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About rangermanlv

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  1. Yup, Fixed for me too. Nice dident take too long to fix up.
  2. I have been using Vortex since it came out and the previous mod manager before that. I have to say that right now I am REALLLLY missing the ability to force mod loading order manually. I am having a problem with Fix skill progression rewards not applying, https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9879 And the mods it requires to run correctly. Fix skills says it needs Redscript https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1511 to run correctly, in turn Redscript says it needs either Red4ext or cybercmd to run properly with redmod. I can download and install all 3 mods no problem but after the first time of running the game with the mods in the correct order and then closing Vortex, when I reopen Vortex it has reordered the mods into an incorrect load order. With all 3 mods in the correct order I have no problems in the game, but when I rerun Vortex it has put the Fix skill mod into the first position, loading it before the required mods Redscript and Red4ext load. This causes my game to CTD randomly after about a half hour or so playing the game. Whereas if they load in the correct order, I seem so far to have no problems running for hours in the game. Does anyone have any idea how to FORCE a loading order onto Vortex with CP2077 mods? I have looked all over the place for how to do this and it brings up ways to do it that simply dont show up in Vortex for me. One idea is to us "Manage Mods" in the top options, which I have no "Manage Mods" option at all. There is a "Manage Rules" but because Vortex is not detecting any mod conflict it dosent show anything in there I can apply rules to. I have tried right clicking on each mod but there is no option there to change the order. Also as well clicking on "Mod Order" on the left menu does nothing as it says I don't have any orderable entries. So I am a bit stumped here. hopefully someone has some ideas?
  3. Yea unfortunately my problem is with SS and ROtC. After a recent update when I tried to refresh a settlement it came up completely blank except for the specific plots interacted with by settlers. And even going to a new settlement and trying it did the same thing. I figured that since all scrapping mods break precombines from what i've been told, and since the ROtC uses a preset scrapping mode city layout map to remove alot of the clutter from settlements when it makes it's initial city layout, that using Spring Cleaning and already working from broken precombines somehow snowballed in my save game to become an issue where ROtC couldn't even draw it's city parts correctly. Considering the team Kinggath has working on SS and ROtC and also since few if anyone else reported the issue I was having I figured it's most probably not an issue with SS or ROtC, but more because I had been going along thinking that Spring Cleaning was fine and not doing anything bad, which technically it was for me since I have a fairly high end machine, never scrapped anything beyond already scrapable vanilla objects and bushes, grass, leaf piles and street trash, I was never noticing any kind of FPS hit or any object graphic tearing anywhere else in game. Now however that I am using a mod that overhauls and adds alot to what the vanilla system does for settlements for the first time, I figure now that since that is where i've been breaking precombines left and right all along, it's now becoming a more noticeable issue.
  4. Yea unfortunately I tried Place Everywhere and no matter which commands I use, the things I primarily want to scrap <grass, trees, bushes, garbage on the streets, leaf piles, etc...> Don't show up as selectable in there. I think i'm finding out slowly but surely that if I really want to do this right instead of using a scrap mod, I need a program like Place Everywhere that lets me move things below ground level so they are still technically in game, but not in my field of view. I have started a new game and only used Spring Cleaning in one settlement so far so if I do find out there is a way to get Place Everywhere to allow me to move the things i'm talking about then maybe I will use that as an alternative to breaking precombine data. Thanks for the info but unless i'm really missing something in Place Everywhere, I can't see how it would let me do what I want.
  5. Thanks for the tip about Boston FPS Fix. I will try that if I need to. :D
  6. Is it possible for someone to make a mod, or perhaps update an abandoned mod, that DOSESN'T break the Precombine system? I have a relatively high end system and i've been using Spring Cleaning https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4640?tab=description in my game for quite some time with very few problems with other mods. However I am coming to realize how much damage these mods can do to the base game especially if you scrap significant parts of a settlement, or even scraping what seem to be relatively innocuous items like grass mounds and bushes, in that it starts destabilizing the precombine system. I am far from completely knowledgeable about this system so I am depending my request on discussions with some very knowledgeable people about this system and finding out thru personal experience that once you've broken the precombine system, it can eventually snowball in your save game into a point where your save game is completely unusable and can't be repaired by anything short of completely taking apart the code of your save game to find where the issue is. I understand that there are ways to create a scrapping system that goes past just vanilla objects and have it not break the precombine system but any of the ones I have tried, don't scrap the items I want to get rid of which is mainly the garbage leaves, grass mounds, ground trash, some trees, and those GOD AWFUL UGLY UGLY Little brown bushes that seem to be everywhere. I mean for gods sake you settlers just spent hours collecting scrap and building houses and such but you don't mind this ugly freakin bush that's sticking up thru your floorboards?? LOL I have tried several different mods besides Spring Cleaning including Place Everywhere, which I like because of it removing the placing restrictions on objects but it does not allow for removing "ground clutter", it's primarily focused on being able to move or remove main game objects. I am hoping someone can perhaps take over the Spring Cleaning mod because it does sound like the original author put alot of thought into making a mod that has selectable options for how many different types of items were eligible to be able to be scrapped to keep yourself from accidentally removing something with more significance in the game, but from what i'm told it still breaks the precombine system, as do all the other current mods that either automatically or manually remove ground clutter from the game. Thank You
  7. This does not "fix" the sex scene in any case as it is a script somewhere that is not triggering. This can be determined by the fact that weather or not you are using the previons "fix" for the sex sounds, the scene does not complete properly as if you speak to Red Lucy after the act while still in the room, she is still asking you to have sex with her. There is apparently a broken script or quest trigger for this scene that's never been fixed.
  8. I just heard this one in the game for the first time so I had to share this topic. Cass <upon entering Vault 22 and crouching, could have been triggered by either I guess> : "Shhhh.....We're hunting Shitheads" ROFLMAO. :)
  9. Well it took me awhile and a little digging but I finally figured this out. If you have the bug from Dead Money that causes you to be taking constant health damage even when your not in a concentrated Cloud area, and/or this damage continues even after you have finished Dead Money and gone back to the Mojave. Probably only one or the other of these console commands is needed but I used both because they both relate to The Cloud damage triggering on your character. resetquest xx00E882 resetquest xx00C543 These are the quest ID's for The Cloud damage and The Cloud DOT effect while in Dead Money. The xx in the beginning is indicative of the fact that those two #'s could be different depending on which DLC you have. In my case they are 01, but this might be different for you. I hope this helps everyone who was stuck having to play the game in GOD mode during and/or after playing Dead Money because of this bug. :)
  10. I suddenly am having this problem now also. I am curious can you tell me is there a console command to enable/disable the cloud effect and/or the trigger? I am curious to just try using a console command once to see if it fixes the problem. P.S. I tried your mod and it dident seem to have any effect on the problem at all.
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