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Everything posted by jbtheclown

  1. Holy sh*t that is way intense. The first act sounded like it would be playable but the rest if the mod is just like you said"too much ". Did you have like a sudden bout (insert evil character here) syndrome ? Your right that doesn't sound like Randall at all, and I would probably fall into a sad mixture of depression and both hatred of myself as well as every living thing in the world and eventually move to the desert (well I already live there so check that one off the list ) and end up making cheap adult film or turn into a real but more pathetic version of the Leather face and accidentally saw my leg off . These would all be side effects of the lake if fire version
  2. Holy sh*t that is way intense. The first act sounded like it would be playable but the rest if the mod is just like you said"too much ". Did you have like a sudden bout (insert evil character here) syndrome ? Your right that doesn't sound like Randall at all, and I would probably fall into a sad mixture of depression and both hatred of myself as well as every living thing in the world and eventually move to the desert (well I already live there so check that one off the list ) and end up making cheap adult film or turn into a real but more pathetic version of the Leather face and accidentally saw my leg off . These would all be side effects of the lake if fire version
  3. That first act sounds intense.i think if you kept that first act I would still enjoy it but if it escalated past that at the end , to the point where you think It would cause distaste , then I would have to defer to your opinion. But that first part would create the feelin of your past coming to haunt you or your world falling down around you excellently
  4. That mod outline already sounds fantastic.and if it feels like Se7en then damn we are in for a ride
  5. Serious question just so I can get a better grasp on how I will feel at the end of the mod, but ( I guess from a RP perspective ) would the events in this mod instill the same or similar feelings that Martin sheens character in apocalypse now feels towards the end of his long journey ? SPOILER AHEAD* or even when the blonde guy loses his puppy in the firefight ? Based on your references I am sure you have seen apocalypse now regular or redux
  6. Bobby Bass is perfectly normal. :wink: Ya normal for sure .even likeable !
  7. Not only emphasis on cocaine, but throw in there just total and pure crazy .not like fiend crazy but the type of crazy where they almost think they are normal
  8. It's official. The small side mods he is releasing , bringing us NVBIII , and all of the past profanity rich and alcohol fueled content he has bestowed upon us... Someguy2000 for president 2016
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