Is it possible for someone to make a mod, or perhaps update an abandoned mod, that DOSESN'T break the Precombine system? I have a relatively high end system and i've been using Spring Cleaning in my game for quite some time with very few problems with other mods. However I am coming to realize how much damage these mods can do to the base game especially if you scrap significant parts of a settlement, or even scraping what seem to be relatively innocuous items like grass mounds and bushes, in that it starts destabilizing the precombine system. I am far from completely knowledgeable about this system so I am depending my request on discussions with some very knowledgeable people about this system and finding out thru personal experience that once you've broken the precombine system, it can eventually snowball in your save game into a point where your save game is completely unusable and can't be repaired by anything short of completely taking apart the code of your save game to find where the issue is. I understand that there are ways to create a scrapping system that goes past just vanilla objects and have it not break the precombine system but any of the ones I have tried, don't scrap the items I want to get rid of which is mainly the garbage leaves, grass mounds, ground trash, some trees, and those GOD AWFUL UGLY UGLY Little brown bushes that seem to be everywhere. I mean for gods sake you settlers just spent hours collecting scrap and building houses and such but you don't mind this ugly freakin bush that's sticking up thru your floorboards?? LOL I have tried several different mods besides Spring Cleaning including Place Everywhere, which I like because of it removing the placing restrictions on objects but it does not allow for removing "ground clutter", it's primarily focused on being able to move or remove main game objects. I am hoping someone can perhaps take over the Spring Cleaning mod because it does sound like the original author put alot of thought into making a mod that has selectable options for how many different types of items were eligible to be able to be scrapped to keep yourself from accidentally removing something with more significance in the game, but from what i'm told it still breaks the precombine system, as do all the other current mods that either automatically or manually remove ground clutter from the game. Thank You