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  1. I have found a solution!!!!!!!!! You can fix this problem by doing what I call a "purge" of your game. You simply delete everything in your data folder, uninstall the game, and the install it fresh. I know it's a little bit drastic but it's the only way I have found to fix a lot of problems for a lot of my games. Have Fun !! :laugh:
  2. I have found a way to fix the problem (SPOILER its a little drastic). The way I fixed it was by doing what I call a "purge" basically, you delete everything in your data folder, uninstall the game, and then install it again. Have Fun!!!! :laugh:
  3. Yeah...guess now is the waiting period...dammit :wallbash:
  4. ....that didn't solve the issue. Thanks though! That was a great suggestion. Really? Worked for me...weird... :blush: Well, Good luck!!!
  5. So basically, almost all creatures added by Dragonborn are stuck in their idle animation and can't do anything other than move while in that pose, they can't attack or anything other than look at me. It's similar to the popular "bear in T-pose" glitch. Here's what it's like: Click this!!
  6. hit the tilde (~) key and type "enableplayercontrols" and you will be able to move around and start having fun :happy:
  7. So, in my upcoming mod "Exiled Blades Armor" I think the gauntlets for the armor were ripped from Dragon Age 2 but I can't be certain if they were taken directly from the game or modeled to look like gauntlets from that game since I didn't make the model, I think a modder named KaptTorbjorn (who made the armor at my request but never posted it and is now banned for unknown reasons) made it. So the problem I have is that I don't know if those resources were copyrighted by Bioware and would be against the rules to put it up on the nexus, and if they are, I would likely be banned (I don't want to be banned). Please give me suggestions as to what I should do. Pic of gloves: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/87441
  8. All I can say is that based on the fact that KaptTorbjorn's group is set to "Banned" and he was last active back in May, I can only guess that he was banned for some reason. Shame, I may just have to upload this mod myself since I'm the only person with the files for this mod, however this means I won't be able to provide support since I CANNOT model for crap. Sounds like a plan, does it not?
  9. Great to see the armor is (partially) in game. Gottta go to school right now so I'll check back in a few hours.
  10. Firstly, that armor is BADASS!!! Secondly, good thinking on the uploading and such. Just please credit me for the original idea. I look forward to seeing it completed. Great work.
  11. That looks incredible!! Great job. Never even thought of that scarf either. Just to let you know, I fully support taking artistic/creative liberties. P.S. A few things have been nagging at me so I might as well say it now. 1. How will you be able to "send" it to me to try out? 2. Who will upload it (if one of us uploads it) for the actual, full release?
  12. Here is a breakdown of the armor bits http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=85724 Thanks by the way
  13. I got an idea about a week ago for a cool new armor in the style of, say, a "wandering Blade" evading the Thalmor and have spent a few days editing some images to get the desired look. Now I'm looking to see if anyone would be willing to make it a mod. Picture: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=85658 I will post a sort of "breakdown" picture showing where all the pieces came from and such a little later, but right now I just want to get this idea out there.
  14. Here's a link: http://modgames.net/load/249-1-0-8471?lCALEb NOTE: It's in Russian, sorry. Better than nothing I guess.
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