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Everything posted by HollownessDevoured

  1. TBH, I probably if motivated could make them again (like making monster abilities to skills/spells but it was over a year ago when I made it and I forgot how I did it), but it was a lot of work, and I did sort of update once in a while. But I may not need to change but it be nice to know I can. I tried to figure out reverse engineer ncs but it was above my pay grade, even someone tried to guide me and they gave up cause I was pretty lost to their explanation.
  2. @Pasquale1223 I just had to do a fresh reinstall of the toolset and re-imported my builder to builder back up and it seemed to work the second time. It took me a while but I did manage to install the toolset for windows 11 to the sql database. The most of the nss that were in Single Player were present after the second import but all my other (custom) modules were missing. I lost all my nss for Demonology Specializations (Demonologist and Necromancer) for example, strings all missing for tlk files. Yes, I still have the add ins via "BioWare -> Dragon Age -> Addins -> (my module name) -> (more subdirectories under that)." I wish we could get the source back from ncs files X /
  3. I thought I backed up my toolset properly, but after doing a builder to builder load, all modules are missing and all the nss files are blank! I am ready to cry, I did a builder to builder export in case my computer died it did and now I have new one and when I did a builder to builder load, all modules are gone and all nss are blank (but many of my custom nss are there by name just blank!) Did I just import the load wrong? or I am out of luck and everything is lost? Update: Ok, i re-tried and got my nss files to import properly, but my modules are gone and the scripts within those. So what am I suppose to try to recreate the modules? I don't remember the settings/properties but I still have the files via addins, is there anyway to clone or re-create that way?
  4. Most likely you have Viva la Orlais mod? It is a common problem I posted here: Try deleting W_SHD_TWRb.mao from the mod or search your mods folder for it, in case another mod has it too.
  5. There are a few if not more unobtainable item fix mods that already exist: Unobtainable item BUGFIX Qwinn's Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3.52
  6. It does look like they are looking/considering it. After a few PMs (and providing a few examples), they look like they are going to be more flexible with (at the very least) the editor UI. It just looks like it is easier to edit the colours in the forums vs the new editor on the nexus site. I just hope it also will extend to the profile about me section (any white text (or more white text walls) against the almost black background), and if/when it spreads to mod pages/articles too. It is just that the forums is a third party hosted platform Invision Community which looks easier to adjust for nexus. It appears the update is more complicated for them to tweak, or takes more time. Or at least that is the gist of what I was told.
  7. You still need the resources in the override folder I believe (erf files materialobjects, modelhierarchies, modelmeshdata and the gda's). I have done this and tested and it worked.
  8. This might come across ignorant but I really do not see the logic of improving accessibility for a group to in turn cause eye pain/strain in another group when you can still have accessibility without causing eye pain/strain. But that is me. @polymorphic2346 I really wonder about this nexus reluctance on compromising with this theme. Is because it is their colours? That they feel obligated to accommodate only one type of accessibility group over another more? Or my theory is more leaning towards looks better in mobile and just happens to also somewhat check other boxes. So far it looks like that high contrast can affect those with no known existing eye issues at all but also those with myopia, astigmatism, halation, dyslexic, etc. So saying it is for "accessibility" despite the cost of actually causing pain/discomfort to a variety of people and telling us to figure it out on our own with an extension seems insult to injury. I mean we don't even have 300 unique posters in this thread yet giving feedback and high contrast issue is a top concern in this thread by about 9% of the posters. Profiles "About me" and it's editor are not a high traffic place; I'd be more interested on the response when this hits mod pages/articles. I think the bump of high contrast complaints will rise and get worse as those are force to stare at it for hours setting up mod description pages and articles. But it may never actually be a majority group but it will most likely be noticed by actual modders stuck editing these high contrast edit pages. I just hope it is fixed/compromised out before forced on us. This really grinds my gears "to go more mobile focused" on a site that you need a PC to upload/download the mods... but I am not ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater just yet. Some people will not notice the eye strain unless they have previous bad experiences with it or spend enough time on those pages to notice discomfort. And a compromise can accommodate both concerns pretty easily; it is not like a re-coding nightmare to fix/adjust the CSS when enough people complain. But I will be very disappointed if the complaining group over the high contrast increases to 15% or more of the feedback and still no compromise is made. I think even if it was only 5% of nexus modders complaining; I think a compromise would still be more than reasonable over something actually causing pain. The fact they straight up said no—is frankly insulting as a modder. I feel forced from the site due to the high contrast and by saying "figure it out with an extension" as their response feels like salt on the wound. Sorry I didn't intend for this to turn into a rant XD
  9. Yes, the actual text on the "about me" page and the editor display does look like it is #FFFFFF on a near blackest black. I was rather upset when it was insinuated by both devs/moderators I was counter-productive in the conversation for insisting on this.
  10. You can always add your tattoo via chargenmorphcfg.xml file or add your custom .mor via .das file (that is what I do to add custom earrings in beard slot). edit: but the problem with a custom mor via .das file is it messes up the shapeshifting forms in the fade (so I remove the custom mor just for the fade: lost in dreams).
  11. So far it looks like they don't care the new colour scheme with the high contrast is causing eye strain in some, just like the forums new darker theme (but for now we can revert but they said it won't stay). I very much liked your compromise grey example earlier in the thread, darker than classic but still easy on the eyes. Some of us are being very vocal and insistent that this is something they need to reconsider; it is just too high of contrast. There are about 6 top concerns on this thread and one is the high contrast/eye hurt causing colour theme. So far not enough people have complained but I'd say about roughly 9% of the feedback in this thread agree the high contrast is either too much and/or eye strain/hurt causing. But I have a feeling when this theme moves to mod pages/articles (or full on forced) it will increase—since mod pages/articles are text heavy. I personally spend hours on mod pages/articles editing, I simply will no longer be able to do that under this current beta colour theme.
  12. I think that the character creator sometimes forces default tattoos (if it is a race that has a default tattoo Dalish Elf/Dwarf Commoner). I think I had a similar problem with Dalish elf when trying to use the DA2 Merrill tattoo, it kept forcing the default but I could select it in the tattoo section afterwards. I always get that error it has never been an issue.
  13. The new placeholder images are a better contrast/match. But the primary images still look tacky as heck without the crop scaling like classic. Sorry this is still a downgrade to me and I doubt I am the only one who will think this—it just will be more noticeable on mass. When you expand this to search/mod lists for games all the mismatched image sizes will drastically lower the professional look of the site (the blur is not exactly a fix nor makes it look much better), especially from those now inactive here to not correct the look of their primary images—who originally scaled their images to fit the original image scaling setup. I'll have to re-crop all images and I have no idea how to ratio it out to not look like carp . Previous scaling was much easier for me to work with setting up primary images. I only have just over a dozen primary images; I can only imagine those who have countless mods they have to rescale to fix this. But I guess it looks great on mobile which is clearly your priority. Not that the dev team seems to care about this, since eye strain that causes actual discomfort to a range of people providing feedback means nothing to them; so why care over image continuity and visual harmony in display.
  14. The rings? I made a mod to remove self and combat rings (others may have too). Just replace files with blank/transparent files instead.
  15. Windows' blue screen of death is pretty intense, and I am only nearsighted.
  16. If I could give a *hug* reaction I would. I never intended to upset you. I just still want you in the conversation because you still are an opinion worth weighing in the conversation. I still want you to have some something you want—despite the growing concern over the high contrast. But it is something we can stop talking about between us if that is what you want.
  17. Sorry, it is just from the feedback on the high contrast. As you pointed out it was the only option for you. I was hoping if we could find an option that could work for all of us then, I'd feel better rather than those of us simply campaign against it.
  18. Book reading was never an issue for me (but most novels I have are not printed on pure white cardstock, pages are usually an off white or cream). I think it has to do with a lit screen.
  19. Well, it isn't about a contest, it was if it was still within reasonable contrast. So sadly your only preference is hard on others, but I didn't want you to be at an unreasonable disadvantage either. Compromise, if it was up to user feedback, isn't possible, is basically what you are saying. It is a shame, because I was hoping a compromise would at least still be within a contrast that you could live with.
  20. @Karna5 I was wondering if I could get your input on your specific comfort level of high contrast. I know you have existing eye issues, and I do still want you to be comfortable on the site. But is the current beta's dark mode the only enjoyable tolerance, or as long as it is an improvement contrast to classic? Or alternatively, are these other dark mode samples I show still very helpful for you? That is about the compromise I am hoping for. I could do lighter but this is about as dark as I usually have/do/see/the standards most people are use to. The first two examples are editors in dark mode for sites that provide both a dark/light mode. The light modes I cannot take for these sites but are comfortable editing in these dark mode colour themes. The second examples are nexus' darkened and/or higher contrast direction, where I am starting to notice negative affects. Standard dark modes for sites that provide both a dark/light mode vs. Nexus' direction new forums and nexus beta's editor sample. Top Left is a dark mode I can edit for hours on and Top Right is reddit's dark mode. The Bottom Left is edit mode in forums new dark (which the edit isn't that bad just not great either, but it is the forum overview (bright white) titles that are actually harder on me). But the eye hurt culprit that will kill me off is the almost black background and bright white text of the Bottom Right.
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