LALALA creates Snow Space colony at mars and launches a huge Snow rocket.Rocket destroys tanks and then LALALA returns to earth and starts throwing Acme snow grenades at Pack Rat.
LALALA jumps from the snow and makes a snow robot and sends him to Acrid.Snow robot kicks Acrid @ss and then he walks to the Faust.Faust screams as the robot starts to throw snow rockets from his Super-Laser-infrared-Snow launcher
1 LOTR 2 Rush Hour 2 3 Shrek 4 Abyss 5 Indiana Jones(all of them) 6 Time machine 7 American pie 8 Legally Blonde 9 Braveheart 10 13th Warrior dragonheart,matrix,Lightnings(it is serbian movie and it is great.It is originally called Munje),