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Everything posted by SkeldHailstorm

  1. For all the good it will do, I'll ask once again: why do you keep trying to fix that which isn't broken?
  2. I don't think I'll ever understand why does Nexus staff feel the need to break a good thing, and when people finally manage to get used to it, break it again. It feels as if updates are being pushed out for updates' sake, without actually improving anything. This whole obsession with looking as modern as possible is doing nothing but harming the site's usability and alienating existing users. A few years ago, when I complained about the new UI update, I was told I should've spoken out sooner (despite me having absolutely no way of knowing about it). This time, I do know, and I am speaking out: for the sake of all that's good and holy, don't fix what isn't broken. By all means, implement the improvements, but leave the UI alone.
  3. Or! how there is no good weapon-on-back unsheathe animation when mounted. This too needs to be done.
  4. At first glance, I can only repeat what I said to SirSalami: this thing frightens me. I can't really understand anything I see there. Doesn't look very user friendly, all things considered. I never used Mod Organizer, but I tried Wrye Bash for a short time. Looking back at them, their interfaces looked ancient as hell. Not necessarily a bad thing, but not good in my experience. I never actually got used to WB and I don't think I'll ever be using MO. However, Vortex's interface looks too modern. Looks more aesthetic than functional to be honest. This may not sit well with some users. Doesn't sit well with me, that's for sure. To put it the best I can, as far as interfaces were concerned: WB and MO looked like Windows 95 and Windows 2000, respectively. NMM looks like Windows XP. Vortex looks like Windows 10. I have a feeling that this was a too large of a leap from NMM's simple and very useful mechs. Like you skipped the metaphorical Windows 7. Highly unlikely that my voice will mean a bloody thing in a long run, but at least I said what was on my soul.
  5. In response to post #55996416. #56001046, #56004111, #56006271 are all replies on the same post. I've recently been struck down by one of the users (premium or support, can't remember) for complaining about the lack of functionality of the new design. His argument was that I did not pitch in my vote in time. I did not even know that the voting took place. And now we have hundreds, maybe even thousands of Nexus regulars that agree with me. Why aren't we taken into consideration now? What's the deal with this new design anyway? The interface is horrible. Old Nexus works just fine, and is pretty enough. Why even make a new when people are still satisfied with the old? For some pointless modernization? Is the purpose of this site for administrators to graze their eyes upon, or for us common folk to use it? Bottom line, the new design is like a golden raincoat: it may look dazzling (though it does not, in this case) but is horribly impractical, and even crippling to the one that wears it (which it does, in both cases). And why the hell are some sups/prems so rude about all of this?
  6. In response to post #55648511. #55648746 is also a reply to the same post. If I knew about this poll, I would have voted.
  7. I said it before, I'll say it again: if it isn't broken don't fix it, less you plan to break it. And you pretty much broke it. Heck, I'm typing this from Old Nexus, because that site is decent in appearance, and gets the job done 100%. Meanwhile, new nexus is disgustingly modern, and not practical at all. If this is a site for users (which it is) let us have a vote in how it works. It would only be fair.
  8. By what I've seen, the response to the new design has been overwhelmingly negative. Why do they still keep it up? The current one is just right. Why fix it if it isn't broken?
  9. I don't like it. It's far too complex, cubical, and bland compared to a current design.
  10. I have a problem with Papyrus logs in Skyrim. Despite having modified Skyrim.ini, the logs are nowhere to be found, and the folder which should contain them does not exist. Necessary path: Libraries/Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Logs Exixting path: Libraries/Documents/My Games/skyrim I am using Nexus Mod Manager.
  11. For some reason, none of my followers have a dismiss option; I think it started when I tried to use console to set Ysolda as my follower (I wanted to change her apparel). After that, all of my followers, and to-be-followers lost the dismiss option. It did reappear once though; I continued where I left of, recruited Brelyna, and MANAGED to dismiss her after a few minutes. After that, it returned to no dismissal. I can still get my followers to tire of waiting, but it takes too long.
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