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man in the can

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Status Updates posted by man in the can

  1. I have some ideas(only for Dragon age origins and awakening) for making armors and i want to give them to professionals to make it real.

    P.S.Sorry about my english

  2. It is very important.
  3. ok ive added a britsh phonebooth anf the bow section of the wreck of the titanic
  4. ur welcome, sorry for the extremely late reply. happy V-day!and other stuff.
  5. hi from me! how are you?
  6. hi, from man in the can, how are you ?
  7. hi cloudychan! how are you?
  8. not much, how about you?
  9. gave you star rating.
  10. thks much for sight, brings me joy and sunshine!
  11. thanks for the image though gave me a clear idea for what size i need to make it so i dont get a strike or even worse....banned!
  12. cool sig man and love the one you gave me, but swithced to something else i found.
  13. there it is done and on there perfect. thanks!
  14. yeah i stalk video games on the shelves, suck so much... but being payed is so worth it, some one offers you 30$ hour a day you dont turn that down.
  15. is that kakashi at the bottom or is it someone else?

    yea!! for blond headed orange jumpsuit super asian ninja kid!!

    and i like halo:odst just a little not alot, really into AVP:2010 game sick and badass graphics.

  16. like your penguin space marine.:)
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