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Everything posted by Zeperoth

  1. Fantastic! I'm glad to hear it BadPenney. For what it's worth I think this will be the best mod on here to date.
  2. Bah! My god man, I can't wait to play this mod, please tell me you'll be releasing it soon! No pressure ofcourse.
  3. Hey guys, I was wondering if someone could tell me, or atleast point me in the right direction, with regards to how to port horses into Fallout 3. I know that I won't be able to share it on the nexus due to copyright infringement, but maybe I, or somebody else, could create placeholders so that those individuals who own both games could port them themselves. I would think that this would be the most stable method of creating a 'vehicle' as it's all bethesda's work, and the animations, scripts, etc are (as far as I know) native to the game. Hopefully someone out there will be able to help me out here. Thanks a lot.
  4. Hey Jaysus, amazing mod, I still haven't worked my way through the entire thing but I'm in the process. I was wondering however, are any of the others who signed up with COMM going to be releasing anything anytime soon? I guess mostly I"m wondering about H-Zero, since I don't use Malo's body and his stuff won't work for me.
  5. Oh I wasn't aware that BoS stay there. Truth be told I haven't tried to go back to the base, the idea just hit me as I was progressing through the DLC.
  6. So I just finished Broken Steel, and was astonished by the size and grandeur of the air force base. It got me thinking, would it be possible to create a mod in which the base is populated by wastelanders after the completion of the mission? It seems like the perfect place to inhabit. Plenty of structures lying around, and very easily defended. I know If I was going to start a post apocalyptic settlement that's the first place I'd try. I have no experience texturing or meshing, but otherwise I know my way around the geck pretty well. Just wondering if theirs any interest in this, and if so if anyone's willing to help. Thanks
  7. wow, what an answer. Thank you very much for the quick and elaborate reply. It sounds like your doing an extremely thorough job, and should definitely keep up the good work. I have one more question for you though, where do you plan on placing shady sands within the game world? Or will you be creating your own world and use GTS? Thanks Again.
  8. Hey, your mod looks really epic. I can't wait to play it. Do you have a rough idea of when you'll be releasing it? No rush ofcourse.
  9. that sounds like a plan, I'll get on that. By the way, do you know whatever happened to growlf, vash and brupo? So far the only things I've seen for COMM are from yourself.
  10. I read the log, and I found it pretty funny. Especially the part about Mrs. Kant. K give me a few days to write some stuff down, I think I may be able to come up with something. I was already mulling over one thing though. In the log it mentions sending a guy to the dc area to find supplies. Well in the wastes there's a random encounter with some guy named Edward, Ben, something or other. He says he's too injured to continue and needs some purified water. I was thinking you could adopt the idea, and have the guy who was sent for supplies found in the dc metro area. You can than help him out somehow, and he then gives you access to the caravansery and drives you there in the boat, etc. I find it a little odd that the pc can find a boat, head out into the middle of the ocean, and find himself a submarine without some sort of guide. Get back to me.
  11. Hey Jaysus, I read the interview, and it says in there that you need writers. I took a couple classes in school, and I'd like to think I'm a pretty talented writer, so if you give me an idea as to what you'd like, maybe I can help you out. I'm no modder, and I'd love to be able to contribute to your project in anyway possible. If your interested just follow up I guess. Thanks. By the way, I don't know if it's relevant but I'm fluent in English and Spanish. Unfortunately no German, though that is my ancestry.
  12. Hey Jaysus, first off, this is some revolutionary work that your doing. The HSC is epic in proportion, especially in that it'll provide conflict free mods from the best talent on this site. Secondly, I was wondering if you'd consider adding strippers to the glowing camel much like Trynfkwtmes Exotic Dancers in Moriarity's?
  13. Alright so far I've got the leathers almost to where I want them. I still need to work out a few little things, like the wrench etc. My biggest hurdle now is finding someone, or learning how, to texture this sucker.
  14. 1 wasn't so bad, 3 was terrible. But yeah, The Road Warrior was epic. I do plan on modifying the current leather armour, but I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I'm looking through the tutorials but most have a lot of implied knowledge, of which I have zip. Any help from anyone who knows anything would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Thanks for the support. Good to know I'm not the only one for this. No guarantees I can pull this off but I'm slowly learning.
  16. So no interest in this? I bet if it was a bikini clad chick with h-cups there'd be swarms of interest.
  17. Similar sure, the leather armour is similar, I'm trying to get exact. Or at least close to exact. In fact I'm trying to figure out blender, niftools etc. to do this myself. However, if a pro off of this site finds interest in this and would like to do it it would probably turn out much much better.
  18. Hey, I was wondering if someone could model/texture Mad Max's outfit from the movie the Road Warrior? If not, could someone maybe help me through the process? I've never done any modding beyond simple things for oblivion like companions, etc. but I figure if no one's going to to this than I might as well give it a shot myself. Thanks.
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