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Status Updates posted by Spartan11752

  1. aww i cant re upload my screenshot of the Jerall mountains...Stupid iPad wont allow me to choose the pic and im to lazy to connect it to the PC and then upload it...
    1. Spartan11752


      wait...its up so no worries...
  2. about an mile out,svensk?
  3. Sorry for not being here for a while
    1. Spartan11752


      since i dont have any Nexus game i havent been here for a while
  4. Happy Easter to u 2!^^
  5. Hejsan,hejsan allihopa vad händer?
  6. what should i keep from my old pc (getting a new one soon)
  7. Great,now my PC is broken so i cant play anything...well il just play Crysis 2 until its fixed
  8. oh well now im in school.but Friday in 3 days.x3
  9. naaww this weekend then back to school :(
  10. yesss no school for a week!x3
  11. huh was Killzone 3 to short?Completed it in 6 hrs nonstop to easy
  12. Why did i get accused for spamming on the chat while i just did write was 2 things wich wasnt even the same? :(
  13. What should i do?=/
    1. Kaaja
    2. Spartan11752


      yeah maybe i should dance?! (*Burst into an hardcore dance that ends within 5 secs*)
  14. Boyah Got my APB Reloaded Beta key today!!
  15. Could someone maybe help me with modding or il maybe can help you with modding
  16. I think its goin kinda well for me with the modding!
    1. CARTlike


      Nice to hear :D
  17. First File uploaded!Not so good but might be a good start
  18. What´s on my mind?
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