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  1. Have you ever wanted to get rid of some one say Wuunferth the Unliving .Then do I have Ideal for you. A mod so you can keep using Boethiah pillar over and over With benefits. make a friend (or sucker you never wanted as friend) with some type of follower mod or better yet make one to fit the mod lure the new buddy with Gold, promises of sex, power,or what ever. take to the pillar and .....you know wack them. the first one to start the quest 2nd one and on would give you the choice of dragon soul, black soul gem, boots in destruction power, health, stamina, magcia, or summon vengeance army for each npc killed get the power to raise army of spirits . The best part of the mod would be sacrificing friends that you never wanted like Wuunferth what a better end could we hope for. Or wait how about Ulfric of course this would brake quests but so what lets have freedom to be dexter like. I can guess the out rage its sick and you would be right but i'm playing a evil sorceress. As a evil sorceress I need options raising the dead is fine but there is got to be better ways (funner) ways to get some more power (insert insanity laughing) I'm not alone . before you start you cant tell me its the same mod ideal it part of his yes it is . my ideal is more less based on Dragon Souls to Perk Points by NullCascade ,but with people.
  2. well I dont Like WoW my self but I would not mind seeing the some of the Npcs like dragons and such to fight. As for the actors or what ever WoW calls them player controlled P.C. . That would be neat as well more the mary'ir . I don't know of deep hate of WoW here but i never looked or asked any one here. I would like to see a sexy Succubus that renders a npc still That would be fun Summons. I guess what trying to say is this there is some fun and good things in any game with open modding community we all hope to add or at lest just give Ideas out in the open .Me I still want some to look at fighting clothes for fighting Games for street Fighter mortal Kombat darkstarkers games.We all have likes and dislikes .
  3. First off let me just state that this good post even if the Developers never look it witch would be Sad but must likely true. For the posts here I have read every one of them.unless your a Idiot there dose seams to a trend here. The game looks Good the Graphics's are par none so far. The game is lacking in the Content of the first game making it not the same game or worse not even a RPG ,but a FPS game instead. Well like most that posted I played The Elder Scrolls Morrowind it was my first RPG that I liked no other RPG came close of taking my hours a way from me like that one did.Simply because I could play my way not just the way the developers wanted me to play there game only I.E. Final fantasy.or any other RPG at the time of Morrowind. Now with Oblivion I must play there way with little freedom or non at all some times.That is what kills me I know every game Developers is making Games to look better and taking the fun or the new Ideals out of there games.They build there games for kids in mind not Adults.Thats what kids want some thing Newer or better looking Graphics's Doom 3 or Half-Life 2 They look better but they have not changed.As for the more mind oriented Games like Civilization or one of my all time best Real time strategies Games HomeWorld The Game Developers Make a dumb down sequel but better looking of the game. Why kids don't need to use there head to think they just like to look all the Graphics's and if you a Fan and Dumb to buy for the name then great they made there money. Why say all of this ONE thing Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax Media company made Games that where just opposites of this type of Game Developing well till now that is.Now that there bigger there making games just for lower I.Q.s only its happened with not just P.C. but as well with console too Take look at Halo vs. Halo 2 if they would made Halo 2 before 1 I dare say that there would not have been that big of deal for the game. It lacked the feel of doing things YOUR way instead of allowing freedom it strips your choices to one path only. As for the next Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax Media company Game I well not buy till hits the low bargain ben. why I don't feel they the Developers need my money all that much if there not willing to make games better or at least the same. Hell Half life 2 and Doom 3 could pull that off.
  4. could you not just add a race that is a monster add all the animation there and then make it pick able for a race if you cant edit the face or gender then make have equable masks that give the face and gender or have clothes as well this way all the animations would not bleed over to all the n.p.c. like the bandits ? or in this case three classes of fighting hell this could be a work a round two weapons fighting as well. but I digress I don't know if thats even possible. not a modder and if did work can you Imagen all the mods just to have the cloths work for the monsters LOL
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