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Pagafyr last won the day on July 5

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About Pagafyr

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    United States
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    with what to do with my free time
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    Morrowind um ah finding good food

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  1. The Summer days already remind me of how like a child I am still. I want to roam about untethered again. Away from the watchful eyes of the parents, sisters, and brothers watching over me. A time or two I actually escaped from the powerful sense of being kept in eye sight by family, and began a journey when I was almost six that felt different. There were no prickling neck hairs from strangers or beasts that might prey on a child, no tense sense of knowing any moment I was going to hear the shout to get back in the yard. While pondering that freedom I again saw what made me realize how the stages of growing up are. They are like a story which pauses just long enough to turn to the next page. At one such memory moment I began remembering there were sounds of excitement in the air as one page might seem turned. Eww! Did you burp the baby? What a mess! Spackles of bright red spaghetti sauce and bits of beef adorned the space the baby's aim gave the new colors to. As I watched I remembered the sense of bobbing up and down, not fully comprehending Mom's reason before. I was reminded by sightings of such wondrous colors that baby needs tending to after being fed. Even refined baby food is a danger if the patting on the back to raise the inner gases above the tank filled with food isn't done immediately after lifting them up from the table. I found myself standing behind the one who picked up the baby as the person started bobbing the baby up and down, while patting them on the back. The face the baby made looked so cute I began giving the baby a look and talking baby talk with it since I still rmembered baby talk. I remember seeing the cute face the baby made while letting out a sigh. I was admiring the baby when the child's mouth changed from a sweet sort of smiling way to a round capital O and the volcanic blast sent the contents of the baby's stomach all over me on my birthday. All over my Sunday suit and tie. I learned to be quick from that day on. What I heard next was, "The baby definitely isn't ready for solid food yet mom". I learned the hard way about burping the baby immediately after meals at the moment they are lifted out of their seat, is a required habit. Next and most important is; "Be attentive to the direction the baby is facing while their chin is propped on Mom's shoulder." Thanks to several speckles of red and bits of what looked like beef I remembered that birthday when I didn't enjoy my birthday party as much because my hair, face, my Sunday going to meetings suit didn't have todays modern repellent so it can be cleaned instantly with a wet wipe, and all I would have had to do today is wipe my face and use the sinks shower wand to rinse out my hair. Not back then! No such easy solutions when I was a child. My vision has need of magnifiers these days. I also us the web browsers Zoom In and Out function too. I remembered that awful day because; Before getting my visual focus I have seen the spoiling colors so often recently. Yes and they are there now whenever I open the forums pages. I am sure my memory was stirred recalling my past. It was like seeing those blurred identical images through my tears. So many times when I look in at the forums seeing the blurs helped me recall, what the last baby mom had, and I shared on my birthday when I turned six years old. I felt a little bit of upset, and I just couldn't put my finger on it. Until I recalled the picture that was taken of me as I stood there crying while everyone else in the room was laughing. I am writing about it, because I learned if I do that I won't forget the moment. And if I die and if we repeat all we forgot because we forget, my birthday that day wont be repeated with a bunch of tomato sauce and bits of beef being where they ended up as a reminder when I turned six. That time we had eaten at a restaurant called, "The Top Hat".
  2. It means dragon hunter. I, David the Pagafyr, played on the senses my mind was reporting. Planning a big change to another way of video game life, with friends. Friends who joined with me in the project to make a Multi-player video game together so we had one we could meet and play like Fallout 3 on teams earning apartments to live in at The Seder Hotel.
  3. I ban Drakefell01 because he is, like the rest of us who were born. Winners. We all had so many competitors intending on reaching the orb of life, shot from a cannon, and we had to swim to the orb. Then we had to find a way into it. When we did we got nine months of rent free living. "We who are born Won the great race!" ( I, David the Pagafyr, am quoting a post I shared here long ago. Well maybe just a decade or so. "I WON THAT RACE TOO!") Prohíbo a Drakefell01 porque lo es, como el resto de los que nacimos. Ganadores. Todos teníamos tantos competidores con la intención de alcanzar el orbe de la vida, disparados desde un cañón, y teníamos que nadar hasta el orbe. Entonces tuvimos que encontrar una manera de entrar. Cuando lo hicimos, obtuvimos nueve meses de vida sin pagar alquiler. "¡Nosotros los que nacemos ganamos la gran carrera!" (Yo, David el Pagafyr, estoy citando una publicación que compartí aquí hace mucho tiempo. Bueno, tal vez solo una década más o menos. "¡YO TAMBIÉN GANÉ ESA CARRERA!") Bandito Drakefell01 perché lo è, come tutti noi che siamo nati. Vincitori. Avevamo tutti così tanti concorrenti che intendevano raggiungere la sfera della vita, sparati da un cannone, e dovevamo nuotare fino alla sfera. Poi abbiamo dovuto trovare un modo per entrarci. Quando l'abbiamo fatto abbiamo ottenuto nove mesi di vita senza affitto. "Noi che siamo nati abbiamo vinto la grande corsa!" (Io, David il Pagafyr, sto citando un post che ho condiviso qui molto tempo fa. Beh, forse solo un decennio o giù di lì. "HO VINTO ANCHE QUELLA GARA!")
  4. Once upon a time there was a Lemming who was extremely unlucky. He missed the rally for the seasonal run. One morning he set out to find out where they all went. It was a hot Summer day. He filled himself with water so he had to walk part of the way. He spied the trail where his friends footy prints were very clear to see. As his watered down body began to gain speed he saw some huge new plants up ahead. They had six legs and strange branches. Two the branches moved. He watched as the two new objects sent their branches out and saw the branches wrap around something on a branch under the moving branches bend. The branches lifted something and raised it to the upper trunk and pour what appeared to be water into a hole in their trunks. Water from a chunk of a stump? Hm? As the Lemming watched from nearby the two new objects replaced the stumps in the place they pulled it out of. A few moment's later they lifted branches and pulled the stump out of the space and poured more water from them into the hole in their trunk. It so amused the Lemming he tried to find a way to learn more about this stump that had it's water restored so quickly. He was about to approach when the two objects with their smaller branch holding the stump suddenly squeezed it, crushing it in their tiny tendrils. The Lemming prepared to leave from such objects for they were dangerous to small stumps not much bigger then he. As he backed up into taller foliage the objects did a most wondrous thing. They leaned forward, stood up on to their forward legs, and turned with the two branches began picking up items around them. They grabbed their four legged objects and pulled them out of the ground and shrank them into long sticks. Terrified now, the Lemming backed up slowly to prepare to find a hole to go an hide. The two objects moved without anything holding their two stumps to the ground. The Lemming felt something touch his back and spun around. He immediately prepared to run. Just as he started he saw another of his kind. Battered so they weakly fell face down when he pulled away from their touch. He looked the other Lemming over. It was one of the other Lemmings. In bad shape. He went to aid the other. He lifted it's head up. They're all dead! I was the last. I fell over the edge. Grabbing at anything I could. I grabbed a root sticking out. I just now made the climb back up and saw you here. He saw that her fur, hands, and feet were seriously in need of water to wash them so they could heal. The Lemming saw one of the crushed stumps. He ran over to it. Sniffed it. It was filled with a scent from what they eat, so he took the stump and dragged it over to her side. Using his hands he splashed the remaining fluid in the strange stump on her scraps. She writhed in pain as the fluid washed away the dirt. She closed her eyes. He could see she was still breathing. He tasted the water inside and felt a little bit of a sting. Fearing he had killed the other Lemming he pulled her up on his lap and rocked her as he cried. She kept breathing. He hoped she would be okay. She started snoring.
  5. No business will succeed if their friends don't pay for the products they want to take out of the store the business owners sell, because their enemies don't do business with them.
  6. Pagafyr

    form game

    Orderly ( in a hospital)
  7. I ban Drakefell01 for falling for that FB jib and signed up to add them to his struggling YT acct.. One needs their own sponsors supporting their own website to get any benefits from joining FB and YT. Who are your sponsors and what did you do to win their support? Are you a High School Sports Idol, a video game champion, do your parent's own a company that you could sell their products from, related to a king or queen, know someone who is a great lover of you, are you a gold medalist from the last Olympic Games or something? Prohíbo a Drakefell01 por caer en esa trampa de FB y me inscribí para agregarlos a su cuenta de YouTube en dificultades. Uno necesita sus propios patrocinadores que respalden su propio sitio web para obtener algún beneficio al unirse a FB e YT. ¿Quiénes son sus patrocinadores y qué hizo para ganarse su apoyo? ¿Eres medallista de oro de los últimos Juegos Olímpicos o algo así?
  8. I hope all is well where you are family, friends, readers, story fabricators, and modders. Nature is turning the tables so, for the first time in almost a half century we may reach temperatures in the highs so we can fry eggs on the sidewalks once again in August. Yes! I was a young man/child when I saw eggs cooked on sidewalks. While many of you who are young that have had little knowledge of that distant past, I understand your worries. The truth is the weather as it is, is reason enough to be concerned but it's hardly anything new. While the dangers Nature is throwing at us are in different parts of the world then where it happened fifties years ago; it's nothing new. For Nature's ways are always the same, the events are just in different places than the last. As always... It is our responsibility to keep our wits about us and fend for our lives against the dangers of Nature's ways.
  9. How do you practice if you have no ideas that are not crazy or are?
  10. A: No one measured temperature before mercury was discovered. Those were the days though. People followed their shadows because they believed their shadow was their guide. Once their shadow disappeared beneath their feet they stood there staring down at the ground. When their shadow appeared again they walked carefully so as not to trip it. When their shadow got longer they picked up their pace eventually racing to get it shorter. When it got dark they thought their shadow was all around them and dug in; that is, if they could loosen the ground where they stood. They spent the night with just their heads sticking out waiting for their shadow to be restored so they could follow it. Lemmings would laugh when they saw the shadow chasers go over the edge where the Lemmings road's had disappeared. Which saved the lives of many Lemmings when they saw their brethren on their backs holding their stomachs and laughing out loud as the pointed at the shadow people. One day a shadow chaser got the last laugh because they saw the Lemmings going over into the nothing below, and fell to their knees laughing which got the attention of all the remaining shadow chasers and Lemmings. They stopped chasing their shadows and hung out with the Lemmings rolling around holding their stomachs laughing and pointing at the others and laughing at the others who had not stopped yet from that day, on. Eventually there were some Shadow chasers and Lemmings that when laughing got rolled over the edge. That day some of them got lucky and learned to grab on to anything they could and began climbing back to the top of the ridge. Climbitters. Which later became known as climbitised Lemming and Shadow people discovered the changes from warm and cold, thus they joined forces and became The Ologgins. Which the Climbitised specialists argued about the spelling of, until they came up with Theologists. Generally skipping around with gee that was a long drop ologists friends. Which later they changed so the young could say the word gee ologist. Q: Why does pain always give us a headache when we fall and bump our knees? Then after the headache goes away it's just our knees that still hurt?
  11. For me that is a question that makes me feel like a tree. A tree can't move unless it is carried in a planter that allows the roots, trunk, branches, and leaves to receive care so it can travel in a terrarium. Would you rather (whilst I wonder) at first go to the Canadian East Coast to see if your penniless self (you posted you were penniless in one other post I have read) at the East Coast of Canada; once there you could find a cargo ship carrying cattle to Spain so you could get a job working on it; so you could earn some money to spend when you get to Spain and start looking for a place to live there permanently? Visa Green allowing you to stay and work card required, until you gain citizenship that is. Or would you rather sit around and type complaints about your present life so it seems your computer clearly has turned you into an AI that will never see anything outside the computer monitor ever again?
  12. A: If the employees make a strike bowling it was likely a slip up, and they got lucky. But also likely means they get a picture of beer on the house for it and enjoy the rest of the evening with the team. Making all sorts of sounds to psych out the other teams before the end of their third round of the games. Not beer, scoring round three. Highest scores among the teams makes them champion of the weekend games. Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble's bowling team in Bedrock were good bowlers. Q: Does anyone play Quidditch?
  13. Eat! I am about to feast on one sandwich deli sliced sacrificed Black Forest pig, that ate truffles and lay around in a soft bed of moss rather than mud. Black Forest Ham. Yum! Would you rather travel in a train's box car to the East coast or hitch hike to the East coast with a friend to see if you can get hired to work on a Cattle Cargo ship going to Spain?
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