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About gormonk

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    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
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    deadspace / BFBC2
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  1. windows 7 "pro" edition, 64bit, and yea best have a separate hard drive for steam
  2. Everybody has a fear, it may be great, or it may be small but they will always fear that thing within there heartEverybody has at least one thing that sickens them to there core, where there fear hides within, releasing it, and at the same time hatredBecause of this no human, affected or not can achieve peace of mind, heart or should,there is no religion that can give ease to the pain of the hatred The mind is a most amusing place to hold one's self but at least it is another layer to cope with the sickness that is humanity All that's wrong with the would is also what makes humanity what it is, what makes us as humans whole and imperfect at the same timeAll that's wrong with the would Is also what drives us to seek out falsehoods to think that we are 'sane' but when one questions insanity you realise that all sanity is that what we make it to be So ask yourself am I truly afraid of this sickness within my heart or do I fear what it truly means to be that which I fear the most and you you will find that your mind will not answer, for you are human, I am human, every single soul who asks themselves this is humanAnd so we are all insane by thinking as such the musings of a madman are here now for all to view, enjoy thinking and the insanity it brings.
  3. thankyou for the information, and i know the reasion why, it was on sale for under $5, along with NV untimate edit, ill wait.
  4. Basickly my problem is that ive recently(as in the day of post) receaved fallout 3 GOTY edition through steam as a gift, but it will not launch with the error "Failed to contact key server." is there any fix or do i have to wait until steam gets its A into G
  5. no fkk is a swereword thats spelt F****
  6. Its been a long ass fkn time so i derserve this win
  7. quite simply any wild hunter type animal including mammoths are hostile. mammoths only become hostile if you attack the giants or themselves. anything that looks like a mutated creature, is mast likely hostile but by far the eaysest way to tell is to hover your cursor over the emery / friend if it turns red in your radar, kill, no color you need to get closer or its a non hostile NPC (i lurnt this trick when hunting down dragons with my immoral dedrick god's dog)
  8. Hoage Any takers? Carter lifts his empty glass, the ice cubes rattling within "I need more caps for more vodca somehow, and theye can't be any crazer than me.. so I'm in"he says before downing the icecubes then looks towards [bWilliam][/b]"you up for some fun as well?"
  9. unforchaintly this killer to be has no guns or a licance yet... im planning on getting into airsoft tho(gass/spring/ele powered bb guns that fire at over 200fps, no im not jokeing)
  10. this is kiwiland prices only gonna use it as a boot and to run my 3d prog from http://www.modster-pc.co.nz/shop/product_info.php?products_id=4502
  11. is 200 expencive for a sata 3 @ 3gbs expencive for a ssd??
  12. ban billyro for quoteing a vidieo game carictor not the creators/ charictor maker
  13. granted.... but you have kill each time you make a wish i wish for a new not stolen or dammaged nor will ever become dammaged in any form, includeing all the cables free samsung MD230x3 Multy display that will not fall from anywhere, do any harm to i and i get to keep it
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