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  1. I fixed it, apparently the mod for Yurianna not only uses ks hairdos but it also overwrite some of its files. So I reinstalled KS hairdos and let it overwrite the Yuriana files and now the game works! (the ks hairdos haircuts in the character creation don't seem to work but at least the game works)
  2. I tried using mod organizer but no success, here's the new load order though
  3. racemenualternative is a less heavy version of the game's racemenu that allows to modify your character during gameplay (but even with that it crashed) it's a power that can only be used during a playthrough. For the CTD, it's instant. I think it's really related to the game's racemenu but I wouldn't know how to fix it. EDIT: I got rid of SOSracemenu.esp but that didn't change a thing.
  4. So today I tried to install hybrid and the patch for imperious but after a while it seemed like F5 would just CTD, so I decided to load an older save and everything went well for a while, I could press F5 without any issue, I progressed through the game normally but then pressing F5 would again crash the game... I decided to say, well f- it, I'll start over once more now that I feel like my game's well moded but whenever I launch a new game I get a CTD, and I deleted all my other saves but still, CTD, LOOT only shows me 1 warning wich is for Better Dynamic snow ( A patch is included with the No snow under the roof installer, please make sure you have installed the Better Dynamic Snow SE patch and have it activated ). No errors, no dirty plugins. Yet always CTD when I launch a new game (it is probably connected to the character creation because before I restarded the whole thing, it would always CTD when using showracemenu or racemenu alternative.) Any idea how I could fix it without having to uninstall everything ? Here's my load order EDIT: Also forgot to mention that I did check the game files on steam just in case
  5. I just wonder if there's a mod that add WCs to homes or town ... cause you know, they (the NPCs) actually can read, sleep, eat, drink, dance, sing, sell, buy, trade, walk, run, bath (with a mod xD) live and die ... but can't take a poo ... because there's no f*cking place for that XD
  6. Hi everybody ! Here's my idea ! What if the fire/ice shout was better than the dragons ones. Here's the scene ! I'm fighting an Ice Dragon, he's shouting at me... I'm almost dead and he'll shout soon ... I use the fire shout against his ice shout ! He takes the damages and his shout is erased (with an epic explosion ! Of course !) And if it's a fire dragon, i use the ice shout. So ! What do you think ? It's a good idea no ?! :D If you think so, then leave a comment and make this topic to stay on the first page ! The Dovakhiin is supposed to be better than the dragons ! So why not his shouts !
  7. Hi, i was wondering, is that possible to make EVERY MOD STUFF that needs to use the console to get it To simply be in the first chest (in helgen) Maybe a script or something Thanks for the answer (and maybe making that possible :3 ) PS: sorry for my bad english ^^'
  8. Search Dov on skyrimnexus files I remember somebody made a town with peacefull dragons that you can ride (if i remember well...) EDIT: Well i've found it ... looks like tomorow takes more than a week for that guy XD http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9953
  9. Exactly what i want ... I still don't understand why the removed it ... Actually it was in Oblivion ... why not in skyrim ? X_x
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