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Everything posted by noobody1

  1. Thank you, i'm gonna try the mods you suggested me
  2. I'm not new to Oblivion, but modding is really complicated for me. Basically I want you, experts, to show me the must have mods and a few gameplay and graphics enhancement mods. This is a list of stuff i want: -Stability mods- Oblivion is buggy. -Mod managers- It is hard to mod. -Combat enhancement- Original combat is boring and repetitive. -Graphics enhancement- Draw distance, faces, body, environments, water, grass, UI, etc. -Magic enhancement- Bigger variation and power for mages. -Leveling System- Original one is ****, if possilble I'd want one where I can become a as strong as I could in the normal game but without the micro managing . Tank you for the help. Sorry for my english, it sounds like I'm ordering you, which isn't cool.
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