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  1. Fallout 4, but imagine that it doesnt really make a difference between the CK versions. Im using a water plane in a interior.
  2. This is kind of a weird issue and im not really sure what causes it. Ive placed a water plane in a interor cell but this weird water glitch apperared. It is both in the CK and ingame, so it's an issue while testing out my mod ingame aswell. Would appreciate if someone would share info if they knew how to fix this, thanks :smile:
  3. Didnt know this was still active, im kind of looking for the part where im able to kill the settlers, but there doesnt seem to be any other mods that let you execute your own settelers (yes, im a sick f*#@)
  4. Well, the mod isnt up yet, and this is a year later im saying this...
  5. Yup! they're loose, and im not using a bsa. I thought the file path looked a little weird when scouring through bethesdas bsa files, ( Data/ sound/ voice/ skyrim.esm/ malebandit/ ) where it has a skyrim.esm folder.. looked a little out of place.. Here is a screenshot of how my mod directory looks like http://imgur.com/a/Kltuc
  6. Hello! Ill get straight to the point, im relatively new to sound modding in skyrim, and i have never made a mod outside of the creation kit. I have made a bunch of sound replacers, replacing the bandit voicelines and i cant get it to work. I have made the sound files and changed the name to the original name of the voicelines and converted them into .fuz files. I then made the same folderpath in the mod as they are in the game ( Data/ sound/ voice/ skyrim.esm/ malebandit/ ) and put my .fuz files in there. I later tried to launch the game, having activated the mod in NMM but i still didn't hear them ingame. Did i do something wrong? I appriciate any type of help that i can get :)
  7. Thanks mate! but do you know where to put the audio files themselves? if im going to make holodisk audio? I think i found a way to do it!
  8. Thanks mate! but do you know where to put the audio files themselves? if im going to make holodisk audio?
  9. Hey! I have had this idea to make a custom music holotape, (instead of a radio station) and i was wondering how to take the mp3/waw file and make it recognicable for the f4 CK. Im new to audio modding, and i would really appriciate some help :smile:
  10. I have been experiencing some issues with the f4 CK, i just made a interior and i want to put some ghouls in it. I know how navmesh works (i have created sevral skyrim mods) but everytime i navmesh my room the CK loads about 50% of the verticles according to a info bar and then decides to crash. Is it because of my computer? or something else? I have not tried navmeshing manuallty, but instead i used the havok generator. I appriciate every suggestion :)
  11. anytime i create mods and activate them through my mod manager and start SSE the loading times increase by atleast 5 times as much.. what is causing this problem? is it because i only activate the skyrim master file and not the dlc ones?
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