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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Thanks for the answer ub3rman123, but i have found a on YouTube showing some camera tips.
  2. Thanks for the answer, but i dont think it is the command i need. I would be happy if i could use the camera like the "tfc" mode, and still control my player.
  3. I want to make at little movie like the Chuck Norris in Oblivion videoes, but i have some trouble wiht the recording. There are a few things i want to know, and i hope someone will help me. 1. How can i control my player while i use free camera (console: tfc)? 2. How can i make people talking including myself, with different camera views?
  4. Hei I have a problem with the mods. First i dropped some of the mod files from Illumination Within and its working perfectly but i have some mods more and i cant drop them in the data folder. The problem is that the folders "textures" and "meshes" from "Illumination Within" alredy is in the data folder, and when i fx. want to drop the "Loading Screens" mod files they exchange the "textures" with the new "textures". If i did this, only the "Loading Screens" will work. Hope someone will answer my simple problem.
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