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  1. So, while I am a bit new to the idea of making a true follower but I can learn it. I was able to dabble with dialogue before and get things working, and many other things before. The problem I have is I cannot do meshes, textures, and other art files at all. Like, not good at that sort of stuff at all and I would need a voice actor. So, was hoping to see if I can find some talent here willing to help? As for my idea. Well, I do honestly play a lot of Paladins and I kinda want to do my own take on Fernando in Skyrim. He is a self-appointed knight who well... It's hard to explain his personality without ruining it as he has a special charm that is hilarious and love-able in it's own special way. My general basic take of him in Skyrim so far would be as follow: Fernando - Self-appointed Breton Knight who is living in Solitude and wants to go on a true grand adventure, which you can offer. Everyone in Solitude pretty much hates him because of his ego and what not as he considers himself to be the best looking and what not. Combat wise, he would be pretty easy to handle as he should be wearing his own unique suit of armor, a shield, and some sort of fire enchanted sword which probably an unique fire enchantment (not the usual) and obviously he would take off his helmet when in towns and what not. Granted, I do have more ideas to go deeper into his past in the Skyrim world, as well as personality traits and his own quest(s) but I wanna at least get the basic stuff down before going through all of that. So, if I need someone who might be open to making his armor and what not (again I'm bad at that stuff) and I need a voice actor who think can pull off the role... Sorry for asking for help... That is all.
  2. Interfaces I can understand. I feel like PC version of games should come out with their own interfaces, if the original doesn't work properly for PC users. However, graphics? I know this is subjective but who cares? Graphics are graphics. Ye'h, it's nice to make sure that games look good but there are more ways than one to make a game look good without needing the best graphics around, and games that focuses mostly on graphics become outdated way too easily honestly. Graphic heavy games tend to eventually look ugly and boring after a while. Which is why I prefer stylized graphics, be it retro, cartoon-like, or whatever. Those kind of visuals can usually look good without needing to be heavy on the machine AND they don't go outdated usually (maybe the lighting and rendering but not the graphics themselves; which means a simple update or two can fix that). It's generally why I enjoy games like Ori and the Blind Forest, TF2, Paladins, and so on. They stand out and look good because of their style, rather than having the prettiest graphics at the time of their release.
  3. My problem with the PS4 is that I don't like Sony in the current generation. They've been very anti-consumer in recent years (be it their anti-mods bs or the Fortnite problem they created for Switch users), and personally... I don't tolerate that. It's why I have an Xbox One right now over PS4 (and yes, I know Microsoft has their own fair share. There is some stuff I can tolerate, especially when it is done by both parties, but Microsoft has backed off from their terrible original design of the Xbox One). Also, personally, I do have both a gaming PC and an Xbox One. While my gaming PC isn't the best or anything but that is because I am poor in general. I can't really afford a newer and the best gaming PC out there. It's good enough to run ESO at max graphics, Paladins at max, and so on though. So I do just fine personally with it. Also, before someone asks... My Xbox was actually a Christmas Gift from my father (He won like 1,000 dollars), and no. I couldn't have him buy me a gaming PC because he is too stupid to understand the parts and what not when it comes to technology. It's easier to just say "I want an Xbox One". That example is honestly why I like consoles... They're convenience and easy to use, maintain, and play. Sure, gaming PCs are too but mostly for us nerds that already uses computers a lot. However, you gotta remember that the vast majority of the audience are casual people who don't even know what RAM does and just wants a simple plug and play "computer". It's why consoles do dominate the market (as much as you may hate to admit it... The console audience I believe is larger than the PC audience right now; if we discount people like myself who owns both). Personally though, I like having one due to the convenience of them too. It is much easier to pick up and move my console around and play it than my whole PC set. Even recently, where my room was being worked on. I couldn't easily find a new spot for my PC set, so I just move my desk into a safe spot in the room while the one wall gets worked on, and then just move my console upstairs, set it up in the kitchen, and just played w/e I have on it while my wall was being worked on. Or perhaps I am going to a friend's place or a family member's place... I can easily bring my console over but not my PC... And so on... That and some games I do honestly enjoy more so on my Xbox than PC, and I know. I can use an Xbox controller on my PC, and I don't care honestly... ~Edit~ Also, quick note on Sony Exclusives... They are all like the same game. Story driven 3rd person shooter/slasher with a mixture of crafting and stealth elements.
  4. Jusey1


    I'm not entirely sure where to ask for this and if it isn't even allowed at all, please go ahead and lock this thread. Move this thread if need be as-well... As for what I am asking for here... I'm currently looking for fellow mod authors or even game devs for a project that I have kinda started in my head. I already have like 4 more people on board but the project is a big new game. We're talking about a huge open world RPG type of thing... Full nine yards! Sadly, I can't pay you for your work quite yet but anyone who has free time or just likes to mod or make stuff can join our team, and help us get the ball rolling. So far, the plan overall is to make a game based on the Avali race (originated from a mod for another game and the current people who runs that mod is fine with this project). The story is that a colony of this race has left their home, due to a war going on, and they find a new planet. It just so happen that the new good home for them is Earth, but during a new ice age... So, the player will be playing this highly advanced species, landing onto a frozen wasteland human world, and it is your job to help your species make friends with the survivors or to eliminate the potential problem and threat by other means... (Though note. I do have an idea allowing the player to play as a human as well but that'll be done secondary, after the Avali story and what-not)... Overall, we have decided to use the Unreal Engine for this game. The graphic style we choose because it allows the game to stand out and be easier to make, but it also allows the Avali race to look much better overall. They might be too scary looking with proper realistic graphics due to the nature of their species... Anyways, I've rambled on enough. If you wanna join the team and help us get this ball rolling, then please go ahead and respond here or DM me. I'll give you a Discord link to join the server and get ya in the team. Thanks for reading. ~Jusey1~
  5. We don't know much about Fallout 76 and most of the rumors sounds false to me anyways. We might be able to mod Fallout 76 just fine because it could be more of an co-op online game, rather than online matchmaking or MMO, which I think is more reasonable and more likely to be, since this is still a BGS game. So, I recommend just wait and see. E3 isn't that far away so we'll learn what's going on very soon. Then I recommend getting mad or happy based on that experience.
  6. Well... All Wyverns are Dragons, but not all Dragons are Wyverns. People tend to forget that "Dragon" is a category, not a specific animal. Actually, the common four-legged dragon that we all know are actually called "Western Dragons", because the Chinese Dragons that are more serpent-like are called "Eastern Dragons". Granted, the human races aren't very clever at naming animals at times, including mythical. However, my point is still there. "Dragon" is just a category. Wyverns can easily be called Dragons just like how you can call the serpent Eastern Dragons just by that one simple word. It's a simple thing that I feel like all people should know by default, since this rule applies to every group of animals there is. It's like saying that a snake isn't a snake because it is a King Cobra... Most people should tell you "Um... It's still a snake." because it is a snake. King Cobras are still part of the snake family.
  7. I don't think you truly understand how money works for a game company like Bethesda... Firstly, the money that a game makes is split up between Zenimax (the direct owner of Bethesa), Bethesda Softworks (publisher), and Bethesda Game Studios (creators). From the there, the money isn't directly given to any specific person but rather used to pay off the people working there overtime. Think about this for just a mere second... Where do the money comes from that they use to pay off everybody working at BGS? It comes from the sales of their last game and is split between the hundreds of people who has worked on the game, including voice actors, scripters, and so on. This money has to be continue to be used to pay everybody for their work currently on the current project until they make more money on their next release, or via other means... Since, before, it was taking around 4-6 years for Bethesda to release their next title, it takes some time, and the money made from their last project has to sustain those years of work. On top of that, the games has been improved over the years. Taking longer as time goes by and requiring more people to make said games, such as more voice actors for example due to having every NPC fully voiced. Which means, more money is required to pay everybody off. Plus, right now, Bethesda is currently working on two new projects that isn't Elder Scrolls or Fallout, which these products can EASILY flop and make barely any money for when they put all of their work on Elder Scrolls 6... What does Bethesda needs to do in order to keep their company working? Well, we saw the first thing they tried already which was a lazy attempt at paid mods and that failed, for good reasons. The second thing they tried was Fallout Shelter and Elder Scrolls Legends card game. Games meant to add sustain to a company. It does seems that Fallout Shelter is successfully working but I don't think many people really care about Legends that much, which in turn is probably why E3 this year had that Skyrim expansion for Legends. It's familiarity to hopefully draw in a bigger crowd to the game. And now, the current newest thing is the Creation Club which they're are actually working on to release new content for fans, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing is currently unseen but once this Creation Club is out, then we will know... Anyways, what I am saying that the money made is used to pay everybody off during their off-time. Let's go back to McDonalds example. Sure, you do more work on a busy week but what happens if NOBODY comes for the next week? The extra money made from the previous week is used to pay off the workers for that week, simply as that. Even if you get no service, you're still being paid for your work. That is completely fair. You're being paid for using your time and doing the work, even if you aren't doing much to begin with. Not because you're selling things while doing nothing.
  8. A pretty simple change. I wanna see the Heavy variants of the Dawnguard Gauntlets and boots to be recolored to better match with the Heavy sets. They're currently using the same stuff as the light variants. Thing is, they look fine as a whole. It's the brown coloring that is just very off putting from the rest of the outfit. So a different color would be much appreciated. Dawnguard is my favorite suit of armor in the game but ever since getting the suit in SSE, it has became much more apparent on the awful matching that the boots and gauntlets have to the rest of the outfit... So yeah, would love if someone can do this. I would if I wasn't terrible at this sort of stuff.
  9. There's a mod which is hidden now on the Nexus but you can still get it via the Steam Workshop. It's the Bard mod for well more immersion with joining the Bard's College, allowing you actually play musical instruments and that sort of stuff. I've also done a minor little mod which I consider as an Realistic mod cause well it makes the Bound Arrows explode-able. I feel like having the land being littered by bound arrows that never really get cleaned up is kinda annoying and also unrealistic as bound equipment usually goes away and why would bound arrows stay forever, ya know? Other than that, other people has beaten me to mentioning a lot of other good mods. So, don't have much else to add in. However, if you want lore friendly mods which adds in more to the game. I do have a few suggestions.
  10. I wouldn't mind watching this project but am curious. Are you doing a thing where you can find a way onto the island or trying to turn the books into an actual game so to say? Since obviously, having the island active is lore breaking due to well it no longer being in the sky by Skyrim's time.
  11. I prefer to keep the No cool down thing to an enchanted item. I have a Dragonborn Amulet hidden in one of my mods. If I feel like doing the no cool down thing for fun, I'll go and get that amulet. If not, I leave it alone or just don't wear it.
  12. I am obviously a Paladin. No surprise there.
  13. Yes for me, though I'll be getting both the XONE version and PC version. PC because it'll be free for me, and I can use it update my mods to the new version for everyone and update my private stuff for my own usage as well. XONE version though because my PC isn't a gaming PC and honestly, Bethesda's games has always been more fun on the Xbox for me. Even with Morrowind. It's just, PC version always had mods and now that's changed... Well, I wanna give Skyrim a try on the Xbox once again just with mods. Would definably give me more of a reason to play Morrowind and Daggerfall even more often on the PC since my Skyrim progress will primarily be on the Xbox once this Remaster version comes out. Plus, I'm all for supporting Bethesda.
  14. I'll be another vote on the Delphine case.
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