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Everything posted by h4n4

  1. Ok so i got it. The problem was that cheskos Lantern spell was pointed at the NPC Pelvis (probably cause there are some problems with sneaking) and horses dont have a pelvises in skyrim. I pointed it back at the magicEffectsNode and is looks good for now (as long as my horse doesnt start to sneak :wink: - will se about that standing up thing it does when you call it with convenient horses) Another Question: can i add the Lantern Mesh (actual lantern model) via a Spell (basicly as a spelleffect) or do i have to add it onto the saddel mesh of the horse (i suck at that i think, and you would need to mesh a lantern on every saddel you have with convenient horses and so on). Chesko added them as weapons onto the Character but horses cant equip weapons... sugestions appreciated. :sad:
  2. well this is harder the expected cause i cant figure out how to stick meshes to the bones of the horse. I can place them relativ to the horses position but when you move/turn your horse it will lean to the side but the mesh will stay relativ to the horses abselute position so it will not move with the saddel/horseback... Can someone point me to a guide or something on this? I will try some other programs tomorrow (mainly fiddeled with nifSkope today) but i guess this will take some time to figure out :/ I still use the Lantern spell (permanent effect) but afaik horses get hit somewhere between their legs (like all actors i guess) by default and not on theyr spine grrr...
  3. Released: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56017/?
  4. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29476/? expand it and there you go? i didnt look into it but i dont see why you would no be able to make such a mod. You wouldee some new hairstyles etc so your age doesnt "pop" in but i guess its doable.
  5. well here would be 2 ways i think: either lock the door like houses do t night or edit the guards so they dont let you go further/stop you with a diallogue... sound easy but u never know. and about the scripts: allmost all mods have scripts, even the ones that say they dont (yes modauthors lie)... it depends on wt kind of script it is. I think you would need some for this mod either.
  6. well... i guess i got what i wanted. The rest is cleanup.... http://i.imgur.com/8Pd0h0K.jpg
  7. hm ok... i have a little problem here. How are Art Objects placed? (how do i move the visual effect of a spell up/down/what ever?) Do i really have to edit the .nif file? Edit: holy crap belnder is a piece of ... what a pain in the ass to instal and the usage is ... well cant even load all .nif just a few
  8. Ok i took a look into convenient horses and immersive NPCs in the Dark. It looks like something like the Lantern spell (permanent effect) could be added to a Horse (well i did this allready). For now the Mesh is off (Light is inside the Horse). immersive NPCs in the Dark uses the Mesh from Cheskos Wearable Lanterns. I could just edit the mesh and give the player horse the Lantern Spell right? Then ijust have to add the Lantern mesh and add conditions for darkness or Daytime so it is only on at night? ofc this is all copyright stuff and so on Would this the best way to do it or does anybody have a better idea? btw i will call the mod "Realistic immersive Lanterns on horse saddels -Nightrider edition" ;)
  9. If you do this be sure to also adjust the skill usage multi to match or else you will find that you do not gain as much experience as you should from casting these spells. Definitely adjust the skill usage multi if you use a fixed cost. The scaling will work fine, but how much experience you gain towards a skill is determined by the autocalculate cost of the spell, even if the cost is fixed. I don't know if that would work. Can you assign a negative magicka cost to an effect? The perk option really has by far the smallest footprint. with a script it would work. without prbably not
  10. convenient horses... for folowers i dont now but UFO and AFT ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15524/?) are the most popular i guess? not sure. I dont like followers^^ if you want it to do it yourself just look how the horse wistel power works in convenient horses
  11. you could change the magnitude/mana cost of the magic effect (not the spell but the effect that the spell uses) or you could just simply set a fixed cost for the spell instead of auto calculate (but that would prefent scaling of the mana cost somewhat not sure...) Or you could ad a new effect to the spell that oweres its manacost (maybe just for NPCs?) or do the perk thing. Not shure what would be the best solution
  12. well cool then. Im fearly new to modding but i think i can do it. Will start tomorrow \o/
  13. let me get this right: how will the bonus on your two handed weapn ever effect your spellcasting? cant do both at the same time, can you? and cant you just consol such a weapon?
  14. So i just had that idea while riding around at night with a torch out... Why cant i put a Lantern on my horse hanging from my saddel? It would nicely fit with the armors for horses given by convenient horses, you can "spot" your horse in the dark faster and you dont have to deal with a damn torch cliping all over the place. I did a quick search and could not find such a mod for now. If you guys dont know it ill start making it for my self. But i dont want to reinvent the wheel... so what you guys think?
  15. updated the Readme i found a problem with the loadorder. My .esp has to come after skyre/reprocer files because the reprocer does change the cannibalism perk (god knows why oO). Do people have to create new reprocer files after they installed my mod or how can i fix/patch this?
  16. uploaded on Nexus and added a Readme there I deleted the mirrors from the first post http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56017/?
  17. Release: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56017/? Please dont reply anymore Hi Nexus! -im not a nativ speaker, bad english ahead- I had a hard time finding any mod that removes the horrbile popup when looting if you have the Ring of Namira equiped, so i made my own. Keep in mind that this is the first time i evenr tried to mod anything and it might all look chaotic... What it does: -Removes the prompt form the "cannibalism perk" and gives a power insted (lesser power) -does not change the Ring of Namira Item -A new power (Namira's Hunger) is added to the Character that activates a new magic effect which calls a script that imitates the original cannibalism script that was bin to the old cannibalism perk. -the power should activate the fest animation and give you both parts of "Namira's Blessing" Edited Items: -Perk-DA11Cannibalism (gives now ability "DA11CannibalismFIX") -Spell-lesser power-DA11CannibalismFIX (NEW uses Effect DA11CannibalismScript) -Magic Effect-DA11CannibalismScript (NEW runs script DA11AbCannibalismScript) -Script-DA11AbCannibalismScript (NEW imitates the old cannibalism script) Scriptname DA11AbCannibalismScript extends activemagiceffect Spell property DA11CannibalismAbility auto Spell property DA11CannibalismAbility02 auto Spell property DA11CannibalismFIXSpell auto ;Spell property invisibilitySpell auto ;Event OnSpellCast(Form DA11CannibalismFIX ) ;OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Utility.Wait(0.1) Debug.Notification("Namira is pleased") Game.GetPlayer().StartCannibal(akTarget as Actor) DA11CannibalismAbility.cast(game.getPlayer(), game.getPlayer()) DA11CannibalismAbility02.cast(game.getPlayer(), game.getPlayer()) ;invisibilitySpell.cast(akCaster, akCaster) EndEvent Anything else should hopefully not be changed (well first time with the CK...) Know Issues: -The "become a vampire" part of the perk is currently disabled for testing -The feast animation isnt playing allways Compatibility: -shouldwork with all mods that dont Change the cannibalism perk i think... What i want to Know: -does it work for you? -general Feedback -did i pack everything up correctly? -any lorebreaking content? -how can i make everything cleaner? -should i change the Ring of Namira and create a new perk so the existing perk is uneffected? Thanks for your time guys! Downoad: !!! BACK UP YOU SAVEGAMES - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56017/?
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