As a front-end developer for many years, I applaud @Dark0ne and the staff at Nexus for the fixes and updates they have made to the new design. It has certainly improved BUT, in terms of HCI (Human Computer Interaction), it remains flawed. The new design is not as good as the old design and this must be worrying for the Nexus team. If it does not worry them, then I am worried for the future of the Nexus. In my humble opinion, the new design in its current state will cost the Nexus to lose a section of its LOYAL fanbase. That is a very dangerous game to play. It has been established what is disliked about the new design: Visual overload, poor use of colour theory, not intuitive, doesn't flow, too much scrolling etc. These are school boy errors BUT, they are trying to remedy those problems. It appears to me that the UI developers have tried to copy the current trends for web design instead of just building on the strengths of the the old design and augmenting those features. The old saying 'You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater' certainly rings true in this instance.