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Everything posted by theodisca

  1. I had an idea, but never found someone to work with, and it gets quite tedious trying to do everything all by yourself. My idea was to set up a new continent which was recently discovered, as player you would arrive the continent with a handful of colonists to explore and found settlements. When you progress the main quest, the settlements would also get bigger. But like I said it is really huge work to do it all by myself. First I want to tell that I am not a good modder, but I can use TESAnnwyn and Oscape well and can do level design (interior & exterior). I can also create NPCs, quests and packages for NPCs without problems. I would be really happy to join the team, but I am not sure if my skills are good enough.
  2. Thank you very much for the answer, Noobo, I will check the scripts of player house quests and hearthfire expansion then.
  3. Hello all, I am not an expert modder, but I learnt how to set up a new worldspace and can level design fairly well in CK. So I decided to create a new unexplored world where the player arrives and helps the colonists to explore and found new settlements. My question is: I know that it is technically possible to make progressive quests where new buildings and NPCs appear after a certain stage of a quest. I just don't know how to do it (I must confess that I haven't designed any quests yet, I didn't want to start it without asking this first). Thank you very much in advance theodisca
  4. You might try BOSS utility http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6/?
  5. Hey Malathorien, Find your worldspace/interior in the Cell View you want to place your chest and double click on it to open it in the Render Window. Then find your chest and click and drag your chest into the Render Window. You can then click and drag it to position wherever you want it to be. Hope that was what you were asking for (my English is not very good and I might have misunderstood you)
  6. Look for "Nightasy Tutorials" on youtube, he has some wonderful tutorials on how to make armour with 3ds max. Happy Modding
  7. I am not an expert modder either, but I can help you with a few tips. Chests are under Worldobjects>Container, choose one chest there and right click to duplicate, then rename the duplicate (right click>rename). Once you rename it, double click on it to open its properties. In the middle of the window you see the item list, right click and and add "new" and choose the item you want to add the chest in the drop down menu under Object. An advice: I didn't check the mod you sent, but if the mod is .esp file, you may have difficulties to make the items appear, because you cannot use in your .esp files from other .esp's. I generally convert the resource file into an .esm using TES4 Gecko. 2. You can make the key under Items>Key. Right click and add a new key. Then put your chest into the render window and double click on it. A reference window will open up, click on "Lock" tab, tick "Locked" and choose "requires a key" from the drop down menu. As key choose the key you made earlier. You can then put that key in the inventory of the NPC you want. Hope this helps, Happy modding
  8. Hello all, I need help with something which I still cannot find the solution. I am quite new to modding Skyrim, but thanks to the many videos and tutorials I managed to create my own worldspace and what started as a learning material is becoming an ambitious project. I set up a new town full of NPCs and patrolling guards and a successful crime faction. I thought I might add some training guards to spice up the barracks a little bit. But I have a problem. The guards don't train very close to the training dummies and they swing their swords in a very wide circle around the dummies (also behind and at the sides of the dummy). The fact that they go in circles doesn't bother me, I like how they go behind the target, what I don't like is how they walk away. I am attaching a few screenshots from the files and game. I hope someone can help me. (Btw sorry for the lighting, I still haven't finished the training room) First image: The guard is linked to xmarker and keyword is "Training target" the x marker heading is linked to xmarker and the keyword is "training target" http://postimg.org/image/er2mr8w9p Second image: linked referece set to training target http://postimg.org/image/e05d70zur Screenshots: http://postimg.org/image/pj4ujdwg3 http://postimg.org/image/a190rndrl Notes: Linking guards to xmarkerheading doesn't change the situation. When I reduce trigger radius, the guard fail to start the package. And a little image from Grimhol Hold which will be thankful for your help http://postimg.org/image/ap13tcxlh
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