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Everything posted by Deleted14262969User

  1. So... Bethesda is at this idea... again. Well, I get the feeling the only mods that will be paid will be ones like this fishing mingame, armors, swords and bleak, uninspired followers without any trace of a character. At least I hope this will be the majority of the cases. The fact they are vauge doesn't bode well. It's " Paid Mods 2.0", minus valve cooperation. I can bet it will be the same i.e they get 75% cut and you can die of starvation for all they care. ( I know majority of moders have regular jobs, just saying in case of those who would like this to be full time job.)
  2. The problem is even befor starting to mod the game ( shortly after I got it) I had the very same problem... No idea why, though.
  3. So I have a problem with skyrim during character creation and even after bringing it up via showracemenu. The problem is that whenever I press space and add surname and then hit enter the race menu disappears but the screen stays as if it was still brought up, not to mention that the cursor doesn't disappear at all. It's jsut like it switching to "invisible" mode.
  4. About an hour to write it down, although the getting the opening scene right and climatic... About 3 days, if I remember :)
  5. thank you, sorry I didn't got a notice, anyway the story will be continued here-> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10563096/1/Darkness-Rises
  6. Hey guys I've had an idea for a mod for a while. I wanted to create something as lore friendly as it could ever be . Since merethic era isn't explored topic by lore I thought it would be a start. So the story: The story would take place a few months after the events of Dawnguard ( in terms of lore chronology I believe dawnguard was last to take place) you are approached by a messenger with the latter addressed specifically to you. The Jarl of Whiterun would ask you to help the hold deal with a dragon that has been terrorising southern parts of the hold ( now I imagine the dragon to look like this, more or less http://sandara.deviantart.com/art/Black-Dragon-391596250). You set up on the journey to Whiterun and upon your arrival the Jarl assign you a group of guards to assist you. When you arrive at your destination you find the land to be charred with only a small patch of green trees still standing in the middle of this depressing sight. You can also see the still smoldering ruins of the Riverwood. ( although I was thinking of making a random small village) This time the said dragon flies by you and over the said tree patch, toward the Bleak Falls Barrow. You notice that shortly after he passed over the flora it started to wither and die. Despite this you decide to pursue it. Upon your arrival you see the dragon nested on the one of the barrow arches. Before you can stop the guards they attack it only to be charred with fire, you managed to hide. The you notice the dragon is usin a shout, that is unfamilliar to you, and rise the charred bodies as what you assume should be thralls. The creatures attack you at instance but you slay them all only to notice them raise again. At this moment the dragon gives out a cold laugh. You realise you can't win and decide to flee. Then the story would require you to search Winterhold library and there you would find an old text which mentions the name of Dremjaar and some secret the Priests were supposed to guard at any cost so that it would never see the daylight again. Unfortunatley the scroll's writing is too faded away to decipher. You ask around about prisest but with no success. Until the Archmage himself won't ask you for a private chat. He tells you that the closest Priest burial site is located in labirynthian but the doors are sealed and only he has the key. You have your suspictions but you have no choice but to accept the help. Then you'll spend time to work on a spell that would force the priest into collaboration. Upon confrontation with morokei you use the spell but the outcome is not what you'd expect insted of working like bend will shout the spell works like an invisable shackles. From now on you will have to watch for each others back since if one of you die the other will die as well as your lives are now tangled. Lateron , thanks to Morokei's cooperation and digging through an old archives in an ancient temple, you would discover a remnants of Dragon Cult living on an island called by them Dremjaar. It turns out the island is wrapped in ilussion and other securing spells. And the area near it si covered in wrecks of ships that wre unfotunate enough to get too close. From now on your job would be convincing the remnants you mean no harm and that you require their help in stopping the dragon from wreacking havock and chaos. This is a very brief plot line. Now here's something about antagonist Ragnarok seems to be old creature that has some connections with the dragon cult. It appearence is most unusal as it has four limbs, excluding wings. The creature is definatley half-mad. He's cunning and patient, he will avoid confrontation at any cost, prefering ranged attacs and sending his slaves to do the dirty work for him. His most favoured shout is Siil Aarl Daal- It translates literally to : Slave-Soul-Return: Your Thu'um orders the soul of slayed warrior to return from grave. Forever binding it to its body and your will until the power of your Thu'um won't be silenced. Which means his army is unstopable until his heart will be stilled . About Morokei, he won't be a typicall follower which means he won't carry your staff. I'd like to implement a relationship between player and him. Which is it will depend on the outcome of your conversation and decisions made throughout the whole quest. He'll be either enemy, neutral, friend or possible love interest ( females only). Although I'd like to add other NPCs working this way both for female and male players. About Morokei being a lishch, there would be an optional quest where you would search a way of returning him his ... humanity.
  7. Before I start: Since I wasn't sure where to post it I post it under general discussion. Now onto the topic: I'm writing a fanfic and befor posting it to any other side I'd like to know what do you think of it. It's kind of short, but hey everything has to start somewhere :tongue: Since I'm not English writing english-style is kind of problematic to me. But I do my best to avoid the so infamous " Block/Wall of text" :smile: So let the story begin :D Also I'm sorry for not upoading the orginal file, I'd prefer to make corrections / expand the chapter first... So here it comes: Prologue He felt something. It was distant and close at the same time, strange and familiar. And just after a while he recognized it : cold . He felt cold on his skin. But if he could feel it then... The spell is wavering! A single thought shot through his mind. And this single thought was enough to wake him. His eyes opened rapidly. He raised his massive head and blinked a few times. He heard some faint sound but ignored it at first. It wasn't until a sting of pain shot in his front paw. He looked down to see a small thing stuck in his skin. An arrow most likely. He raised his head and saw a bunch of Nords cowering in the corner with one stupid enough to aim at him. He growled. " Gelum hin zun, lir." The man's expression changed to that of confusion but he didn't withdraw the arrow. In fact he pulled the bow's string even harder. "Hi dreh ni mindoraan daar tinvok dreh hi? Kent Zu'u nuft daar guttal tinvok do hin?" The man didn't budged but his nerves gave up and the hand holding the arrow started to shake. " You are brave for a worm, you know. You and those friend of yours will make some fine servants." He snorted, amused. His voice ranged throughout the halls. " We will not serve you, you overgrown lizard!" The man with a bow shouted. The dragon went silent before asking " What is your name, mortal?" " Why do you care, lizard?" he growled. He laughed at his bold reply. " You see it doesn't make any difference to me whether you'll serve me in life or in death. I'm a necromancer, you see. So make your choice! Serve me in life or in death!" He roared. " To hell with you monster!" He narrowed his amber eyes and gave a low growl " Foolish choice.." He raised to his all four and shouted: Yol Toor Shul . A fire consumed insolent creature within minutes his agonized screams continued for a while until his twisted and burned body hit the floor, only to spill into the ashes. His gaze moved toward the rest of fallen fool's companions. There were five at least and all trying to escape his wrath. He took a deep breath and shouted: Foh Krah Diin. And all those fools who dared to dwell into his prison were frozen to death by his ice breath. He pondered over his situation. The seal holding him in place was wavering, yes. But he didn't know whether any of his once-brothers were still alive. He was too weak to break totally free and he needed to send someone to investigate. His gaze returned to the five dead bodies. Siil Aaarl Daal! * He watched calmly as his new puppets rise and turn toward him. " Hi los nu ko dii suleyk, sahlag ulfah." He saw them desperately resist to kneel but the thu'um of his voice was stronger. " You are now my eyes and ears in this land until I won't be free of this place once more. Now go, find the Dragon Seal and return with it to me. He watched them leave. And couldn't help but give out a cold laugh. This world wasn't ready to face him again, yet. But he shall have his revenge. ___________________________________________________ *Siil Aarl Daal- A non canon necromantic shout made up by myself. It translates literally to : Slave-Soul-Return: Your Thu'um orders the soul of slayed warrior to return from grave.Forever binding it to its body and your will until the power of your Thu'um won't be silenced. Gelum hin zun, lir- Lower your weapon, worm. Hi dreh ni mindoraan daar tinvok dreh hi? Kent Zu'u nuft daar guttal tinvok do hin?"- You do not understand this language, do you? Must I use this guttal language of yours? Hi los nu ko dii suleyk, sahlag ulfah- you are now in my power pitiful creatures .
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