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Everything posted by Aphoxema

  1. One of my favorite mods on Skyrim is Praan Ul - Your Senses Fade Away as Death Embraces You ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69468/ ) which I would love to have on FO4. That combined with the blank loading screen mod ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1852/ ) made death in the game FAR more interesting. It's way more immersive than being pulled into third person to watch yourself flop around sadly for a moment then going to a loading screen that absolutely reminds you you're just playing a game.
  2. I'm surprised I couldn't find something like this already. I don't want to make my follower invulnerable or unprotected, but when I screw up and kill them I count that as a failure and I'm going to reload anyways. It could be a script with an MCM toggle, whenever the message would be displayed saying "A follower has died" then it will just kill the player.
  3. I really like this mod for Skyrim... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69468/? Where it makes it so when you die your vision either fades away or just instantly goes blank a la Sopranos finale. I'd love to see an immersive death mod in FO4.
  4. For Skyrim I liked this mod... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1852/? Which takes all the features off the loading screen, which pairs really well with the realistic death mod where the screen just goes blank. The loadingmenu.swf actually works with FO4 out of the box, but the CRT image normally in the background is still there, so to port this mod someone just has to override that with a black image but I have no clue how to figure out what the filename for the loading screen background is.
  5. It's kind of silly that... well... okay. If I'm an archer and I got someone coming up on me, I have the bow in my left hand and my right hand normally holds my arrows. Why would I punch someone with my bow (with my weak arm) instead of use my free hand to grab my dagger? I mean, or spells too. There should be a mod that just uses whatever one-handed weapon you had equipped last as your melee attack instead of slapping people with a relatively fragile bow. It'd make sneak attacks with daggers more convenient, too. I just hate having to switch weapons because I use a lot of immersive stuff and a controller. Maybe I'm just picky u.u
  6. I like hardcore immersion but I still get lost as hell sometimes, and what would be awesome is if I could just look straight up and after a moment something indicating direction could appear, but not as a UI asset but as something that appears in the world even if it's not super fancy.
  7. I solved it by extracting Update.bsa and overwriting everything it came across. I don't know what mod might have broke it or what but, well, it's fixed for me now. Specifically, my guess is meshes\actors\character\behaviors\crossbow_direction_behavior.hkx
  8. I've been having the animation problem, too. I thought it was from extracting all the BSAs for modding but I can't figure out how to fix it.
  9. This seems to be an accurate list... 0: Diffuse 1: Normal/Gloss 2: Glow/Skin/Hair 3: Height/Parallax 4: Environment 5: Environment Mask From http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=2669
  10. Does anyone know of a good explanation of the kinds of maps I can use for Skyrim and how it reads them? In particular I want to know if there's a self-illumination map.
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