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About toadlet

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    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    l4d2, dayz, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, fallout 3
  • Favourite Game
    fallout tactics and Diablo 2

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  1. free stuff , yes please . cheers.
  2. Wow, it's been a while since I looked at this part of my nexus stuff.
  3. Hi all. I'm splitting my time between fallout 4 and conan exiles. I'm looking forward to mass effect andromeda.
  4. In response to post #27851849. #27852459 is also a reply to the same post. well said.
  5. In response to post #27772820. #27773245, #27785260, #27787150, #27827605 are all replies on the same post. I disagree with your comment, Comix777. You cannot use the nexus survey to prove or disprove how many male or female gamers there actually are. I know many people who are very anti-modding regarding their own gaming, so therefore these people are probably not even be signed up to nexus, let alone answering this survey, regardless of sex. All you can take away from this survey is that there are more male users of nexus than female (who bothered to do the survey).
  6. "Hmmm you didn't give me much to go on. What about location? Is it rebuild of original Skyrim home or is it custom made? Is there a quest to get it? I need more info my friend." cheers Darkangel13, I found it! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27578/ ended up searching on youtube for vids on player homes and found it that way. Thanks for trying. :biggrin:
  7. Hi, I am trying to find out the name of a player home mod, I hope I can get help here. It is a beautiful and painstakingly created home, the outside has a waterwheel on the side of the house. It isn't a huge manor, it's more for just one or two people. I can't remember how many bedrooms, I think maybe one. It had a gorgeous study, kitchen and I think there was a door to the cellar outside. The whole thing was just so special. It was featured in a video, but again I don't remember who. If I remember more about it, I'll add the info. Thanks in advance. :geek:
  8. I can't seem to get a straight answer, is there mounted combat for mages in the new dlc? I know it is hinted at in 1.8 update, but has anyone got it on xbox that can say if it exists? EDIT= I mean casting on Horseback, not dragon.
  9. Maybe I need to explain what I meant. :confused: Or maybe you lot don't know how or care. :wallbash: I want to be able to use the display cases in the hearthfire homes in the same way as the original player homes - ie. you hold the weapon you want to put in case, then click the case and it goes into case, similar to the weapon racks. :geek: I don't see why they didn't make the hearthfire cases the same as the original player homes, it's not like you can drop and put items in, they don't stay, or worse, someone in household picks them up from cases and either brings them to you saying you dropped it or two of your household fight over the items. :ohmy: cheers :teehee:
  10. Hi, Can someone (someone more talented in CK than I) please fix the glass topped display boxes/cupboards to work like the ones we got in the original player homes (ie. the house in windhelm etc.)? It's driving me batty. Cheers. :ermm:
  11. finding shooting arrows at moving objects while on horseback difficult!
  12. Mmm nom nom, lovely cookies they were. I don't think it's over extending, I think any game that can use mods should have a nexus community, as a whole, people here are good and helpful.
  13. works fine. cheers for update.
  14. consider yourself reported wyldsong
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