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About brylem

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  1. Something like this but with NPCs generally having more reactivity to guns being fired near them for no reason (or presumably an attack that missed), beyond blandly saying "hey, cut that out!". A big immersion-breaking thing while out and about in the wastes is that when you shoot an NPC and miss, and they wouldn't even give it the ghost of a moment's notice. Could that be changed? Also it would be great if creatures would run away from or seek the source of gunshots as well.
  2. Would it be at all doable to assign random animations or sets of animations to NPCs, for example to give them all different gaits, mannerisms (idles), weapon stances and fighting styles? PCEA does it for the player character, so can it be done for NPCs through a patcher or an addon to FNIS or something?
  3. Something like this New Vegas mod but for Skyrim. For those epic moments of fighting a guy off a cliff or precipice or whatever raised platform have you; and watching him fall helplessly to the ground/water instead of bolt upright. Long live the King.
  4. Hey guys. I stumbled upon this mod and liked the idea of prohibiting the player from exploiting cell reset to farm Daedra hearts and such. However, I also don't think it's very immersive for you to be leaving a burning trail of extinction wherever you go, turning Skyrim lifeless by the time you get to the end of the main quest. So I figured it would be great if we had a mod like Genesis; except instead of encounters you get varied spawns inside a cell every time it resets. This makes it so that the player doesn't end up being able to predict what's going to spawn in a cell after he's passed through it a couple times, leaving him to guess what enemies will be present, and where they'll be coming from. Of course, it shouldn't be too crazy with Horkers appearing in the middle of the Reach or whatnot. This would also simulate the migration and wandering of creatures and humanoid NPCs throughout Skyrim. It shouldn't be impossible that a player would chance upon a particularly adventurous giant having a stroll deep in the woods, or maybe a bullheaded one messing with farmers and travelers outside city walls like the one the Companions slew when you first encounter them.
  5. This probs won't get made, but just putting it out there for any like-minded individuals to pick up. If you're like me and play with the Enhanced Camera mod with Third Person arms enabled, you weren't able to enjoy Hitman's Ammo and Condition checking mod, which features cool animations for checking how much ammo you have left and inspecting your weapon for damage. Still, the info popups were great for eliminating the need for the Ammo and CND counters, but it'd be great if we can see our character pulling off those cool animations in realistic first person view.
  6. Whoops. Silly me. Thanks for pointing that out.
  7. I'm curious as to why this common social media feature hasn't been implemented on the Nexus yet. It gets kinda hard to track your comments on mods and see whether or not somebody has replied to them.
  8. Hello all. The problem mentioned in the title might be just because of my shitty PC specs but a lot of times when I walk far enough most of the sounds cut out for a couple of seconds and then play all at once when the cell loads completely. I have NVAC and the Stutter Remover installed, yet this still happens. Is there a fix for this or is it just an engine thing?
  9. After reading the FOV Slider mod page I found out that it conflicts with Powered Power Armor, and that the latter mod has its own FOV controls. Guess this was just another stupid case of not reading on my part. Thanks for the help.
  10. I used Enhanced Camera with third person arms (I'm one of those "muh immersion" gamers), and one of the first things I've noticed was that certain animations that play in third person (e.g. drinking from sinks and bodies of water) do not play in first person at all. Recently I've installed the fantastic Solid Project mod by TommInfinite, and I realized that this sort of extends to mod-added third person animations as well. He provides some fantastic sprinting animations for the third person world model, but when in first person view, the animation that shows is simply the basic running animation. I've also seen this happen with the Animated Chems mod and the Sit Anywhere mod, where the animations either force the camera into a third person perspective or not play altogether. This kind of thing is a non-issue in Skyrim with Enhanced Camera, so I was wondering if it was a Gamebryo thing and if a mod can be made to fix this. Since there are mods like Animated Sleeping that allow animations previously unavailable to the player to play in first person, I was thinking that maybe there could be a fix for this.
  11. Unset all .ini files from read-only, and moved FOV Slider mod below the Bashed Patch. No dice. I guess it's worth noting that I use Mod Organizer, which uses its own .ini files, but in those files I've set both World FOV and First Person FOV to 95.
  12. I use the Realistic Reloading component of the Gun Behavior Mod Merge, which requires the player to manually press the reload key to reload weapons. However the game expects that the reload animation would just play automatically when a mag runs dry, so in lieu of that the bolt just keeps blowing back for automatic weapons when the fire button is held down. I was thinking maybe someone can write a script or something that makes the weapon revert to the dryfire state it goes into in the vanilla game when ammo is completely depleted, in which it gives a dry click instead of the bolt being possessed by radiation ghosts. I know it's specific to GBMM/ Realistic Reloading users, but just putting it out there for anyone who might be interested.
  13. Dunno if this has been posted before, but anyway: I want to set my FOV to 95 but it keeps reverting to 75. I tried everything from messing with the Fallout.ini, FalloutPrefs.ini, and Fallout_Default.ini files, to the fov console command to the FOV Slider mod and nothing. When using the console command and the FOV Slider mod the fov zooms out for a fraction of a second before smoothly zooming in back to 75 again. Could a mod be causing this? I checked my load order using FNVEdit and I figured any changes to FOV should show up under Game Settings but there's nothing there.
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