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    hide-and-seek with health, wealth and a loyal cadre of stripper girlfriends.
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  1. Honestly I ran into the same problem, Vortex asked me to pick a folder that wasn't the game's mod folder and I agreed. But now it deploys all mods to that random folder I picked, which in no way interacts with the game. I'm currently using it as essentially a second Staging folder, Deploying mods via vortex and then manually copying them mover to the Game's Mods folder so that game can see them. It's irritating, but functional. But like you, I wish there was a way to change the target "MODS" folder in vortex to the correct one so I can skip this step. I haven't been able to find a way, in settings it only lets me change the download and staging folders. No idea how to get that initial prompt back to set the Destination folder for deployment.
  2. You're not alone, I hate it too. I have a system of what goes where that I've used in FO4 since forever, and lets me quickly get what I need, stimpacks, melee weapon, whatever. This screws it all up, and since the game isn't paused while selecting in the middle of a fight, I 'm now going into my pipboy to swicth weapons, which defeats the purpose of having favorites in the first place.
  3. So I'm looking to clear out the Prydwen wreckage from the Boston Airport after shooting it down, but there's gotta be an easier way then going into the CK and disableing every piece of wreckage and then redoing the pre-vis, right? There seem to be two layers relating to the Prydwen, for when it's hovering above and in wreckage on the ground. I just can't seem to figure out how to turn them off, effectively resetting the airport to how it was before the Brotherhood comes to the Commonwealth. If somebody could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. Even just knowing what search terms to use when looking for tutorial videos and such would be great.
  4. So I'm trying to replace a bunch of the death noises in the game with custom variants. It's pretty easy in the case of critter NPCs since their files are named helpful things like "NPC_Mirelurk_Death_01.xwm" but all the human and mutant NPCs are all just "gobbldygook.fuz". With the help of greentea101's Voice File Reference tool I can preview the fuz's, and I think I can locate the death noises by ear. But what I'm hoping is that there's a way to double-check that somehow. Is there any way to find a sort of trigger list for the fuz files that anyone knows about? Like "When this actor gets hit/dies, play from this list:". I'm guessing not, but it couldn't hurt to ask.
  5. I'll probably hold off until this is out of Alpha for all the reasons stated above, but I still wanted to pipe up and say thanks to Tannin, and to everybody who's involved in keeping this site going. I don't think that it really gets said enough, and you guys really do bring us lots of amazing stuff. It can't be an easy job. Edit: Hey, that rhymes.
  6. Alright thanks guys, that gives me a lot to look at. I'm not super duper familiar with papyrus, but I think I can follow what you have coded there. It gives me a good example to research and learn the function calls. I'm gonna try the death-list way first since it seems like the least intrusive way to do things, but we'll see how that goes. There's gotta be a way to tie in the sound though, even if it involves editing the death sounds themselves. I've got the software for that at least, though I don't know what voodoo would make that work without having to replace the BSAs. The sound is like 90% of the comedy in this mod for me, so hopefully I don't have to give it up. Appreciate the help, and yeah Joe, I may actually hit you up with some questions if you don't mind.
  7. Hey folks, Firstly, thanks for giving this a look. I've got a mod I'd like to make that I think is both useful and hilarious; Basically any non-robotic enemy that dies sh*ts itself, playing a nice fart-y sound and adding 1 fertilizer to their inventory. The idea being that you can take that and feed it into the Contraptions ammo plant and make yourself more bullets or explosives. Combined with a few popular mods that let you break down unwanted calibers of bullets for lead and copper, you can start filling up your favorite gun with bullets made of raider poop. Probably name it something tame like 'Bullets to Fertilizer" because I can't really put swears in the title as far as I know. Anyhow, the crux of the matter is this: for a first time modder, the task of just finding what it is you need to learn to do the mod is daunting. "You don't even know what you don't know" and all that. There's a whole lot of documentation out there, which is great, but has also been leading me on wild goose chases following wikis that turn out to have nothing to do with what I need. So I was hoping someone or someone(s) can look at what I'd need to do in order to get this mod working and kinda say: "Okay fella, you're gonna need to know X, Y and Z to pull this off". Not looking for a handout as I'd like to do the research by myself to learn, but some directions to where I'm going would be grand. Maybe a heads up or two if there's landmines en route. As far as I can figure, the way I'd do this mod would be to do a small script that plays a sound on NPC death and does an 'additem' to their inventory for 1 fertilizer. Seems kinda simple, though right away I know I'm going to have to find some way to vary the volume of the sound by how far away the player is, and find a way to exclude robotic NPCs from the sh*t list. Plus I don't know if there's a way to tie a script on just a generic death, since a lot of the on-death effects that I know seem to be keyed off of a weapon. Sooooo.... yeah. If this were you, where would you start?
  8. So I've spent quite a bit of time creating a pretty complex Walmart-esque shopping mart inside the Super-Duper Mart thanks to the Conquest mod, Scrap Everything, and some light CK work. My totally un-biased opinion is that it's pretty cool, the jokes are funny, and your average Joe might enjoy having a shopping mall filled with vendors, live mirelurks in stewpots, dark humor and tasteful swearing. That being said, I know creating a mod is a lot of work, even more so since I'd like to make it relatively standalone. My best guess would be that doing this would involve: Replacing vanilla assets made buildable by other mods (SOE and Homemaker specifically) with their actual static versions. The idea here being to make the mod a standalone.Ripping a cell. I know it's possible, but not the process.Making NPC vendors, and all that involves.Probably other stuff?The good news is, I know how to do exactly zero of these things. Hooray! I'm hoping this won't be too grueling of a task, and maybe some of you more experienced folks can point me towards some guides and tutorials that could help. Any and all advice welcome.
  9. You are my freaking hero, that's exactly what I was looking for. I think that was the part that was eluding me, was setting none as the active file. And I didn't even know about the door links, that actually opens up a lot of possibilities. Thanks a bunch, I really appreciate it.
  10. Heya folks, I've got a question on how to do something pretty basic. I wholeheartedly enjoy New Vegas, and I've come across quite a few mods that I only like pieces of; quests that give one or two pieces of cool gear for example. The mods were okay, but not worth clogging up my load order with to keep one item. So my idea was to make an esm or esp (not sure which is more appropriate) called Pick n Pluck for myself, wherein I save the things that I enjoy all in one place. I know it's possible, but I'll be hornswaggled if I can figure out how. Tried googling the problem, but I apparently don't know the right keywords to find what I need to know. Soooo... I'm gonna crowdsource this one. How do I take items (locations probably being more of a pain than they're worth) from different mods and copy them into a seperate mod for myself? I know enough GECK-eese to mod other people's work (the basics of refids, formlists, etc.), but this is a teensy bit out of my working knowledge.
  11. Actually. Nevermind. After several quit/load kind of deals, it reset itself to 0. Now I just gotta figure out how to delete this post...
  12. So I loaded one of my saved games, and suddenly was over carrying capacity. So I emptied my bags and stripped naked, still 6500 or so lbs left on me. How is this possible? I didn't install any new mods or anything. All you brainiacs out there, give me a hand. I'm stumped. And yes, I know I can up my carrying capacity via console, but that seems like a "band-aid" kind of fix.
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