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Posts posted by rickerhk

  1. Ok guys, thanks for your help. I got the book to add the perk on the list when I read it.




    Just a few things :


    I got your advices. It works again (message+book removed+perk added)! But when loading (via F9 or menu) before reading, doesn't work.

    I guess it must be the issues with F9/loading menu you all talking about. If there's no way to fix this... I guess it's done.


    EDIT: Waw, I haven't touched anything and now using the manual doesn't work anymore... The game just make the script works whenever he wants.


    Do you think Geck power up would help me?

    Could be a dirty save. Especially after using F9. Do your testing from a save that doesn't have your modded book in it yet.



    player.Equipitem EnglishBook01 ;redundant/problematic?  ;  Ya that should be "If GetEquipped ==1"
    player.addperk EnglishBookPERK
    setobjectivecompleted MamboQuest01 75 1
    showmessage EnglishBookMESSAGE 0  ;  Are you sure he needs this flag set ?
     begin menumode
    if (bDoOnce == 1)
    set bDoOnce to 2;skip a frame
    elseif (bDoOnce == 2)
    set bDoOnce to 3





    player.Equipitem EnglishBook01 ;redundant/problematic? ; Ya that should be "If GetEquipped ==1"


    But specifically "If Player.GetEquipped EnglishBook == 1" ; he needs the condition question


    showmessage EnglishBookMESSAGE 0 ; Are you sure he needs this flag set ?


    Sorry had to add edit to make sure you saw my additions/question within the script.


    No, the line should be gone all-together. Since the 'On Equip' block means it is indeed equipped. The OP script is excursively equipping the book. That's why I asked if it was the same book or a different object for that equipitem function

  3. Is EnglishBook01 yet another book? If not, then I would leave the equipitem function out, since you are already equipping the book.
    Also not sure why you have the '1' after the perk. If there are problems, I would be more specific on functions like addperk and equipitem and specify the actorREF it's being applied to (player).
    I also don't like to remove objects that are running the script, in the same frame as its important functions. I always wait a frame or two after everything is done before a function like 'removeme' and guard it so there is no possibility of it repeating.
    scn EnglishBookSCRIPT
    int bDoOnce
    begin OnAdd player
    setobjectivecompleted MamboQuest01 70 1
    setobjectivedisplayed MamboQuest01 75 1
    begin OnEquip player
    If GetStage MamboQuest01 > 0
    if bDoOnce
    else;if bDoOnce == 0
    set bDoOnce to 1
    player.Equipitem EnglishBook01 ;redundant/problematic?
    player.addperk EnglishBookPERK
    setobjectivecompleted MamboQuest01 75 1
    showmessage EnglishBookMESSAGE 0
     begin menumode
    if (bDoOnce == 1)
    set bDoOnce to 2;skip a frame
    elseif (bDoOnce == 2)
    set bDoOnce to 3


  4. If you go to the 'Art and Sound' tab of WeapBrassKnuckles, you see that instead of a model, there is a form list in the 'armor list' drop-down. Take a look at that formlist. It has an 'Armor Addon' object in it - ARMABrassKnuckles. Try unticking the biped object 'right hand'. If that doesn't work, you'll probably have to fill in the model info on the weapon and remove the 'Armor List' entry.

  5. Hey all,


    I've run into a small issue, and whilst it isn't essential that I find a fix, I would prefer it. I'm currently making a mod, and every NPC that I assign a sleep package too will not wake up on their own. They successfully find and sleep in their bed when the package starts, but at the time when they are supposed to wake up they remain asleep until they are spoken to by the player.


    I thought it might be an .esp bug, so I switched the mod to an .esm to check, but the problem persisted. Does anyone know anything about or has experienced this bug before?


    You can find some screenshots of the AI packages an NPC is using here and a video showing the problem here.


    Thanks for your time,



    I've had problems getting an NPC to stop a package involving furniture before. That time, I went to the Begin/End/Change tab, in the 'End' script box, put the script function:
  6. I had a heck of a time getting Invalidation to work with MO and FNV. Finally found some post on TTW forums plus other stuff I did and now it works.

    1. In MO Settings, 'Workarounds' uncheck 'Force-enable game files'

    2. Turn Auto invalidation in the profile OFF

    3. Get a copy of Fallout - AI!.bsa (From FOMM or NMM) and copy it to your data directory

    4. Go to the 'Archives' tab in the right MO window. Make sure MO is managing BSA files. Move the AI!.bas to the top.

    Other things I did-probably redundant:

    Change the fallout ini and pref files load archive line:

    SArchiveList=Fallout - AI!.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa

    Something I never tried before but looks like it works also:

    1. In MO Settings, 'Workarounds' uncheck 'Force-enable game files'

    2. Turn Auto invalidation in the profile ON

    3. Go to the 'Archives' tab in the right MO window. Make sure MO is managing BSA files. Move the Fallout - Invalidation.bsa to the top of the archive list.
  7. Also check the sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.ini if it's locked to 30FPS:

    If in the 'Master section', bManageFPS = 1, then FPS management is ON.

    So then in the 'FPS_Management' section, fMaximumFPS might be set to 30. You can set it to zero.

    If you turn bManageFPS OFF, then just be aware the game was designed to run at no more than 60fps.

  8. The OP already indicates awareness of the filenames to be replaced. It Does work (as long as ArchiveInvalidation is working). We do it in Project Brazil. I belive the OP is asking if the screens before the main one can be suppressed so there isn't a 'slide show' of different screens before the main menu?

    These screens show up before the main menu:





    In Project Brazil, we've changed all of these (Our new version, not released yet).

    These screens don't show up in the Geck under the loading screen group so I assume they are hard coded in the exe. You could try just copying the main dds to all of them to get the static effect but otherwise you probably need an NVSE plugin to accomplish it.

    As far as the load screens in the Geck, I don't see a global or a gamesetting to disable these either.
  9. That's odd.
    Try prefixing your variables - like 'i' for int/short, 'f' for float, and 'r' for REF.
    scn PrivatePincerCompanionScript
    short iStatus ;1 = following, 2 = waiting, 3 = sandboxing
    short iDoOnce
    BEGIN GameMode
    if ( iDoOnce != 1 )
       set iStatus to 3
       set iDoOnce to 1


  10. You mentioned dialog result script problems. Make sure that variables are not declared in those dialog result scripts - it will conflict with actor's object script variables.

    You may also be having a dirty save problem. Try testing from a new game. I've had issues in the past after heavy script modification where quest variables just wouldn't work right. especially if you change/rearrange the variable declaration section.

  11. If you used ForceAV in your testing, you need to reload a previous save because using forceAV on the player wrecks that stat for the rest of the game.

    You want to use SetAV or ModAV for changes.

    You can see the effects of SetAV and ModAV with this console command:

    Player.GetActorValueInfo Statname

  12. I make the plugin an esm. I would not expect that to make a difference for this issue.

    I'm not sure of your square brackets in your "if [Player" line - I've never used them and no script in the Geck is using them that I can see (except in a comment)

    I'm doing the NPC script a bit differently, though.

    In the gamemode block I detect the critical stage:


    <snip other stuff>

    if (gethealthpercentage < .01)
    if ((IsInCriticalStage GooStart) || (IsInCriticalStage GooEnd))
    set RHKBrisaMN.iGooFlag to 1
    if ((IsInCriticalStage DisintegrateStart) || (IsInCriticalStage DisintegrateEnd))
    set RHKBrisaMN.iGooFlag to 1

    <snip other stuff>




    if ((IsLimbGone 0) || (IsLimbGone 1) || (IsLimbGone 2) || (IsLimbGone 3) || (IsLimbGone 4) || (IsLimbGone 5) || (IsLimbGone 6).. etc)
    set iDismembered to 1


    if ((RHKBrisaMN.iGooFlag) || (iDismembered))
    ;do something


  13. For the first script, I do something similar in my Brisa/Wendy mods, so it looks like it should work. Though In the last section I would put the "ShowMessage ArcherModuleMessage2" function after the other two functions in case the transition to menumode is causing them to be skipped.

    In the second script, the 'On trigger player' section is going to run every frame. You probably don't want that. I would assume you want it to run once when the player enters the trigger. TimerA is being set to 1 and then to .2 every frame so the rest of the script is going nowhere.

    Use "On triggerEnter Player" for that section.

    BEGIN ONTriggerEnter Player
    if (StartUp == 0)
    if player.GetItemCount ArcherDataModule == 1
    DisablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    Set TimerA to 1
    Set TimerA to .2 <--- pick one of these
    Set StartUp to 1

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