Do you take every point of view that isn't identical to yours that much personal? I have my own sources of information about Technology but i wont argue with you so you can feel happier. I know its important to you. And if you don't like walls of text maybe we can use a better language ''A diplomatic one'' that is less repetitive and more rich that requires less text to deliver the same amount of information. French for example. How about German? Oh, sorry i know. Most native English speakers don't even know a second language so its us who have to struggle to appeal to their aesthetics... Well no thank you. Not worth my time. Is your goal to appear the smart one Online so you can fill with self confidence you lack? Is that why you are so offensive to everyone and everytime? Don't answer me, just get angry. Punch your hand on your desk and start screaming at your monitor. Good boy. Now bite your desk! That's a good boy! Woof woof! Gime a f*#@ing break!