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Everything posted by h4n4

  1. immersive HUD? dude cmon... did you even try? set it up like you want
  2. override them and be happy? read the nexus page for CoT? isnt ther an installation guide? in allmost all cases you can override files if NMM asks you if you want to. This usually happens if another mod allready placed some files like textures in your data folder. CoT will probably collide with a mod that makes your nights darker or something like that? if thats the case i would suggest you override the files anyway and if you dont like CoT, uninstall it AND the mod it was coliding with (dark nights or what ever) and reinstall that said mod. You cant "break" your game by overriding files form mods in 99% of the cases. AND YOU CAN NEVER oeverride the original games files so dont worry about that
  3. ALPHA V2 is out! Check the first post for download and updated information. give it a go! If you like it, ill release a Beta on Nexus in one or two days.
  4. ok i watched the trailer and allmost had an excident XD great humor. I will have a look sometime if i can spear a minute.
  5. CRC errors mean that - well - the archive is incomplete. This can have multiple reasons: the donwload didnt finish, the archive was corrupted allready (nexus servers?), you HDD is broken (chill out it highly unlikely)... have you tried downloading the mods "manual" form the nexus and the using the "add mod from file" NMM option (just select the manually donwloaded archive)? should try that first
  6. Autoswitch is done! (not in the download yet) I will push a new Alphabuild later today after i fixed "clutter". Please feel free to give it a try. If it works out well i might release Beta on Nexus in the next days. The next build will most likely require SKSE. Sorry if you dont have it. I may get a nonSKSE version out after beta
  7. wait what happens if i add the magic effect that runs the RegisterForSingleUpdate chain script multiple times to an actor (is it even possible?) does this cause multiple loops? i added a check to not do that but you never know
  8. year... ill just put a few RegisterForUpdate loop into each other and place them on a naked body - upload to nexus and see what happens... No seriously. Thx ill take the single chain. ill put Event OnEffectFinish(Actor _target, Actor _caster) UnregisterForUpdate() EndEventin as well so there are no fency thing happening after i finished
  9. Just to doublecheck: I want to apply a constant effect to an actor that checks periodically if a statement is true. Is my logic correct and is it ok to do this or does it slow down the game/can corrupt savegames? I want to check the ingame time and/or daylight level(sundamage). I looked at Cheskos WL script but there is a lot of stuff in there... Event OnEffectStart(Actor _target, Actor _caster) RegisterForUpdate(30.0) EndEvent Event OnUpdate() If statement == true DoStuff EndIf EndEvent I have read the warnings on http://www.creationkit.com/RegisterForUpdate_-_Form and i think it is better to use RegisterForSingleUpadte(30.0) how do i make sure the update is triggered in somewhat usefull intervals? would it better to use someting like "Utility.Wait(30)" or just chain singelUpdates? Event OnEffectStart(Actor _target, Actor _caster) RegisterForSingleUpdate(30.0) EndEvent Event OnUpdate() If statement == true DoStuff EndIf ;Utility.Wait(30) ??? RegisterForSingleUpadte(30.0) and i would add Event OnCellDetach() UnregisterForUpdate() EndEvent OnUnload() UnregisterForUpdate() EndEvent OnDeath(Actor akKiller) UnregisterForUpdate() EndEventis this cool or will i corrupt savegames?
  10. 1. i dont know this 2. just try it? 3. if you cant put, your OP gloves back on?
  11. there you go... just create a deafness perk (the blindness is allready in the game) and you are done. You are right - it's just that the only thing I know about CK is how to open and close it :D well thats a good start i guess^^ Its probably easier to just mak a knockout/instant sleep poison...
  12. you have to export it as a Nif file and check it with Nifskope (if you are lucky you dont have to). you can watch this playlist - its messed up you have to find the order your self (its for armors but you can probably figure it out) And yes. Guides may seem outdated but since nifskope and blender are outdated tools as well they still appley. im afraid youll have a lot of work to do if you created your weapon allready without nifskope/Nif-files in mind :/ search for a guide on how to set up niftools, nifskope and blender together so they actually work (will take some time). final step: uninstall blender, get 3ds Max
  13. Do cities count as exteriors or interiors? (im talking Whiterun, Windhelm, Riften and so on) You cant get a horse into an interior (unless you really try to break the game/force it with a mod) right?
  14. possible yes. And yes it might look better but... that seems so strange to have the lightsource actually be somewhere else then the candleflame? will think about it but not on top priority I thought about adding different lanterns ltern on once released. Maybe one of these could give a more diffuse light/hover at the side of your horse (kind of a magic light/torchbug/fairy thing)...
  15. there you go... just create a deafness perk (the blindness is allready in the game) and you are done.
  16. wait wtf... whats going on here? dont think nexus would host such a mod oO
  17. well im not 100% sure. I tried sneakattacking giants a few times and it didnt work (never tried a dragon) and i think i remeber to have seen it somewhere (in the wiki?). Would suprise me if you can actually sneakattack them oO THATS FOR MEELE ONLY. Im pretty sure you can get sneakattacks with ranged weapons on them.
  18. alot of enemys are even immune to sneak damage (giants, dragons...) If you want the enchant,ent anyway there should be a mod allready on the nexus? im not sure but cant imagine nobody has done this. I think its like 15 minutes of work
  19. not sure about enemys but why dont use a muffeled potion/enchantment? You could ofc use the fingersmith perkto get a blindness/deafness poison in the target pocket but you need to be muffeled in the first place for that... and shooting someone with a poisoned arrow? just kill them if you ar at it. You would need a "poisoned darts" mod to begin with i guess... cool idea but quite some work to do
  20. fixed lots off stuff today. Will continue tomorrow. shadows will stay out. The engine cant handle them
  21. i moved the center of theLight up a bit so it shold now cneter the tip of the candle flame. But to be honest you should not be able to even spot the center of the Light with your eyes^^. Are you maybe talking about the candle glow effect? (http://absolutegrace.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/candle_flame.jpg notice the red ring around the flame) i Have an effect in place that gives a glow around the actual flame (both flames). If you talking about that i can ajust this. But moving it away from the flame would make it look weird. I could merge thg glow of both flames into one so you only get one effect. could you describe the problem in other words?
  22. Thanks much appreciated! I think i can add an option to change the position of the lantern (left/right, front/back) so you can adjust it depending on the sadde
  23. yes the candles glow. thats because i used the static candle mesh from vanilla which is meant to be lit all the time (the glow is part of the texture). Ill see what i can do. Maybe just turn it off. The center of the Light is attacht to the flame of the small (i think) candle. Ill see how it looks when moving it to the big or to the middel of the lantern... ill have to play around with the light and the shadows. Thx for your feedback and screens
  24. ALPHA IS UP! check the first post for download/instructions please provide feedback/pictures
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