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Nexus Mods Profile

About duh13

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Oblivion, GTA: San Andreas
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  1. That is wierd, my mod doesn't cause people to murder each other for me! LOL
  2. If the aggression is low will the dog still help his owner in fights?
  3. I'm am making a mod with dogs, and I have two problems. 1. The dogs walk very slowly when following someone. The person they're following ends up miles ahead of their dog! 2. Dogs attack when they see a sword or fists. How do I fix these problems?
  4. I know this is off topic, but I noticed you have my mod 'OblivionRacismVer1.7' I want to point out that it needs the main file and the 2 other updates to work correctly. I don't know the solution to your problem, but I hope you find out.
  5. Here's the problem... 238 MODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE SO MANY?!?!?!?! You might as well make your own game if your going to mess it up that much. Sorry, I don't know how to fix your problem. Maybe if you have Oblivion Mod Manager you can run a conflict test.
  6. Somebody help! :verymad: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
  7. I hate to be like this, but you did try it in the game right? I'm very new to the CS still, and my guess is that the CS just shows a standard model? I don't know. I could be wrong. Sorry I couldn't be of any more help, I know how frustrating all this is, just from events tonight. I tryed that now, it still has poined ears. I put the mesh in the 'Dog' folder, and it shows up on the list when I edit a dog, but when I click it, the little render on the edit screen shows pointed ears. I know it's the right one because the new texture works.
  8. The creature is a dog. The only changes to the mesh is that I gave it floppy ears. It looks perfect in Nifskope render, but the ears are pointy again in construction set render.
  9. HEEEELLLOOOOOOOOOOO! Anyone wanna help me? :whistling:
  10. I edit a nif file and it looks perfect, then when I go to put it in the game with Construction Set, it shows the creature just like how it did before. :wallbash: I checked the correct one in the models tab and everything! What's wrong?
  11. There must be something wrong with my game, because I've never seen a start up movie. It goes straight to the menu!
  12. Create a shield and use the NIF of a sword. (Somebody correct me if thats not completely right) If you didn't understand that, then you need to do some modding tutorials. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page
  13. I meant security, I couldn't remember the name right away so I said thieving. ramanov is the eye crosshair transparent when you pickpocket? If it's gold that means someone can see you. Also, try not to steal too many things. You can slip a couple items out, but if you keep taking stuff they're going to realize that somebody is digging in their pocket.
  14. Thanks for all the help! :thanks: I'm going to be gone for a week now.
  15. OK P.S. guys, I still need answers to a power attack replacement.
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