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About nighthawk01

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  1. I might be wrong but does your walk-speed not depend on the kind of armor or cloth you wear? Naturally, someone who walks around in heavy armor is going to be slower than someone in just clothes or robes.
  2. Thanks for the mods memlapse... like thompsonar I'll probably try out "Total Realism". Even thought Imp's seems to be the more realistic of the two I don't like the fact that it seems to depends a bit too much on other mods....
  3. Thanks. As I mentioned in the OP, I have a ring that confers +10% health and a necklace that boots stamina 20%. But that's it. I don't run any mods. hmm.. have you tried an older savegame? this way you could find out if the savegame is just mugged up or the gamefiles are somehow broken... otherwise I'd suggest re-setting the stamina and health with the console-commands
  4. hmmm... I've seen the mod for hypothermia, though I have yet to try it out , but I havn't come across a mod that adds the need to eat and drink. Could you name it please? And more important: does it work properly?
  5. sounds like a glitch or maybe a mod you installed changed something retroactive. a buff is a temporary boost of an character-attribute like strenght ( 20 + strenght for 20 seconds for example)
  6. I rarely use the carriage, but thats more a personal preference. I don't like just jumping from one place to another. Whats the point of having a whole world to explorer when you don't even see half of it?
  7. Buying a horse something I plan to do very soon. :biggrin: I wouldn't be caught dead walking all the way to Solitude or Riften, but a horse is realistically speaking quite limited in a mountain-region like skyrim and off-road riding can be quite frustrating in the game
  8. Hi! Yesterday I started a new game and I've set out to play the game as realitic as possible, meaning no running (or fast-travel) outside of combat or only when the situation calls for it (like during Helgen), sleeping during the night, proper eating habits etc. I freely admit that I expected to get bored with it after a few minutes but after 7 hours it's still quite interessting and makes the world appear quite a bit larger due to having to walk everywhere in the beginning (I'm already dreading the 7000 steps :sad: ). I wanted to know if anyone else tried this and how long it took to get bored or frustrated with this kind of play-style? I would be happy if some of you would share your experiences or tips to expand on this kind of gameplay.
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