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Everything posted by Axsisel

  1. I literally know nothing from the GECK, every time I try to use it my computer ends crashing
  2. Hello there. I want to do a FNV Biker Courier playthorught and I have found two mods that are perfect for it. The first one is a Fast Travel replacer that makes you use a Motorbike to travel and the second one is a replacer for the bulky and ugly bike model. The problem is that even with both installed the Fast-Travel bike uses the original model. I wish to know how to replace the model. Help please >O< Mods: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/40878/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D40878%26preview%3D&pUp=1 http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/43894/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D43894%26preview%3D&pUp=1
  3. How about this. The Sole Survivor receives a strange radio signal who guides him to a terminal who is linked to a great radio/satellite beacon. In the terminal he will read about the moon base and how someone from there is trying to contact with someone. The terminal speaks about them being marooned on the moon without a chance of escaping, how most bases and areas are now derelict etc... and how they used to believe that the entire Earth was dead, until they saw the Bradley Hercules satellite fire upon the ground, the Bright Broterhood rockets ascend and the Archimedes II firing towards the Mojave. ( Referencing both Fallout 3 and New Vegas ) The Sole Survivor will then be able to build a teleporter ( Like the one who takes you to the Institute ) and then travel towards the Moon, companions won't follow you. In there he will discover that there is no way back and that a series of things need to be done to return. Along with the faceless Astronaut the Sole Survivor will need to gather a series of materials from different bases, then reboot the Fusion Generator and defend if from crazed ghouls, enter into the Chinese base and get the coordinates to return safely ( they can contact satellites, hence being able to pinpoint the correct coordinates ), and other objectives. If all is done correctly the Sole Survivor will be able to return to the Commonwealth along with the Astronaut and also have access to Moon Nukes.
  4. We cannot reuse Fallout 3 and New Vegas models due to copyright reasons right? Maybe to implement the rocket we could use the already done Red Rocket from the Gas stations and reskin it. About your ideas I like them but see some flaws, why would the sole survivor ever help the Communists? If you chose the male he was a soldier who fought against them.
  5. Ok so in FO4 we can learn from the Museum of Freedom that there was some kind of extra-planetary conflict on the Moon's Sea of Tranquillity. Not much info is given but it is speculated that both the Chinese and the Americans were mining the satellite in the search of Helium-3 to create the fusion cores and power any other fusion related technology. On New Vegas in the Repconn HQ we learn that the rocket tech of the Pre-War fallout world while way more advanced that our current tech level it was still way too behind for what was needed for quick interstellar travel, and hence any space travel could take several generations before reaching its destination. Knowing that the Enclave's first plan was to leave the planet and that they worked along Vault-Tec to create the Vault experiments to test what kind of problems could they face while doing their space journey I think that it wouldn't be so crazy to believe that there could be some kind of Vault on the Moon too. For they could test problems like micro-gravity and such that couldn't be recreated on Earth. This Lunar Vault would obviously be a secret one and not intended for civilians but for the Military, scientists, engineer and any kind of working personnel that where on the moon working on the drilling. Here comes my campaign idea: What if there are still two main factions on the Moon? On one side there are the remnants of the US army, on the other there are the Chinese Communists. From the safety of their bases both were able to see how the entire world burned and how for an instant the scorched world became as bright as the sun. Since their reason to fight was now moot both groups ceased attacking each other and the conflict became stagnant, they even cooperated when needed, yet were still mistrusting and tense relations due to ideological differences. Both groups are simply living and apathetically waiting for their demise, for they believe that the entire world perished and that they are the last humans remaining. They know that sooner or later something will break and that they will die, but their beliefs and indoctrination doesn't lets them commit suicide for even if there's no war anymore if any of the two groups dies first then it means that the other was the "winner". +200 years have passed and most of the bases and stations that were used to mine and do research are now abandoned and mostly destroyed. From the thousands of survivors that were at first now only about a hundred remain on the Moon. Radiation from the fusion cores and strange moon crystals that can be found in the underground have mutated the personnel and the test animals who know have made the caves and bases into their nests. ( Ghouls, Reskinned Gorillas, Etc... ) One day a spaceship came and landed on the moon, from its interior a group of Ghoul astronauts landed asking to refuel before they can continue their great journey ( They are the Bright Brotherhood from Fallout New Vegas ). The player would then take control of the protagonist who will be a faceless person who will need to wear a Hazmat Suit and maybe later a Winterised T-45 Power Armour ( Representing the Space Armour/Suit ). There will now be several ways of continuing the story: FIRST ENDING: After the Spaceship comes the protagonist will discover that the planet isn't as dead and empty as he thought and then can either help the Brotherhood into continuing their journey and attempt to gain their favour to leave the Moon, if this path is taken the Brotherhood will be thankful, but will say that only ghouls can go on. From this point more diverging paths can be taken: If the protagonists has completely done all the Brotherhoods sub-quests then they will let him enter and hope that the radiation ghoulifies him/her. The ending cut-scene would be left ambiguous as the protagonists sees the spaceship shaking around him, the rad meter goes of the charts and then it all fades to black. The protagonist can become angry and open fire on all of them, if he manages to kill them all then he can stole the spaceship on his own and choose were to return, if Earth or the Brotherhood's original destination. Both give the same cutscene as the first one but if Earth is taken then maybe then s/he could find the Sole Survivor and become a companion.Another option after being denied is sabotaging the Rocket into crashing into the Communists Base ( The communists will become aggressive due to them also wanting to leave the Moon )SECOND ENDING: Another way would be joining with the Communists, getting the necessary fuel to return to Earth and then killing the Brotherhood for their Rocketship. THIRD ENDING: As the protagonist does some quests he will pass across some dark and mysterious caves. Some strange voice within the caverns could ask the Protagonist to gather all the Bright Brotherhood members down there for a strange ritual, giving the protagonist strange powers and making him ruler of the barren moon, in which all the survivors will be his to toy with for all eternity. FOURTH ENDING: One final possible ending would be the player realising that the Great War isn't over, as they are the survivors and heirs of that cataclysm. Until one of the two groups isn't dead it won't be over. And maddened by a life of isolation and scavenging he wishes to give the Earth's survivors a sign of moving on and leaving the past behind. Thus going to a Nuke Station and activating all the codes, nuking the Moon from inside and killing what he believes are the last remnants of Communism and American Fascism. Those are the main ideas, now for the Campaign there are some areas that I would like to include. A massive satellite/radio beacon that can be used to contact the Enclave and gather info on the Ghouls, The Moon Vault, A drilling area filled with robots ( who could be activated to aid in combat ), a strange cavern with crystals, skulls and oddly a breathable atmosphere who is filled with ghouls and is somehow related to all the Cthulhu mythos like in other Games, areas filled with Aliens ( AKA Zetans ), communists bases with Chinese speaking protectrons, underground bases filled with Nukes... and many more! I guess that to create such areas many pre-existing buildings, models and textures could be used with only a mere re-skinning. Let's be honest for a moment. If any of you thinks that this is a good Idea and wants to make it a reality I couldn't do much to help. I don't own Fallout 4 due to crappy computer and lack of money. I have no idea on how GECK works. I'm not American nor Chinese so I cannot do much about voice acting... At most I could only help with the script. Anyway thanks for reading!
  6. Complete Pacifism would be what I truly want yes.
  7. So the easiest and fastest way would be creating a new perk that added my chara to the Abomination, Robot and Animal factions and then adding an esp that makes all the NPC and enemies friendly right?
  8. DevinPatterson I know that creatures are classified into different groups, for example there are Abomiantions, Robots, Animals, etc... With the Animal Friend Perk you can make animal enemies don't attack you; couldn't that be extended to the rest of enemies?
  9. I know fallout is all about the struggle and living under the risk of dying at any moment but I just want to look at the brighter side of it. Could it be done with a perk that makes all the enemies become pacific and all the factions stay neutral or at least positive at the main character?
  10. Hello there. I would like to play New Vegas from a more relaxed and roleplaying viewpoint instead of a more combat oriented one. I know that Bighorners and Coyotes have a script that pretty much make them only aggressive if you attack first or get too close. Would be there a way of giving all the enemies ( including human ones like raiders and also abominations like deathclaws ) that kind of behavior or even a completely pacifist one? I have geck downloaded but I'm completely new to it. Thanks in advance!
  11. Dude its not a bad idea, but it could be HUGE, I mean o you want to fuse two games ( Add ons included ) into one game. Only a few computers would resist that huge amount of Data
  12. What about a crazy mutant/nigthkin that want to make a Zoo? He would give to you some kind of dart rifle ( with fatigue damage ) and you should capture some creatures like centaurs, scorpions etc... and at the end of the quest he would say something like " The last creature I must have for mi zoo is a human!! " and he would attack you, if you survive you could use the zoo as a home os something like that
  13. Hi everyone I was going to download a mod called "better performance mod". This mod basicaly removed the roads of the game to have a FPS boost. I dont know why but this mod was deleted from NVnexus. Could someone please reupload this mod? Bye
  14. I readed that they are gonna make DCL content for the new Tekken 6 and the content will have two new figthers: City Swimmer ( a reptile looking girl with a robe ) and Azhjada ( some kind of female lion-like human wearing a jeweld bikini ). Well here comes the best. In oblivion there is a argonian called City Swimmer and Azhjada is a Khajiit name. Does anybody know more about this? What do you think about this, do you think its coincidence or sumthing like that?
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