus, I was thinking the same thing just yesterday. Not sure if it's possible without the GECK, though.
  2. So, since it will probably take a while until someone can make a mod to make Power Fists be wearable even with a Power Armor on, how about making the Hydraulic Bracers a bit better? As in, make them do the same/similiar damage as the Power Fist? Sadly, I have no clue whatsoever on how to edit stuff with FO4Edit. :( Thanks in advance!
  3. Yeah, I've been asking for it, too, a few years ago. In fact, it's been requested SO often, I'm still wondering no one ever made it! If I got that right, it's not a new model, is it?
  4. So, I just found a really nice artwork of how the Canterlot Guards armor could look like if humanized... http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/003/1/5/mlp_fim_armour__canterlot_royal_guards_by_tod309-d5dbsls.jpg So, any request takers here? :/ (Morrowind/Skyrim versions would be awesome, too!)
  5. Heya! I recently started playing Warframe (fun F2P 3rd Person Shooter... eh, whatever) and found a gun pretty nice gun. It's called... yep, you guessed it... Viper! http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130426074752/warframe/images/thumb/9/99/Viper.png/250px-Viper.png So now I wondered... could/would anyone do this model? That'd be great! Thanks in advance. Khajit
  6. That's why I said "google it". :P This or that?
  7. That's not bad, but actually I wanted the regular .45 Auto Pistol.
  8. Heya! So, I finally got Honest Hearts and loved the .45 Auto Pistol. Then I got WMX for HH and modded the gun. Yeah. But I REALLY didn't like the silencer mod, as it put the iron sights on the silencer itself! I just tried to fix that on my own, using NIFskope... didn't work. :( So yeah, what I'm asking for is... can someone put the iron sights back on the slide? Including all 3 versions, Extended Mags + Silencer HD Slide + Silencer Extended Mags + HD Slide + Silencer Thanks in advance! Khajit
  9. Shrapnel got it. Ahzteks Weapons Overhaul. Google it. And look at that. Classic Fallout Weapons - New Vegas got a Colt Anaconda as well.
  10. This? I searched for "Harpoon" on the Nexus... so... yeah.
  11. I think there is one (or a pretty similiar one) in Ahzteks Weapon Overhaul... google it.
  12. Shouldn't be a big problem... I'll do it later. Want any special machinegun? Or just the Light Machinegun? Edit: Done. Tell me if you want the stats changed.
  13. Somewhat good news... seems like you can use the .esp from http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/9743/?tab=4&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D9743%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D160095&pUp=1 in New Vegas, too!
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