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About Cecallred

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    United States

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  1. Heh, the picture they released looks like Dog City Denver :-)
  2. Nevermind... Project Freeside is the name. Found it ... if you haven't tried it though, give it a shot...
  3. Odd question guys. I have so many mods running and I can't remember which one adds a train in Sloan that goes to Freeside. It's supposed to go to RepConn HQ but doesn't or I haven't updated it. What's the name of the mod?
  4. I'm still working on my Doom2 levels :)
  5. PL's Feral Ghoul Reavers that could bring down a Behemoth. 'Nuff said ;)
  6. A little late but yes, Happy Veteran's Day and thanks. No matter the reason you're a Vet and no matter the reasons behind the actions of the nation's leaders. Thanks for being there. I'm Ex-Army, grew up an Army Brat and loved every minute of it except for the coffins flown in with friends inside. That makes it personal for me. Glad you guys are still there, wish all of you were home safe.
  7. Systems Administrator, servers/network/work stations etc. I'm a one man show in a small company. Not much I don't like about it to be honest. The users can do stupid things but that keeps me in a job and for the most part they do try to learn. Like others here I've done a lot of things in my life from working a commercial shrimp boat in Texas when I was younger to running teams on construction jobs to bartending... Two sons, two grand daughters. it's a good life.
  8. I'm running it (Steam version) on Win7 x64 and it runs fine. The first thing I did though was to start it with no mods or hacks and checked that it ran fine. After that I added mods until one crashed and then left it off. I only lost maybe 10 mods that worked fine with XP Pro and the rest are doing well. Try a fresh install or don't run any mods at first. Be sure your video and sound drivers are good (I went to the website for each, I didn't use the Windows update drivers)
  9. On my third play through and I still make mistakes.. but my first time was the best: Cars, who doesn't learn about those the hard way? Deathclaw encounter very soon after leaving the vault and I have a 10mm. I chose to run up and shoot it. Minefield, I never looked DOWN. I thought the sniper had explosive bullets... Duh... Didn't know about button mapping the weapons to the keyboard. Also the Pipboy light. Caverns and sewers can be real dark. Thought Pulse Grenades would work well on Mutants and pulse mines would work on Mr. Gutsies. Grabbed the Teddy Bear from the shopping cart and went for a walk without looking back. Accidently "stumbled" into Evergreen Mills early in the game with the same 10mm and a beat up assault rifle.
  10. The one I hated was where your bullets go through the Deathclaw and don't hurt them. But they can still take you out fast. I emptied an entire clip just before getting swiped out of existence by one. The sewers in Old Olney are no place for that to happen. :blink:
  11. I'm running Windows 7 Pro x64 and it's much faster and smoother. Win 7 is supposed to stop errant software crashes from bringing down the entire system.... well, FO3 can still lock it to the point it takes a hard reset to bring it back up :D
  12. I'm on my third run through in FO3 and have the same issue as before... what to do with all of the money? I use ammo as well as caps to buy and sell and I still have something on the order of 25,000 caps on hand. Am I the only who wishes there was more to the bargaining than there is? Granted, partly it's my play style at work. I only use an assault rifle, .44 pistol and a sniper rifle so i don't need a lot. I wish there was more to the system and more places to spend it on. I limit myself to carrying only 20 stimpaks and half of that in Rad-X and Radaway so I don't need to buy a lot. What do you guys do with yours?
  13. I loved the Pitt, but if you can only get one right now, I'll also toss in my vote for Point Lookout.
  14. Along with the above mentioned mods, play with a follower. They end to get a lot of the kills (I use the Lcuy West follower mod) and that keeps my XP levels down. I also use a mod that decreases my XP levels for each perk I use by 25%. I'm now getting 75% less XP, I'm halfway through the game again and I'm not even up to level 12 yet.
  15. Yes, I agree with Spammster... considering what you've said of yourself, I would bypass Bioshock and TimeShift both.
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