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Posts posted by theuseless

  1. google "top oblivion quests link" for the toql. That will get you the quests. Also filter your searches or category browsing to most downloaded (or most endorsements). You can also check out the top rated on tesnexus and the hall of fame on planetelderscrolls.com


    Check out my castle if you like dark, evil creepy lairs:

    Castle Tharnstein


    For other armors (my castle adds over 200 pieces of my personal favorite armor and weapons):


    Bob's Armory


    Apophosis, armory of the silver dragon


    For spells, I don't think anything is as large or comprehensive as Midas Magic. In fact, all mods listed by Fonger are rad. I think that Nighteye Goggles requires OBSE, but this is simple to install and use.


    Also check out Common Oblivion (COBL)


    Talking in red seems like you are yelling. Kind of like caps lock.

  2. I am on a friends' computer now and he won't let me download Notepad++, but you can. I find it useful in writing scripts. You can download the Oblivion script syntax as well. When you highlight a word, it will show you all instances of the word in the document. And it is free




    In the first block of the begin gamemode, state == 1, I prefer to write the following:




    While the punctuation seems redundant, on my old machine it worked better for complex scripts. Also, is it a good idea to set the fquest delay time to 0.4 every 3 seconds?


    Your block in state == 2 looks solid. I prefer to use a return command at the end of each condition, but the while/loop block looks nice. Maybe try it my way?? Other than that, the block looks perfect.


    There are too many variables for my puny brain to handle after that point, but it looks genius. I like the way you handle turning the cash into money in your begin menuMode1009 block:

    set CRBANKNOTECT to CRBANKNOTECT + ( ( fivebill * 5 ) + ( tenbill * 10 ) + ( twentybill * 20 ) + ( fiftybill * 50 ) + ( hundredbill * 100 ) + ( fivehundredbill * 500 ) + ( thousandbill * 1000 ) + ( fivestack * 500 ) + ( tenstack * 1000 ) + ( twentystack * 2000 ) + ( fiftystack * 5000 ) + ( hundredstack * 10000 ) + ( fivehundredstack * 50000 ) + ( thousandstack * 100000 ) )


    the way that I find what part is active when is by adding a trivial item to my inventory every if block. I then up the ammounts by adding another zero each time. For example:

    if state == 2
        player.additem 00038BA5 1
           while (CRWRKTTL >= CRGOLDCT)
                   if CRWRKTTL >= 100000
                           message "   "
                           message "   "
                           player.additem MEOclutterseptimsstack1000 1
                           player.removeitem gold001 100000
                           set CRWRKTTL to CRWRKTTL - 100000
                           player.additem 00038BA5 10
                   elseif CRWRKTTL >= 50000 && CRWRKTTL < 100000
                           message "   "
                           message "   "
                           player.additem MEOclutterseptimsstack0500 1
                           player.removeitem gold001 50000
                           set CRWRKTTL to CRWRKTTL - 50000
                           player.additem 00038BA5 100
                   elseif CRWRKTTL >= 10000 && CRWRKTTL < 50000
                           message "   "
                           message "   "
                           player.additem MEOclutterseptimsstack0100 1
                           player.removeitem gold001 10000
                           set CRWRKTTL to CRWRKTTL - 10000
                           player.additem 00038BA5 1000


    While I believe this block to be solid, it serves a quick example of how I add the items to my inventory. From there, when you enter dialogue but don't purchase anything, you will narrow it down to which part of the script is running (hopefully). You can then match what is going on with the item count in your inventory. If you have 2012 emeralds in your inventory, you would know the first place you put the code ran twice, the second place ran once, the third ran none and the fourth placement ran twice as well. So you basically read the number backwards.


    Also, I like to split my scripts into pieces that run when needed. I would separate the script to convert on beginning the mod and the script that runs when you enter 1009. I would run the first block with a self ending quest script. Make a quest, attach a script and make it disable the quest when the script is finished. While unfamiliar with obse, I'm pretty sure that you would have to warn people that they could lose all gold when removing the mod.


    Sorry I couldn't help more,


  3. Also, defragment your hdd to see if that would help with the lag issue. Try using Gamebooster to turn off background apps too. You can download it here: http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html


    I disagree with defragging After installing Oblivion. In my experience, this makes the game lag. Every defrag program I have used has made the game lag. I would recommend un-installing it and then make a fresh install. You could defrag your disk before re-install, but I wouldn't recommend it after. That may well be the problem.


    Gameboosters is a great program, though I have never used it myself.


    You might also have a problem with your ram. You can check that here: can you run it?. But usually if your computer has no trouble playing the game, that isn't the issue. What settings do you have the game set to?


    Sometimes it is because you have too much stuff on your hard drive. Try to empty your trash folder.


    And then sometimes you need to re-install windows. I bought a copy of winXP to install onto a vista machine, so I have the disk to do it (no I will not send you an iso). If you need to go this route, make sure to back up ALL your drivers for your machine, and write down the registration code on your info screen (start>control panel>system). Only do this if you have a clean disk of winXP, my buddy got a great virus from one he bit torrented and it fried his hard drive. This last advice is only if everything on your computer is slowing down.

  4. First, thanks and kudos to the two of you who posted.


    Second, yes I did talk to Caeser to get the chip. I ran through the game on easy a couple of times to see what I did wrong. It appears that if you complete the yes man quests, you have a specific order to complete Mr. House's quests. For those in the future who might stumble into this thread, it is as follows:


    1: Meet Caeser. You can either free benny or not. You can free him after you upgrade the securitrons too.

    2: Upgrade the securitrons. The chip will not be removed, however you lose out on a couple of xp.

    3: Return to Mr. House. If you do this step first, the chip will be removed and you can't get to the next part of the Main Quest unless you work with the legion.

    4: Complete the rest of the game


    I have tried this a couple of different times now and find no reason why it should work that way, other than a main quest script variable being set prematurely by the Yes Man quests. I dunno.


    Thanks again,


  5. The main quest, The House Always Wins II, is stuck halfway through. Upon getting to my friends' house, I found that I froze the quest accidentally. I'm not even sure if I can get any of the faction endings to work now. The Legion hates me, House has his chip back and Yes Man is still asking for it. As far as I can tell, the NCR option is the only one that I haven't botched. I am playing on the ps3 and only keep 2 saves (for space on the memory).



    1: The first thing I did was go to the Strip, then I talked to Mr. House. When I was wandering around the strip, I found Yes Man in the Tops Casino


    2: I agreed to complete the Yes Man tribal quests. I made friends with most of the tribes. I got the power armor from the Brotherhood, raised the bomber from the lake, and replaced the leaders at the Gomorrah. I handled the cannibals in a peaceful way (poisoned wine), but I ignored the Great Khans.


    3: I found Raul, at the top of Black Mountain. He said that Mr. House was actually a good dude. When I go back to talk to Yes Man, he admits he helped get me shot. So I changed my Mind.


    4: When I went back to talk to House, I'm pretty sure that the Platinum Chip was removed. I was teleported to the basement and saw the upgrades myself. He then instructed me to go and upgrade his army of robots under the fort.


    5: My active quest (House Always Wins II) says that I need to install the chip into the terminal to the rear of the building. I have a quest marker and have the options to activate the console, but no chip is in hand to make it work. Upon review of the wiki articles, this is a frozen quest. I will probably just finish the game with another faction if I have to.


    With over 80 hours into this game, I find it lame that such an obvious problem exists in the quest data. Why is the chip removed at all? Why would they remove the chip from your inventory before a beginning requirement for plot development? This makes me want to quit the game entirely. I don't find the game worthy of replay value. It is as stale in vanilla as Oblivion was. It is pretty much go here and get this, talk to somebody or kill something. I can't wait to be able to get another computer capable of handling these games. Ps3/Xbox 360 versions suck!! These games are made to be played modded to the max. After playing both es4 and fo3 with mods, this just seems lamed.


    After all the tedium of playing this game, I find that fo3 is a far superior game. The worldspace is far larger, the quests are more textured and the flavor of the game is more captivating. I still haven't done everything in vanilla fo3, I make new characters frequently (even without my computer).


    From modding Oblivion, I realize how difficult it is to make a game work properly, especially with so many quest variables. For $50 per pop however, I would expect more playtesting in the main quest. I would have hired a couple of skilled players to break, exploit and find all the bugs from the main quest at least. You can play this a couple of hundred times and make different choices, but all outcomes are predictable. I haven't even beaten the game once yet and I already have an idea of what to expect around most corners (literally and proverbially).

  6. Ok, I started to side with Yes Man, then upon almost full completion changed my mind and went to re-start the quest with House. Mr. House's quest stalled however. I am no longer in possession of the platinum chip, and have no way to activate the robot army. I will probably side with Yes Man again, but would like to make the Brotherhood of Steel or the Enclave the new rulers.
  7. I think that changing the collision mesh to a square or more square form would work the best. You could also make a script that when activated in sneak mode, would set the x,y,z coordinates to where it currently is. An OnLoad block would place it back to theose coordinates every time the cell is loaded.


    My computer crashed, so I don't have the ability to write or compile these scripts. I can however give an outline of what they would maybe look like:




    scn OstonePlacementScript


    short px

    short py

    short pz

    ref self


    Begin OnActivate


    if getactionref == player

    if (I don't know how to check for sneak mode atm)

    set self to getself

    set px to getposx

    set py to getposy

    set pz to getposz






    Begin Onload


    if self != 0

    set posX to px

    set posY to py

    set posZ to pz







    I know some of the scripting language options are wrong, but if you look up all the scripting effects on the wiki, it should become clear.


    I don't have access to open the Reznod's Mannaquin scripts, but they have the correct syntax. This should be a fairly easy fix, I'm surprised that it hasn't been done yet.

  8. ok, lets break this down into intelligible pieces. You are looking for:


    Assassin's Creed characters - There are a number of outfits here to dress the characters in. Please be specific of Who you want represented


    Jak and Dexter series - Never even heard of it. You should post some pictures to show what you want represented from it. There might be models here already, or at least stuff that is close enough to change. Idk...


    Sonic - The hedgehog? That would be a cool creature to make


    Zeros Red Lotus Sword - Pictures are worth a thousand words my friend


    That is where you lose me again. I have no idea what you are talking about, what games they are from or what to search in google. This is very confusing. Please catch your breath, take an adderral and remember to use punctuation (like a period here and there).


    I would group each request by game, then repost with pictures (even a crappy drawn example would help). If you want somebody to complete all these by themselves, they will have to make a lot of stuff from scratch. It is easier to request each piece you want separately, to see what people are willing to help with. Once you have the pieces, you could request a mod to place them all into.

  9. Well then stay away from my mod, Castle Tharnstein. It is huge but not at all empty and has some scripted features in the working. It is not girly however, it is dark and evil. I'm not sure it would be classified as masculine either...


    I would recommend the Azure Palace, coupled with Castle Seaview. The two are technically incompatible, but only take up similar landscape areas. They work just fine together in game. Seaview is a large historical looking castle, and Azure palace is a wonderful palace full of lush gardens. Azure also has a lot of attention to the placement of objects within it. Emptiness is intolerable.


    Glenvar Castle is great, but I have never gotten it to be bug free. It is old and has many flaws, I can't even get into it without cheating the first step of the puzzle.


    I would like to see the Cloud City project finished, I almost did the work myself.


    Frostcrag reborn is a great wizard's tower. It is asexual in design, good for either sex, and any race. It does however require SI and the original Frostcrag dlc.


    You might also want to check the player homes section and search within it for the word "garden" it might help.


    If you want to show off your goods (lol), I would get reznod's mannaquins. It needs some new skins, but will pose and place where and how you want. Just make sure to check the path grid (console command tpg) to make sure that you are placing on a path grid. They like to snap to the closest path grid, sometimes very far from where you want them.

  10. Can't even make a simple .esp file or a normal map. :confused: I think I'd be more of a hindrance in a team than a help


    Making a normal map is fairly simple. The plugins for photoshop or gimp are a must. I prefer the Gimp version myself, as it has a color to alpha option, which is nice when making normals for shiny objects.


    To make an esp file, I simply make a copy of a small esp. You can then load this copy into tes4edit and erase all the info, leaving it blank for your use. Also, I hear the construction set extender found here helps with that problem.


    I can quite agree with you on wanting to stay away from team projects, but I have been very tempted in the past to participate in larger mods. I doubt you would be a third wheel, anybody can contribute to a large project somehow. I am loner by choice. I started a huge project which I will most likely never finish on my own. Nobody seems interested in helping me finish, which is fine. When Skyrim comes out, I will more than likely start a small project on my own for that too, but would be more inclined to help with a larger project for that.


    Pm me if you want help with normal mapping. That part isn't so difficult for me. Also, I can teach you how to make stuff glow, in areas that you want it to.


    Don't give up, this is a difficult hobby but can be very rewarding.

  11. Well, ok. I will try to answer some of your questions, but as I don't use any body replacers myself, I can't say if hgec is better than babs, etc. I think that is all up to personal preference. I like the skeleton model from Coronerra's Compatibility Skeleton. It will support most animated wings and allows you to use armors you wouldn't normally with the vanilla body type. That is just my two cents.


    Definitely get the unofficial official patches, obmm and the latest obse. Cobl is a must too. I personally use Wrye Bash more, but omod format is very nice too. If you use Wrye Bash, you can get the Better Oblivion Sorting Software, or boss. This will help you to sort your load order and find incompatible mods.


    Weapons and Armors: I would recommend all the following mods. I have used all these and endorsed the files where I can.


    Armamentarium - The largest and most complete armor set. It adds variety and color to all inhabitants wearing armor.

    Bob's Armory - Another Leveled List adder. It is almost as large as the arma set mentioned above. Fully compatible.

    Nicoroshi's Creations - Some great weapons. There are many cool bows, swords and armors.

    Armory of the Silver Dragon - Adds some cool stuff for sale in the IC market.


    I don't think I've heard of a better or larger cosmetic mod than the Comprehensive Cosmetic Compilation, but the file simply named Cosmetic Compilation should be enough for most.


    Again, I think the consesus would be Quarl's Texture Packs. Just pick the largest image sizes. There is also the Oblivion Graphics Extender, Unique Landscapes and several weather mods. Get Better Cities by bannanasplit.


    As for the best quests, Top Oblivion Quests Links, or toql by Dev Akim is the best. The post is a few years old, but has been updated and is a good place to start. You should also check out stuff like Underdark, Elswere and the dune project.


    I would reccomend starting with the search engine, you make the results display in order ascending or descending, according to downloads/endorsements/file size. You can browse the categories the same way.

  12. if you are making a patch, to update your file to Kr compatible, then I would just load your mod, Kr and then your active (patch) file. This would be like a 2 Kb fix, but it would also take up another load order slot. Otherwise you could update your esp and load it after the Kr file, which would only place the picture in the cell if a certain script dependent event happened. In other words, it would be initially disabled, then enable it in an OnLoad block, checking for a script event telling that Kvatch has indeed been rebuilt.
  13. I have uploaded a file that is close enough to complete to release and be happy. This is a large, underground evil lair. I have populated the place with 21 NPC's so far (I need to make 1 more named NPC and a workforce of generic ones...). There are a lot of things that need to be finished, cluttered or started. I have nothing to compensate for any help other than kudos and credits... I have spent over 18 months learning various aspects of modding. The outside of the mod is less finished (visually and scripted effects, etc) than the inside.


    If anybody wishes to contribute any form of help, I would be grateful and happy! I can't finish this on my own. When I started this project, I had more time on my hands than I do now (like you haven't heard that before lol). I will update and release changes frequently regardless, but if anybody sees this mod and takes a liking to it, I would appreciate the help.


    Thanks to all the people that have helped or contributed to this mod, both directly and indirectly.



    Castle Tharnstein

    that is file 39393. Sounds like a lucky number to me...




  14. I would get the following programs/downloads:


    Unofficial Official Oblivion Patches

    Wrye Bash

    BOSS (better Oblivion sorting software


    You also need to read the readme's of each mod. Some stuff isn't compatible with OOO. Your list is very small. It shouldn't be too difficult to figure this out.


    One of the golden rules is to install one mod at a time, play for a bit, and then install another. If you have a mod (Let There Be Darkness) that don't work when you start other mods, you need to find which one is the culprit. Oblivion mod manager is another utility that will help you find the errors. It has a checker feature that will show you all the serious problems (highlighted in red).


    These are the simplest tools to use as a beginner. Please don't be discouraged. Wrye Bash is, in my opinion, the best mod manager out there. Oblivion Mod Manager has its place, but it only offers a few tools that Wrye Bash doesn't (like the BAIN conversion). Boss will tell you which mods don't work, and it will sort your load list for you, automatically. This is the easiest way to find your conflict and start playing.


    You should start with one mod at a time and add them singly. Otherwise you will end up in the boat you are in now. Most house mods and armor mods won't conflict with each other, but if you have elements or scripts that are shared by mods that shouldn't you will end up with bad things.


    There are some good tutorials around here, look up the tuts on the pinned topics of each board. This will give you a better idea of what is going on. There is a reason stuff gets pinned.


    Hope this helps,


  15. LFact is correct. All the files are packed in a bsa (Bethesda Software Archive) file. These files are shipped with your game, be it from disk or from steam. You will have these files on your disk. If you use winxp, you will have them at the default install location of: C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data. The names of these files are:


    Oblivion - Meshes.bsa

    Oblivion - Misc.bsa

    Oblivion - Sounds.bsa

    Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa

    Oblivion - Voices1.bsa

    Oblivion - Voices2.bsa


    There are other .bsa files that are shipped with Shivering Isles. Other mods, like Nascosto Isles and Armamentarium are released as bsa files as well. It is a compressed format that takes up less space on your hard drive. It makes no difference in load times. If your mod has many new textures or meshes, then the bsa format is the one to ship with. It also makes the removal of your mod much easier. The downfall to a bsa archive is that it takes up a slot in the load list (max at 250+ something).


    The program bsaCommander is very easy to use once you get the hang of it. If you wish to unpack a file, find the file's location and find it in the folder tree for unpack. If you unpack the oblivion meshes bsa, it will take a few minutes, but it will load (regardless of whether task manager says it is unresponsive).


    Bsacommander has the directory set for your My Documents folder as default. I don't know how to change this, but it works just fine. I personally find it easiest to copy/paste the bsa to your My Documents folder for ease of use. The output is by default C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\out. Look in this folder to find the files. If you don't want it to copy the files there, choose another folder with the little box.


    Another program you will eventually want to get is DDS Converter. This program will allow you to make a (bmp, psd, jpg, gif, etc) file into the dds file that you need. If you are making icons, remove the setting "build mipmaps" otherwise you want the default. This is a great program that will allow you to turn your image files into the texture files read by the nif files. Photoshop documents (psd) will only process the top layer. This is the most stable type of file to save as for transparencies, but make sure to merge all layers before processing. Gif files are best for large fields of solid color. Jpeg is better for more dynamic, photo type images.


    NifSkope is the program that you want to be able to change the textures in the meshes, Blender and 3DS Max are the most common 3d rendering programs out there. Check out the tutorials on these for more info.


    I hope this answers some of your questions about bsa files and how to unpack them. If you want more help, let me know specifically what you are trying to do.




    ps - pm me with questions if I don't get back to you within a few days. I am busy now and have little time. I will get back to when I can tho...

  16. Screenshots:


    door in regular lighting:







    door with light bright on:








    top with normal lighting:







    top with light bright on:






  17. ok, so I have almost everything in order for my mod, but I forgot one important thing: There's snow at my front door!! I have included screenshots of the door in both "light bright" and regular view. I'm somewhat convince that this is a distant lod issue, but I have no idea how to solve it? When I am 'flying' around with collision off, I can see the mountain shape underneath the regular land area. When I fly away with distant features (buildings, trees, etc) turned off, I see this underlying "skeleton" of the mountain. I have tried everything that I can think of short of tes4LODGen. It says that I need hdr enabled in order for this to work. I am running on a laptop with integrated graphics (using my cpu as a gpu) however. The system that I have cannot run the hdr, so I wouldn't even know if it looked right.


    I have included some other shots too, from above the castle. It shows the land mass in "light bright" but not in the regular view in those 2 shots (reverse what the other ones are???). I really have no idea what the frag is going on here, but I would appreciate if somebody could at least tell me what direction to look.


    Thanks again for all the help over the years,


  18. I repeatedly beat my head against the wall :wallbash: until I figured it out. Thanks for the updated params. That was one of my problems. I then figured out that the new bsa name has to have the full file path for the output folder. Thanks for your patience and help. It is easier to keep trying when somebody is willing to help.







    the most useful information that you gave me was to dissect other mods' bsa files and see what archive flags they set. Also I now use the data folder (not the oblivion/data :wink:). Also, you must specify the location of the mod you wish to use as a full path, clicking on the file path icon (...). I made a dummy bsa file to modify the name of. If I could give you kudos again, I would. Thanks again.

  19. I have been trying to get tes4files to recognize .egm and .kf files, but it won't. I don't seem to be able to get all my textures when using obmm and tes4files doesn't compress anything not already from an archive? I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have tried many different settings on bsa commander but it never lets me compress. I have made sure there aren't any .txt or any texture replacer files. If anybody knows of a good tutorial for creating bsa's, I would like to know what I am missing...



  20. And as always, never install bsacmd under C:Program Files


    I don't understand why not to install bsacmd into the program files folder? I am using winxp? I know that the program files is not the place for win7 or vista....


    I will try to make a bsa archive out of one of the stock bsa's as you mentioned.




    Still the same problems. I don't know if .kf or .egm files are compress-able or not?

  21. I have tried using Oblivion Mod Manager, tes4files and cannot figure out how to pack with bsa commander.


    I don't know what it is that I'm doing wrong. Oblivion Mod manager doesn't pack all the textures properly for me, I get the missing texture pink color. When I use the tes4files program, it doesn't pack any of the meshes or textures I have added. It will pack the textures that I got from the Armamentarium.esm. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but if anybody knows how to properly pack a bsa, I would be grateful. I have searched high and low on the net for an answer, but I can't get any progress. I need the files to be compressed so that I can upload it here without splitting the zip into two pieces.


    Thanks as always,


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