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About NewThalos

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  1. I know I'm really late, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Make sure Particle Patch overrides every mod in this list, except for Reduced Glow FX. So the order should be: [all mods] Particle Patch Reduced Glow FX FYI, High Poly Project recommends that you let it overwrite the Particle Patch. A lot of outdated info in this thread, which is why I'm chiming in. We should be archiving this thread as being outdated and no longer a proper source of modern load order information. Too many discrepancies to make it a credible source of load order insight.
  2. Technically, posts are never really deleted or eliminated-- they're just set to "hidden" by the page author. Admin can always see/review hidden posts at any time, despite the community at large not being able to see it.
  3. Dark0ne does not believe in having any more "must do" items in order for authors to publish their mods than absolutely necessary. Authors are not required to tag their mods at all. Nor to categorize them. Nor do anything other than provide a working mod who's description accurately reflects what the mod does. Anything more is completely voluntary. So you can "ask nicely" and hope more authors take the actions you want, but that's about it. hey Thandal, thanks for chiming in bud. And yeah, I totally get what you're saying, I just think it would be cool to get more "opt out" options from seeing mods that are unknowingly circumventing the filter system. Not a deal breaker, just an annoyance. Edit: Drake answered my question pretty directly regarding the tag system. Much appreciated! Cheers!
  4. Addendum: Yup, people simply aren't tagging their content appropriately, the following mod as one example: Kynreeve Armor Turkish Translation People have been manually trying to tag it appropriately as Turkish, (I added my +1, making a total of +2) but the author still needs to approve said tag, but the author only tags it as "Translation" and not a specific language. I unfortunately can't filter out "Translation" as an available option because that might filter out foreign content that was translated into English. How do we go about increasing more awareness for uploaders to tag more accurately without coming off as being unfriendly?
  5. Hey Pickysaurus, I really appreciate your reply. :smile: Unfortunately, I already had the languages blocked on my profile, however I did notice some additional ones that I skipped-- sadly, those languages were not relevant to the mods still being shown on my HOT/More Mods menu. I've since blocked everything except English, and yet they remain on my HOT/More Mods splash page. I don't think tags play any role in what gets shown on the HOT/More Mods menu unless you go into Advanced Search options. If tags ARE supposed to be taken into effect on the splash page, then I must inform you that it isn't functioning as intended. What else have you got? :smile: EDIT: I might add that a big issue is that uploaders are not doing their due diligence in properly labeling/tagging their content. If the tag functionality does in fact get blocked like you said from the splash page, then it's likely that a large amount of non-English translation uploads simply aren't tagging their content appropriately.
  6. I know this sounds like an English speaking entitlement request, but when I come to the HOT Mods and More Mods section of my favorite game, looking for what's new, I hate having to scroll through piles of translation mods just to find something new. Alternatively, I imagine some of our non-English speaking community members would like to filter and see only their preferred language translations that are newly added. REQUEST: Please add a language filter button like you do for the Advanced Search menu, or allow us to specify in our profile that we only want to see content of certain language types/origins. 11 out of 20 showcased mods on my Hot/More Mods splash page are for non-English translations for the same stuff I already have, or have already seen. That means 55% of the showcased content being recommended to me isn't even in my native language. :sad: FIX: Add a Language Drop-down to the main splash page?
  7. Thanks DragonbornMonse! This step-by-step instruction helped me convert the hdtHighHeel.esm for my new hdt physics build. Worked like a charm!
  8. Ah, actually I did find the block tag section of my account settings page. It's just incomplete and/or doesn't work 100% for foreign mods that are not tagged accurately. Would be nice to add tags for the following however: Non-English VR Content
  9. Not sure if the new website has this function or not, but it's really annoying seeing a bunch of VR and non-English mods on the Hot Mods and the new Daily/Weekly uploads section of the main Skyrim SE page. I could have sworn there was a way for me to not see non-English mods and/or other filtered out content, but can't for the life of me remember how to do it. Any insight would be welcomed. If we can't yet filter from the Hot Mods splash page, can we implement it? Thanks! Wish List of Hot Mods Filters: VR Content English Non-English Adult Content Likely other stuff that I can't think of.. :smile:
  10. Currently, I have to download a mod via mod manager, install the mod, and the open up the metadata file to see what the category ID is. Wasn't there an easier way of doing this? Isn't there a definitive mod category ID list somewhere to be found?
  11. Maybe, but Dark0ne says in the OP of that section the following: "Any questions related to Morrowind, Oblivion or anything other than Nexus sites should be posted in the other relevant forums." The different games have different categories, so perhaps this is the appropriate place to post this, hard to say.
  12. Does anyone have an export of what the actual Skyrim SSE category ID's are supposed to be for the Nexus? I see some category.dat files to download from users, but they're so subjective, and it feels like so many mods are erroneously placed under the wrong category simply because nobody knows what to categorize anything by anymore. I'm looking for a definitive list of what the category codes ID's are, so I can write a custom dat file. Thanks!
  13. I'd recommend a couple best practices for your PC environment, assuming you've not already done so. It may seem like an indirect remedy to the situation but sometimes our PC gets confused about what to do with some files due to conflicting information. In this order: Clean & Optimize your Environment DiskMax <-- Clean, zero adware, created by Microsoft employee Absolutely zero downside to using this. Clean Registry CCleaner <-- My go-to registry cleaner. Free version, no adware, lots of tools. Great additional tools such as Startup control, etc. Zero downside to using this. Getting rid of unused software, programs, and other tools that you don't use anymore. This is pretty good practice, this is often a culprit for why active programs like Steam et al don't work properly because we have some old program that is set to use certain files (DLL's etc) by default which inhibit the software that we actually do use from working efficiently or properly. I use Revo Uninstaller, but I use the Pro version, I've never used the freeware version, but I assume it rocks just as much. Check it out. Revo is great because it does a scan of all leftover junk files after uninstalling, including erroneous leftover registry entries. Clean Registry again! Always clean your registry every single time after uninstalling/deleting/removing programs from your computer. This is often one of the #1 reasons your PC slows down, runs into conflicts, and other issues ranging from hard-to-get-rid-of adware, spyware, scamware bits on your computer. It's almost always a registry entry hidden. Not bad practice to clean your registry once a week, along with the above DiskMax. Once you've done the above, and we have a good starting point to work with, we can dig in a little deeper into your issue. You might find that the above practice fixes your Steam issue as well. Looking forward to hearing your results! Cheers!
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