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About jjc71

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  1. [sOLVED] After following the fantastic info provided by @dubiousintent and @Mktavish, I have fixed my problem. I followed all the helpful hints and tips, many which I'd already implemented previously. I moved my game folder away from C:\Program Files(x86)\ to another partitioned drive. I updated my 4gb patcher, NVSE, stutter remover, ini tweaks and shader package 13, but still the problem persisted. I landed up at the TTW performance page and stumbled across http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/61265 which replaces the old ogg vorbis .dll files and hey presto. I'd basically given up at the point of replacing the ogg vorbis files so I was bloody amazed. I'd have never pinpointed it as being related to audio. Thanks again to dubious and Mktavish.
  2. That is a good shout. I remember using that tweak guide many moons ago. It might be worth a revisit.
  3. Thank you so much for such a detailed reply. I really appreciate it. You have given me plenty to go on. I couldn't have asked for more. I'll report back if and when I crack this problem. If anybody else has experienced anything similar, I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks again Dubious
  4. The Problem: During the end of my last play through of Tales of Two Wastelands (New Vegas/Fallout 3), I began to notice I was dropping about 20 fps every 15 seconds. The slow down would last for about 15 seconds and then it would go back to normal. I initially thought it must be a broken quest script or something. I decided to do a fresh install and new game with no mods, and low and behold, the problem was still there. I'm wracking my brain at this point. My hardware is high-end so it is not that. If anyone can shed any light or give something to go on, I'd be eternally grateful. Thanks JJ
  5. As a front-end developer for many years, I applaud @Dark0ne and the staff at Nexus for the fixes and updates they have made to the new design. It has certainly improved BUT, in terms of HCI (Human Computer Interaction), it remains flawed. The new design is not as good as the old design and this must be worrying for the Nexus team. If it does not worry them, then I am worried for the future of the Nexus. In my humble opinion, the new design in its current state will cost the Nexus to lose a section of its LOYAL fanbase. That is a very dangerous game to play. It has been established what is disliked about the new design: Visual overload, poor use of colour theory, not intuitive, doesn't flow, too much scrolling etc. These are school boy errors BUT, they are trying to remedy those problems. It appears to me that the UI developers have tried to copy the current trends for web design instead of just building on the strengths of the the old design and augmenting those features. The old saying 'You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater' certainly rings true in this instance.
  6. In response to post #55305648. #55306153, #55309998, #55314643 are all replies on the same post. You're wasting your time bro. Don't you know the customer is always wrong?
  7. I love embracing new things, and usually embrace new things very quickly. I'm afraid that in my humble opinion, the guys at Nexus have dropped a huge clanger with the new design. I hold a degree in Web Design and Development, and simply put, this design does not flow, and is far from intuitive. It just looks a complete mess. The new design will put me off visiting the site. Sorry guys.
  8. Making mods shouldn't be about popularity but should be about passion. If you are passionate about your mod and hardworking then chances are others will appreciate and enjoy your efforts. That is what it's all about.
  9. Wouldn't that chage it for all vanilla worldspaces and not just the custom one? It would yes, so you would need to create a script to control these variables.
  10. Check out the fTimeSpan variables in the Gameplay>Settings menu. Set them all to the desired time of day.
  11. Crashing right after the Bethesda screen is highly likely to be caused by a missing .esm (master file). One of your .esp files is looking for a masterfile that isn't there. I'm not familiar with all the mods you have so you will have to check their dependencies. EDIT: I've just noticed this regarding SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp. BOSS notes: Uninstall old version of Skyrim Flora Overhaul if using SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp. You have Skyrim Flora Overhaul active as well. That might be worth checking.
  12. This definitely works. Ran round for awhile near Whiterun, Riverwood etc. What was always noticeable before I installed this patch was the jerky slowdowns would occur when LODs where loading in the distance. Now, they load without any jerky motions. The gameplay is simply smooth. I'm yet to give this a full run out but from just 15 minutes play I can see a massive improvement.
  13. I got to do new skies and godrays for the videos. I was happy. :laugh:
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