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Everything posted by 0arisaka0

  1. Hello ð I am creating a mod that will yield 'empties' when you use a consumable.. for example, then you eat a noodle cup, you get a ceramic bowl. I looked at the script Beth used to add a bottle cap when a Nuka-cola is drank and changed it for my use. My question is that I have scripts for each modified item and I'd like to combine them into one script so I'd like help in how I can have one, cohesive script that can handle it all, instead of having many. Thank you ðð
  2. ahh, I see, I shall try this :smile: Edit- Yep, that did it, thank you!
  3. Hello all :D I am making a weapon damage overhaul. I changed the combat rifle to be 5.56mm as its default caliber, but during VATS a bullet time event still shows the bullet as a .45 APC. This persists even when I put in the 308 receiver. I did notice that there is a VATS bullet PROJ, but none for 5.56mm, so I am thinking that might be a factor somehow, but even if I add one, I still don't see where I could reference it; changing the caliber keyword in the combat rifle over to 5.56mm did change it, and but I do not see any other conspicuous fields that would control this. FYI, I do have AWKCR as a master, but I do not believe this is a factor as the weapon still gets a proper 5.56mm tag. Any help would be appreciated. Attached is a snap of the combat rifle entry. thank you! :laugh:
  4. Greetings! I am in the middle of creating an archery mod. I wanted to add ranks to the Eagle Eye perk, so that the zoom increases, but I notices that any zoom setting beyond the setting in the first rank won't ever take effect. I tried increasing the priority of the other ranks in the perk to no avail. I also tried changing the perk's (for both the first and 2nd ranks of the perk) Entry Point value function to another choice other than default of "Set Value"; none of them seem to work on the perk at all. =\ Searching for other mods, I have found that they only increase the zoom by a static amount, and the only real variable one controls the zoom through a SKSE mod menu (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33808/?) I also look for information about how "Modify Bow Zoom" works, but there is nothing in the Creation Kit about it and I didn;t find anything in the net. Anyone have ideas? =)
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