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Posts posted by Cashman28590

  1. Well testing in old town it seems like it worked, I'll test other locations with time but it appears that this did the trick.

    It's almost totally silent ambient wise which is a bit off putting so I'm going to do some fine tuning to try and get some of it back but;


    Thank you very very much for your time and effort, I greatly appreciate the help. ♥

  2. I've made a step of progress, I've identified the exact filenames for each of the offending sounds. They are:






    Dunno if that helps at all, found them on a video game sound resource website so I don't even know where they are located file wise...

  3. Can anyone help me identify these sounds that play incessantly, especially at night?



    There is a tone, what sounds like music, a sort of violin-esque sound

    and accompanying it is what sounds like a metal-hitting-metal stinger effect, you can hear both in the example video above.


    I'd very much like someone to help me remove these sounds completely from the game, in all areas. As after so much play time they are starting to drive me up the wall.

  4. Surely it would be feasible to create a mod to COMPLETELY remove this enemy from the game?


    Nothing in subnautica spooks me except these things, I can't deal with them. A warper just dropped a whole group of them on my head just outside my base and I just about fell out of my chair with the heebie jeebies even after making it inside with my eyes closed. If I'm going to play this game they need to go.

  5. I completely deleted my data3 file and put ONLY the default_level file in.


    Still didn't work.


    I deleted it again, cleared out the "out" documents folder, verified integrity through steam, and again put ONLY that file in data3


    STILL no effect

    For some reason that entire file is being ignored. I also have another edit inside default_levels that makes it so the survivor sense doesn't have a cooldown and that's not taking either.


    I even thought that maybe it had some spelling or formatting error in the name of the file that made it not recognize, so I grabbed the original out of data0, made the changes again and put that in. Same result.


    I have no idea why this is happening especially since absolutely nothing has changed about my setup since I last got into the game and it worked fine. I'm out of options other than a full reinstall and I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to do that.

  6. WHELP


    I backed up and replaced the file in data0 with the modded one and it had no effect


    This confirms what I initially thought that the slow mo probability is now being controlled from another file and this is simply leftover code now.

  7. The documents out folder is completely untouched by me, and a precise comparison by notepad++ shows that those two values are the only change formatting or otherwise from the original file.


    So I guess maybe it's some other mod I have installed, though none of them have changed either since this worked once upon a time. Only updates.

    I have no idea what to do now but I'll try everything I can think of and report here if I find a solution. :/

  8. I've verified that the changes were made properly to the data3 version of that file, and it has worked in the past on this same install, but coming back to the game after a few months I has stopped working.


    It suddenly not applying is why I thought they may have changed the way that mechanic was managed in the system.

    I have also compared a fresh copy from data0 and the slo mo value is the only difference between the two. I'm lead to believe that the slow mo probability value is now being read from somewhere else?

  9. Holy hell I need to do challenge missions in Old Town but I can't even stand to be in this level because of that damn song!


    Lyra if you have found the file that it is controlled in please just point me towards it and I'll do it myself, this has to end!

  10. Holy rotting corpses PLEASE tell me there's a way to turn off that horrid music in Old Town.


    I can hear it from half the damn map away and it's driving me up the wall!

    Point me to a file I can edit or a mod that fixes it for the love of all that is holy.

  11. Is it at all possible to disable the slow motion effect on melee hits?

    It was cool at first but it really breaks the flow when you're hacking through a large group, and is just getting to be old and a waste of time.


    Can't find any mods that do it and no one even seems to want it but me.

  12. I'm really excited for when the modding tools come out and we can make spells to properly transform with attacks and everything, stomping around as a giant is going to be great.

    I'd really like to do it now with what's available but I don't know how to do it, nor do I have the patience to do it for every possible race. So I'll ask for it again in a more pleasant non-begging way; Could someone be so kind as to upload a Meshes.bsp or folder with all the corrected skeletons in it?

    Would save a lot of people a lot of trouble.

  13. I would like to eventually see a character creation extension in which you can edit specific parts of your characters instead of just an all encompassing "weight" slider. I don't know if this would be easy or hard to mod, or if it would break animations or clothes in any way, but it would be a nice thing to have.


    By advanced I mean you can change the size of your biceps independent of your shoulders, or your thighs independent of your shins, or even your stomach independent of your chest.


    Would this be something anyone would be willing to devote effort to?

  14. the only thing i really dont like about the ranger armor is the water bottle back pack(camelbak?) all the rifles i like to use(hunting rifle, hunting shotgun, trail carbine) go straight though them.



    Yeah, thats what I meant about the backpack, If this does get made I hope someone takes it off.

  15. I would like to have the NCR ranger combat armor without the trench coat over it, nothing added, just take off the coat and that big "backpack" ..thing on the back, a simple model and texture hack would suffice.



    The jeans and that collared Kevlar vest armor underneath looks awesome, but it's ruined by the big bulky duster coat, that sticks to your body because of the Gamebryo engines lack of cloth physics. Should be simple enough for someone who knows what do to.

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