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  1. Man, I sure hope we get the chance to chat again someday! I sure miss you and hope life is treating you well. *great big hugs!* :D
  2. ♫ 。*H*A*P*P*Y* 。 *N*E*W* 。 *Y*E*A*R* 。♫
  3. Head toward your own Horizon. Your journey still goes on.
  4. Go Oni GO!!! Man, your stories are so awesome, I really think it would be a good idea to put links to all your older stuff, even from last year as it all is getting connected and starting coming together more as time goes by. I think many others will be as enthralled by it as I am :D
  5. Oh gosh! Hello!


  6. Hey Oni, hope you're doing great bro :D
  7. A belated happy birthday to you, my friend. Hope all is well.
  8. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=97837 Another new one. I'm a bit happier with the way this turned out.
    1. TreborMarg


      I just read this... damn Oni, you really caught me with this part! Your story telling just keeps climbing, I wonder if I'll ever see the pinnacle of it sometimes! Truly awesome work my friend, I'm hanging on a limb to read the next chapters :D
  9. 1002: Carry a tilde around with you everywhere. 1003: You can alter reality as much as you want, but the more you do it, the more likely it is for the universe will collapse in on itself. 1004: Beware tears in the land. What lies beyond them is more terrifying than the pits of Oblivion. 1005: Keep an eye out for large exclamation marks encased in yellow diamonds.
  10. Well, I'm not an expert on the subject by any means, but the way I've dealt with it in the past is to use the console, target the pc, then use createfullactorcopy and tai to freeze the model. After that, I change the fov if I want, turn on tcl and stary shooting.
  11. A new story/image. Not too proud of the image, but I couldn't seem to get a good angle. :/ http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=97746
    1. TreborMarg


      I agree, but I have to say the posing and the way it connects so well to the story really makes up for it :D
  12. Been in Alaska....glad to see you peeked hun!
  13. Sometimes I like to imagine what life would be like if I were a sandwich. Those ephemeral slices of bread with their delicious fillings... Let us spare a moment of silence for the food that brings us sustenance.
    1. Lisnpuppy


      I would want to be a big, layered one with thick filling bread and lots of juicy condiments.....hmmm
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