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Posts posted by supervert

  1. Is there any way to make the barter system that was in morrowind?

    Im kinda disappointed at how I have to sell a sword worth 3000 when the merchant only has 1500, In morrowind if this happened I could atleast add other things from his inventory and balance out the the loss of profit with goods.

    Ill take that before example of selling an item for 3000 and the merchant only has 1500. To compensate I could buy spells or arrows or soul gems and come out a little better, I mightn't get any coin back from my uber sword but atleast id be getting 1500 coin plus about 500 in goods.


    IS there any way to implement a system such as this>?

  2. is there a tutorial on how to make companions? It wouldn't be illegal if one were to make a companion (just like that annoying flying eyebot in new vagas,,, whats his name) outta this but not post it anywhere. That would be acceptable right?
  3. Have it powered by your magicka, in non combative situation have in a sort of idle mode where it does not take more maicka per second than you can regenerate but as soon as combat starts have it drain your magicka at an acceptable rate + a factor of how much damage you take. Maybe make it conjourable? Like in the privious games where you were able to conjure deadra armour. I miss that :/
  4. You can always Verfiy the game content, it will not remove any mods if you are worried about that.




    Verify integrity of game cache


    Load Steam

    From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.

    Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button.

    Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.

    Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.


    thanks, not worried about losing mods, just wanted to know if there was an easy way of checking what the current Ver was. australian internet is rather slow -_-

  5. Hrmm,, It is not letting me update,, maybe traffic? will try later. Thanks for all the hard work!




    Downloaded, looks slick and smooth. I like the downloading tab that pops up. Saves me remembering which mods I download lol

  6. yeah, plz do not bump, i dont want this mod request to be fed to the slaughterfishes. I hate teh sneaking eye with a passion, and would love to see it removed completely (perhaps keep the little dot/crosshair in the middle)


    but as far as how it how it should work? let it be generated like the normal killmoves are now. perhaps a series of connected view points (i.e. when the kill move is activated you get a shot of the shooter, a couple of random shots of the flight path and one of the thing the recieves your love! I mean arrow) I really dont think it would be possible to recreat the kill cam in snipers elite but I can hope!

  7. There's something grisly addictive to the game sniper elite and that is the fact that you are able to follow the trajectory of your bullet from its birth and follow it on its short life to someone's death.


    I know it's probably not going to be remotely possible till the CK arrives but I was wondering if it'd be at all possible to attach a bullet cam function to arrows?

    And if at all possible turn off the thing (I don't know what to call it) aim assist? And make the damn arrows fly in a not so annoying straight line.


    Regards, your mild mannered local supervert.

  8. Just recently installed skyrim, and much to my dismay I went to play it for the first time but it immeasiadly went to ctd, lowering specs does not seem make any difference either. any help would be appriciated!
  9. I've always thought there was one down fall to every FPS I've ever played. It's just un realistic to be able to reload every five seconds of squeezing off a couple of rounds. (doesn't stop me^ from doing it)


    I like the though of having to keep count of every bullet you waste against how many mags you have left. And having to reload after every fire fight. And occasionally going "oh $¥£€" when you forget.


    Does anyone know how one would even begin to do this? Is it even doable? Thanks for reading ^_^

  10. first of all, i appologise for posting this here, I figured that someone here is smart enough to know what the hell I did wrong.

    problem, My steam refuses to sign into the networks, which by itself isnt strange. It happens. But it wont een let me go on offline mode. I tried to reinstall steam from the site but it just says that i need to close steam before it can install. strange indeed.


    Stranger still is that my itunes wont even boot up. Now im downright suspicious.


    I recently installed some system care clean up pack iobit thing. couldthis have something to do with it?


    I just wanna play my games and listen to my music


    Thanks for reading this far, it is much appriciated. Any help will be much appriciated also.

  11. OMFG, I love this post, I vote sticky. There is hardly ANY tutorials out there (that I could find anyways) to start you on your way.

    My end goal in modding is to create an power armour based on the Zaku II. anyhue Im a FAR ways off from that goal but now i feel like this is the first step. Thanks for this compilation of tutorials.

  12. Dear sir/madam of the modding community.

    I hereby humbly request that a power armour be made in the stylings of a mobile suits ZAKU II


    If I can figure out how to post a pic i will but other wise heres a link to what they look like







    Possible female version?



    I was getting rather tired of the vamilla power armours and wanted something,,, fun!! Also could someone point to me where I could get GECK and perhaps a tutorial on how to use it?? I want to be able to add the themal vision script to the zaku power armour helmet.


    Thank you all ever so much for reading. I look forward to any and all responses. XxSupervertxX

  13. The only thing that would make or break this idea is custom gear and or gameplay tweaks. God/cheat items and such. The reason the pc version of fallout and the tes games are popular is coz of the (longievity wise) possibility of playing the perfect char


    Youre gonna get a party where one players decked out with weapons from the terminator series and another a stealthy ninja. Neither will have the appropriate armour/weapons pack that the other will have.

  14. I have been having trouble when intalling obmm and the official patch, Ive tried it a number of different ways but I ant seem to find anyway to ake them work together.


    First. let me thank you for even opening this and reading, your time and interest in this is appriciated.

    second, I appologise for any and all spelling and gramatical errors, Im running a fever and its late here.


    Ive got the old versionof Oblivion, no extentions nadda. just plain vanila. I used to play TES4 a few years ago and started out all this wonderful modding back then, but my vid card blew up, melted down,, did something. long story short, new comp. windows 7 86bit.


    I load up oblivion in the file path C:\games\oblivion. Not the standard tom buggery file with the security issues. (sorry its late here and Ive got a head cold, cant remember the exact file path im thinking of)


    So first I load tes4... then the lastest version of obse and obmm open obmm to see if its running and then the latest patch, (which for me is 1.2.0416UK)


    everything seems fine so I load OOO then hit launch. Note that I had opened obmm BEFORE the patch was installed.

    everythingsrunning smooth from the start (the vile dunmar taunting me) till that sweet sweet first glimpse of the cyrodil sun. thinking alls well i exit the game intent on loading hgec and other pretty things.

    I click on obmm only to get a messege that an unhandled error (or some such) has occured etc etc.


    so naturally i assume somethings wrong with the way I installed OOO so I uninstall TES4 and reinstall italong with the patc obse, obmm and OOO several different ways before I realise that the only time OBMM fails me is after I load the patch.


    SSOOO after much self flagulation I come to the forums and try and scour everything I could find on the topics of obmm and the patch. Only I cant find very much. SO the long and short of it. HELP ME PLEEEASEEE (this is me wailing) Possible naming of first born after you for solutions :P


    once again thanks for even reading though.

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