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Pagafyr last won the day on October 25

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About Pagafyr

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    United States
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    with what to do with my free time
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    Morrowind um ah finding good food

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  1. @binchickendreaming you've brought another of my experiences back to my memory. Another note for my library to remind me I learned something new today. I only would have liked to have had someone like you with experience likened to mine there so you could understand what happed me once.
  2. The only person who does not fear hell, is the one who reigns over it. Knock, knock! Who's there? A fauna that was made by being cross bred with an elephant and a rhinoceros. What's that? Elephino!
  3. @binchickendreaming is that sort of like when I move to go one direction and feel as if my mind wasn't made up so I lose my balance and fumble around until my sense returns to the direction I was going?
  4. @binchickendreaming I'm just a student of life, but thx to the Internet I can get the library term for neurodivergent. Hm? Were you into any track and field activities? Or maybe run a mile or two a day as part of your daily life? Or something that would physically cause you to sweat a lot more than just bit more?
  5. I ban @Drakefell01 for noting that what causes men to drool a lot has something to do with hunger. It's a time to talk with my favorite steak provider for dinner. The Fauna should be rolling around at the End of the World In Restaurant at the edge of the Galaxy any minute.
  6. I am happy for all three of you, and the new friends you're making. Taking that pill of happiness. @binchickendreaming you've got mixed feelings about moving. If I moved it would be kind of depressing. I've learned to live in a Fallout kind of place. If reality gets me down I just remember, there's always a place I can pick up where I left off playing before needing money and all sorts of health restoring things. I think if I was accepted at a place where there's nice house or room among others with a lawn and trees, bushes and such I would be miserable for awhile. It would just take awhile to adjust to an place with all the things that remind me of doing all the labor it took to keep the place looking like a home across the street from the peeps come to play golf. I would rather not have to be reminded about all the jobs I had when my elder siblings left for their grown up lives. I remain young at heart with all the toys that got left in the basement with me. If it really gets so that I have nothing to think about but the chores someone else is supposed have done for the upkeep of, of the fancy yard and home across the street from a golf course; I just flip back to when I was a child. Hey! GI Joe! Wanna hang out and go beat the bad guys this afternoon after lunch?
  7. I ban @Druuler because whenever he appears it is clear he is who the quill and writing book are at the ready, waiting for his hands.
  8. I ban @Drakefell01 because I discussed many things with many people here.
  9. @niphilim222 just won! Ooo! I had to look! Just didn't know what a parallax is. Thought it might have been a quick relief session because it might be parallax of ex-lax.
  10. I ban @Drakefell01 and @Oblivionaddicted and @AaronOfMpls and @RedHeadAngel and @zixi and @drsemmel and @SirCadsimar and @Druuler because he and @AurianaValoria1 and @Pushkatu haven't been around here in a long time. Especially because on Friday I will have an Internet connection that can keep up with the speed of thought. Might be a little faster then mine?
  11. Anymore I just hand them bamboozlers and charlatans my card. I found it in a wallet I bought at a Gift shop at one of those souvenir knick knacks shop. My Card, Sir. I'm somewhat of a bullshi**er myself, but I'm always grateful for the opportunity to observe a real professional in action. Please continue.
  12. My area just got 5G Internet for my location. I will speed past! Feel my breeze. Look out streamers, dreamers, and webservice friers.
  13. Since human's are on the list that tells us the stages of fauna on the food chain, by the 8th grade science teachers accounts where I went to school, we are all animals.
  14. You mean you and god were sharing the same outdoor outhouse at the same time? If that's so that explains it. There was no planet of Earth yet. You two must have been in a floating outhouse, floating around on a Water World at the time.
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