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Everything posted by Crawmak

  1. I can't seem to easily find an answer to these two things. First, is there a tutorial out there for how to make a plugin for Vortex to make it compatible with a new archive type? Second, is it possible to get Vortex to detect mod updates for mods from websites other than Nexus?
  2. I seem to be having a problem where things are being filtered out of searches when I have no filters set. Specifically in the Skyrim Special Edition section, when I go to the mod search it says "Found 5446 results. 3232 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: blocked tags and authors." This persists even after clearing the filters, and making sure that they're clear myself. When sorting by endorsements and comparing the results to the old site, I can see a lot of top mods are being filtered out, like USSEP and Statis Mesh Improvement Mod. I can't seem to figure out how to make them appear, or what's causing them to be blocked.
  3. For me personally this would mostly apply to the Skyrim sites, but I'm sure this can apply to other games too. Nexus sites generally have really good filter specifications, and from what I can tell, filtering results even stops them from being shown in the Hot Files section. But if you've been on the Skyrim or Skyrim SE site at all within the past 2 years, you've probably seen that no matter what, there's always at least one (probably sexy) "Standalone follower" mod being featured. There've been days where there have been up to 3 different standalone follower mods in the Hot Files list for the Skyrim site, at the same time. In fact, I'm pretty sure both Skyrim and Skyrim SE are currently featuring different standalone follow mods right now. I'm not gonna rag on anyone for what they're into with their mods, I can understand wanting a follower that isn't Lydia or Uthgerd, but I have absolutely no interest in custom followers, and would rather see other mods featured that are closer to my interests. Honestly, seeing a constant, steady stream of sexy standalone followers in custom skimpy bodyslide clothes with tiny noses and big chests has actually gotten on my nerves some days, when I just wanna check if there are any new featured mods I might be interested in. Basically what I'm asking for is a filter for custom followers on the Skyrim sites. There are probably as many custom follower mods on the Oldrim site by now as there are anime mods, and anime already has its own filter. A filter like that could probably apply to other TES games, and Fallout too. Thanks in advance, I hope it at least gets considered. And I mean no disrespect to others who actually do like the sexy follower mods. Also, my bad if this belongs in the Skyrim forum. There wasn't any subforums for Skyrim's Nexus site specifically, so I figured this would be the right place.
  4. I'm still having a lot of category issues in NMM. Some mods go in the wrong categories, and some don't appear in any category at all unless I reset all mods to unassigned. EDIT: Nevermind, I never got notified of the latest update! Categories seem to be fixed now.
  5. Hey man, just wanted to say thanks again! I've got my new build set up and it's running like a dream. Games like Skyrim are running so much better now, barely even a stutter.
  6. I suppose that makes sense. And as well, in 2 years time the 1070 and 1080 will probably be a bit more affordable. The PC Part Picker site only listed 3 SATA Express ports, so I guess it missed some things. And it's not too easy to tell from the pictures. I think that settles it then, I'll probably start ordering parts either later today or tomorrow. Thank you for all the help. EDIT: Are you sure there are 6 SATA ports? I'm looking at pictures of the board and I honestly only see the three in the bottom-right corner of the board. Nevermind, turns out there just aren't any pictures that show the actual ports. They're pointed to the side of the board, so front-on images just make it look like a plastic box. My bad.
  7. Well I wasn't planning on getting a second-hand card, if I was gonna do SLI I'd buy a second of the exact same card I have, probably from the same online dealer. Regardless, you've swayed me away from SLI for the time being. I could probably just get a 1080 if I want more than my 970 is giving me. I'll look closely at the ports on the Extreme3, compare it to what I have now, and make my decision based on if I need more fan or SATA ports. EDIT: After looking it over, it looks like the ASRock Z170 Extreme3 has half the SATA ports that my current board has (though my board only has SATA 6GB, while the ASRock board has SATA Express). I already use three ports on my current board (CD drive and two HDDs), but that means I won't be able to add more storage drives than I already have in the future. Don't suppose there's a version of the board with more storage? Or, with two drives already, should I focus more on just expanding the size of my drives instead of adding more?
  8. Well, I'm on a budget now, but I may not be in the future. I just kinda want SLI to cover my bases, y'know? That way, sometime in the future when I have a little more cash to blow, I can do SLI without having to worry about it not being possible. Also, I remember reading an article about a type of bridge that works with DX12 to make multi-GPU setups possible across different models, and I have an old GTX 660 lying around from my upgrade to a 970 earlier this year. (I probably would have waited if I'd known what Nvidia had in store for this year, but I think a 970 should keep me happy for a while anyway.) But that's also why I don't hold it as a priority, because I've heard a lot of conflicting opinions about SLI, so maybe I'll just never use it and just keep myself to a single-GPU upgrade branch. I'd say my budget is about a maximum of $200 for the board, so if I can get significantly higher quality for that I'd rather do that instead. Out of curiosity, why is 2x8GB RAM optimal? I know anything more than 16GB would be sorta pointless for anything other than fullscale game development and other business applications, but what makes 2x8GB better than something like a 4x4GB setup? There's always those two lonely, empty RAM slots on any setup.
  9. Damn, that's a lot of info. So if I don't go with the board you have there, then I should stick to the Asus/ASRock range? I'm not really planing on doing anything super crazy with my rig, just a basic high-end gaming setup. You're right though, I probably am overthinking things. I'm just paranoid of getting something as expensive as a motherboard only to have it fail on me, or happen to be something I can't use or don't want. I can only afford so much on minimum wage, y'know? Also, for what it's worth, I really don't plan to overclock anything. Going back to the paranoia, I'm just afraid something will explode because I clicked the wrong thing. Thanks for all the help though! Even if I don't go with the exact board you suggested, I feel a lot more confident in any other choices I'll make. So, just to finalize, to go with an i5-6500, I should probably just think hard about my budget and pick a board from PC Part Picker to suit my needs, and just pretty much any 2400 DDR4 RAM that isn't a wallet eater, of any size to fit my needs. Any other little tidbits of advice you wanna share? Along with being paranoid, I'm also very open to learning anything new about computer hardware that I didn't know.
  10. I know about that site, but I'm looking for a more personal recommendation. I looked at pretty much every affordable board on there that meets my hardware specifications, but they all have excesses of bad reviews too, which kinda turn me off of them. I'm hoping to find someone who knows a specific board is good, from experience.
  11. So a while back I made this thread, asking if my CPU is bottlenecking my GPU. Apparently it is, and now I've decided to finally make a move toward a large upgrade. I've made threads on a couple other forums regarding upgrade paths with my budget, and I've settled on an Intel Core i5-6500 CPU, but I'm still searching for a motherboard to fit my preferences. I'm hoping for something under $200, standard ATX, LGA 1151 socket, should probably have DDR4 memory slots, and less importantly, I'm hoping for something that supports SLI (but it's absolutely fine if that's not doable). But absolutely, most importantly, it needs to... not suck. I have a really bad habit of looking through the 1-3 star reviews on hardware and it usually makes me paranoid to buy. So if at all possible, I'd love to have a recommendation from someone who uses, or has used the board they're recommending. Also, it'd be great if you could recommend some RAM to go with it, but that should be something I can find myself too. If I remember right, it just has to be compatible with the motherboard chipset (and it goes without saying, the same slot) and match the CPU's supported voltage? Thanks in advance to any help. I really don't wanna make any purchases until I know exactly what I need.
  12. A feature like this might just be enough to make me seriously consider whitelisting Nexus in my adblocker. Really, I always feel guilty when sites I love and visit often start to suffer from lack of ad revenue, but it's always the sites that have popup ads, or autoplaying audio, and I seriously cannot deal with those (Looking at you, Gamebanana). I'll try out not blocking ads for a while. I would gladly pay for the ad removal, but I'm always kinda strapped for cash.
  13. You shouldn'tve bought a key in the first place - Windows (since XP) will run a WGA test (at every boot); if it racks up enough "points" (due to hardware changes) it will throw a WGA notice and request re-activation. That doesn't mean the key is "dead" it just means it has to re-authorize. That said, you *cannot* "recycle" a Windows installation from one motherboard to another - you must re-install Windows when moving to a different motherboard, but you can re-use a valid key (as long as it's only on one system at a time) on the new machine (if you're replacing a dead motherboard with the exact same model (e.g. via RMA) it shouldn't even "notice" the change). Windows 7 isn't really a "downgrade" from Windows 8 though, and either of them is a significant upgrade over Windows 10, as they have substantially less tracking/spyware/gaping security/privacy holes (no joke, Windows 10 is sending tons of unencrypted data to undisclosed Microsoft locations on all manner of ports, and you have no choice but to accept it; same goes for forced driver updates which will happily brick your machine (already documented as a "thing")); Windows 8 (and later) depreciates a few gaming-related features (e.g. DirectDraw, and DDI8 (and lower) performance is reported to be *significantly* lower too) that Windows 7 also supports (the short version of this is: Windows 7 is easily the best choice for a gaming machine right now). So if/when you switch to Intel (e.g. an LGA 1150 board with an 9-series chipset and an i5 4690k), you'll have to install Windows ("custom install" in modern Microsoft-ese) but you can re-use your legally purchased key as long as that version of Windows is compatible with the new hardware (e.g. you must have a 64-bit key to use 64-bit OS to utilitize 64-bit features, you must have a Pro/Business/Ultimate key to do 2P, etc), but it will still be a ground-up install of either 7 or 8 (as it sounds like you now own both). If the online activation doesn't work during install (it often fails due to a lack of a network driver on newer motherboards), just ignore it and continue into a working Windows environment (e.g. finish the install), and then activate it from within Windows - it may require calling Microsoft's 1-800 number (its automated and very quick). Well, it didn't happen quite as simple as that. My original copy of Win8 came preinstalled on a pre-built computer (at the time it was all I could afford, and I was more concerned with having a working computer than gaming). For some reason, it didn't come with the key written down anywhere, so I couldn't reuse the key. And my current copy of Windows 10 was from the free-upgrade thing from Windows 7, and I don't know if I'd be able to reuse the key for Windows 10 after a major hardware upgrade. As far as Windows 10 as a whole, I like it more than 7 anyway. Personally I'm not too concerned about all the tracking. I've deactivated as much of it as possible, but really, what's Microsoft gonna do with my info? Targeted ads? Helping the FBI if I suddenly become a terrorist? Really, it's not a huge concern for me. Also, maybe it's just me, but after the upgrade I've noticed a drastic improvement in general system speed and gaming performance. (I doubt it would be from the usual cleaning that a fresh OS install would bring either, I didn't have 7 for all that long, and I'm generally good at keeping my computer clean.) As well, with Windows 10 having DX12, and the support for Windows 7 going away soon enough anyway, I see no reason not to have 10 at the moment. That's all my opinions though. I have to say though, hearing about AMD being pretty crappy in the CPU department kinda makes me upset at my younger self who knew little to nothing about computer building. I actually followed advice from people on a different forum for what my first build should be, I guess it wasn't all that good advice.
  14. I see. Thanks a bunch for the info! I guess I'll have to look into a massive hardware upgrade eventually. I'm just paranoid because the last time I got a new motherboard, Windows 8 deactivated, and this was back when Win8 was still really new, so I couldn't really fork over another $100 for a new key. I had to downgrade to Windows 7. And now that I have Windows 10, I don't wanna have to go through that exact situation again.
  15. So, I've heard a lot lately about my current CPU, an AMD FX-6300, being not-so-great. I looked through a few Google results to see if it might bottleneck my current GPU, an MSI GTX 970, but found mixed opinions and results. So I'll ask here, the only forum I'm a member of that likely has people who are more familiar with computer innards than I am. Will my air-cooled, non-overclocked AMD FX-6300 bottleneck my MSI GTX 970 on more demanding games? If so, what would the next logical upgrade for me be? And before you recommend anything Intel, I'm not in the market for a new motherboard. I'd rather not go through the hassle of reactivating Windows (not to mention the ungodly lack of money I have), so unless I'm mistaken and Intel processors happen to fit an AM3+ socket, I'm restricted to AMD.
  16. So, this should be a relatively simple one for anyone willing to take a crack at it. You know how USKP/USLEEP adds mage gloves with meshes that don't clip with robes? Well, considering there are absolutely no good mage glove mods (seriously, they're all retextures, fingerless, or Mystic Tuning edits), I came up with this one simple idea so that mages don't have to do all the enchanting themselves. Simply put, I think it would be nice to find leveled, enchanted Mage Gloves in loot chests like you would any enchanted robes or armor. That way, a new mage might be able to find, for example, some Gloves of Minor Destruction, with a 10%-15% increase in Destruction skill, and not have to grind or wait 30 levels to have high enough enchanting level to make it themselves. Of course, to use the right meshes it would have to require USKP/USLEEP. I know the odds of this sort of thing being made is pretty much none, but the way I see it, even if it's not made, I've used this thread to vent my frustrations at it not being made yet in Skyrim's near-5 years of release.
  17. Like I said, I use ELFX. ELFX edits Severin's lights (it edits pretty much every light to be more realistic), and because of that, mods that specifically edit Severin to have more light sources cause flickering and ugly lights in general. Plus, there aren't really any good Severin lighting mods to begin with.
  18. It's a pretty common opinion that Severin Manor from the Dragonborn DLC is a pretty nice house, except it's so badly lit that only Falmer could live there comfortably. There are better lighting mods for Severin Manor, but none of them have patches for/are compatible with ELFX, or other lighting overhaul mods. I'm thinking, a nice way to bypass compatibility with other mods and still light up Severin, would be torch sconces! You know, those things you sometimes find in Nord barrows or bandit towers? You can press Activate on them to add or remove the torch, and it lights up the area. I figure adding some empty sconces to the home would allow for optional extra lighting without interfering with edited lights from other mods! It seems like it'd be easy enough for someone with even a limited knowledge of the creation kit, so I hope something like this can be done!
  19. EDIT: Sorry for wasting anyone's time if they tried to figure out what my problem was. Turns out it was caused by OneTweak. This thread's solved then, I guess. So for a while I was very reluctant to get the Nexus Mod Manager, I've always been a stickler for manual installation for most things. I just like knowing where files are going and such. I finally caved and decided to get it because a couple mods I wanted only had NMM installation. So I got it and slowly started moving my mods over into it, for the sake of neatness and organization and such. But since then, I've noticed two strange things happening with Skyrim. One: The Bethesda startup video is gone. It just skips straight to the title screen. Not necessarily a bad thing, but still peculiar because I don't have any mods that remove it (as far as I know). Two: Certain desktop things seem to pop up over my game now. Well, one desktop thing. My keyboard notifies me when capslock is turned on or off, and since using NMM, the notification has been appearing over my game, which has never happened before. That's the annoying one. Any way I might be able to fix these issues? Are they common, and I just haven't looked hard enough? I am using the latest SKSE, and my mod list is as follows: (Mods with an asterisk* were added after I started using NMM. Author names will be put on mods that have generic names, and/or may have multiple versions by different people. ) I may have missed one or two that didn't have .esps that I installed prior to using NMM, but I doubt those would cause this problem anyway. Also, to be clear, the mods are listed in the order I read them in, both in my mods folder and in NMM. Please don't mistake that for the load order. Speaking of load orders, here's my LOOT log. This isn't really the load order I had my game set to in the first place (I just can't wrap my head fully around LOOT for the life of me, so I usually either use the default Skyrim launcher, or NMM to sort mods based on mod author suggestions and such), but I tested the game out with this load order and there was no change in the bugs I'm experiencing. Sorry if this post is too rambly, I just do my best to not be one of those people that doesn't give enough info when asking for help. That's about all I can think of to say about it. Thanks in advance for any suggestions! EDIT: Installed the latest version of LOOT, and replaced old log with the new one. UPDATE: I also can't tab out of the game properly (the game stays up, just shows the taskbar), and my computer is allowed to go to sleep with the game up, which didn't happen before. It's like it's running Skyrim as a normal process and not a foreground process. It appears SKSE is trying to start Skyrim in both Windowed and Fullscreen mode at the same time. Whenever I start SKSE, then check my options in the vanilla launcher, the "Windowed mode" box is ticked. However, even after resetting my resolution settings, and even after starting Skyrim with the vanilla launcher, starting SKSE resets my changes. Starting Skyrim from the Vanilla launcher after changing the settings fixes all the issues, but starting SKSE afterward reverts all of my changes. What can I do to fix this? UPDATE 2: Even in my Skyrimprefs.ini, whenever I start SKSE, bFull Screen=1 changes to bFull Screen=0. The heck is going on?
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