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About 0arisaka0

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  1. Gotcha, I do want it to be compatible with sorting mods, so to do so, I'd need patches for each it seems. Let me look at Ruleset and see what I can do. Thanks mate!
  2. I have this already, this is the keyword that gets VIS to assign the shutgun ammo tag to it. This is what makes me think there is something else with keywords somewhere else that might be affecting this, or maybe even other scripting somewhere
  3. Greetings all. I am working on a mod, and part of it would add an expanded list of mods for pipe weapons. One of them is a shotgun receiver for pipe revolvers. Everything works the way I intended, with one callout that I am looking for a solution for. The default naming for it won't switch away from "pistol" and "rifle" to "shotgun". The game is recognizing it as a '12 gauge' and a 'shotgun' (VIS applies the correct tags), but I am not sure what I am missing in the CK that is affecting the naming conventions. Anyone able to give me some insight? Thank you!
  4. Greetings all. I am working on a mod, and part of it would add an expanded list of mods for pipe weapons. ONe of the ones I added is a shotgun receiver for pipe revolvers. Everything works the way intended, with one callout I am looking for a solution for. The default naming for it won't switch away from "pistol" and "rifle" to "shotgun". The game is recognizing it as a '12 gauge' and a 'shotgun' (VIS applies the correct tags), but I am not sure what I am missing in the CK that is affecting the naming conventions. Anyone able to give me some insight? Thank you!
  5. Hello all :) I am looking for assistance in scripting; I am looking to activate and deactivate several in-worldspace items upon quest stages of the vanially in-game quests. I initially thought putting in scrip fragments, but they didn't work, so I switched to adding scripting to the in-worldspace items, but my papyrus isn;t strong enough to get it to work; they scrips I've tried complied, but didn't seem to do anything; I've gone through all the conceivable vanilla 'quest' and 'item enable' scripts I could find to see of those would work, and they didn't. Any assistance would be appreciated :D
  6. Thank you sir, I will look this over and follow-up and BTW, I love CWWS! I modified it and replaced the vanilla showers and sinks in the Institute, Prydwyn, Railroad (e,g, non settlement player homes) with yours; extremely handy to have them there :D I am also looking to adding one settlement happiness to the toilets, baths, and showers; think of how happy you'd be if you didn't have to share a toilet :wink: Thanks Mate I agree, when I was looking at the text replacement command, it seems to deal more with changing the name of items, or displayed names. I think I will try to outreach Valdacil thank you!
  7. Thank you sir, I will look this over and follow-up and BTW, I love CWWS! I modified it and replaced the vanilla showers and sinks in the Institute, Prydwyn, Railroad (e,g, non settlement player homes) with yours; extremely handy to have them there :D I am also looking to adding one settlement happiness to the toilets, baths, and showers; think of how happy you'd be if you didn't have to share a toilet ;)
  8. Greetings all :) I am attempting to put VIS tags onto a few mods I have, but it isn't going well for the item which names dynamically change. Would anyone know of any info on how this works? thank you!
  9. hmm weird, it's not in the NMM anymore. I know I didn't uninstall it; and the mod has been removed from the Nexus. **Edit** I found the lose zip file and removed them; working! thank you sir :D
  10. I haven't opened the creation kit in about 2 months. Now it immediately crashes when starting up, before it finishes opening. I've installed it, and reinstalled, but to no avail. THe onyl difference between now and the is that I have a new monitor. Google searches haven't been helpful, so I figured I'd asked the community Anyone have any ideas?
  11. Greetings all :happy: I am trying to get a terminal entry to remove an item from inventory, then add a perk, but I can't get off the ground... this is what I found and not sure what is wrong, so a little help would be appreciated :laugh: Scriptname testscript Event OnActivate Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk(perkname) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(itemname, 1)endEvent thank you all :cool:
  12. I also do it all the time. Just don't try to make changes to a mod while the game runs. Only issue I've had is that the CK tend to gobble up RAM, if kept it running... ONe time I saw it take up 17g of memory, but I have 32g of RAM, so it wasn't like it was a an issue for me, but others mileage may vary.
  13. At a_blind_man. I tested your suggestion; I took a step out by not modifying the VIS files, since I know that having my main ESP below VIS in the load order works, I flagged it as an ESM in in FO4Edit, created a new test ESP (with my file and Automatron as masters), saved it then removed the ESM flag off of the my main file. While this did allow me to keep it below VIS, the test automatron esp was still not pulling the scripting info from the main file; items from the main file were giving items, but not the ones from the optional file. Any ideas on why that is? Nope, I redid it and this worked! I wasn't getting the empty, my companion was; I repaired Ada and ~she got the discharged repair kit. I think tested healing my compansions, and they got the empty of my stimpak... so thinks are working, woo! thank you for the help :laugh:
  14. CK sorts mods the old "Oblivion" way using timestamps of plugin files, you'll need to redate them manually to change order if your mod manager doesn't do that. How does that fix it? If my ESP is flagged an ESM and keeping it with the rest of the ESMs, how would redating help?
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