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About StarChaserTyger

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  1. Could someone please make a mod to remove or seriously lessen the fire noises? The constant loud RUSTLERUSTLERUSTLE of the torches or campfires is profoundly unpleasant. I know this is a me problem, but it sets off my misophonia, same as someone eating with their mouth open.
  2. Looking for a mod to knock down the brightness of gunsights to make it easier to actually HIT a target. Anyone else find the bright yellow glowing sights on some guns, especially stuff like Maliwan, to be hard to see through?
  3. Seems kind of silly to not show the locations of the other quests in the main map. I've gone back and forth several times when I could have just done two or three of them in the same spot.
  4. Any chance someone's come up with a better UI for the inventory? Having to mouse over each gun to see even just what KIND of gun it is is kind of annoying... pistols tend to be obvious, but I've got several assault rifles / SMGs / snipers that look more or less the same in their models. Preferably, for my bad eyes, replace the 'manufacturer' option with breaking them up by types like BL2 did, but even a little icon like the info-card has showing on the main icons would help.
  5. There's a bug with the tesla rifle, where if you give it to any companion, from then on even if you take it away from them, they constantly make the intensely irritating crackling sound that the gauss rifle makes when it's fully charged. They also make the buzzy-beeping charging sound whenever you're away from them for a moment then come back. Looking for a mod that will entirely remove the charging / charged gauss rifle sound or just un-bug companions. The 'unofficial bug fix' mod doesn't have it yet, and does many other things I don't necessarily want 'fixed', so I don't want to use that. Just a silence mod. The firing noise is fine.
  6. Something similar to this I thought might be nice is 'rescue a couple of guys with a pickup / front end loader' quest, and as a reward, at one of your settlements you get them. They give you marking grenades, like the Minutemen artillery grenades, and you can mark gear like cooking stations, generators, etc, to have them picked up. Wouldn't even need to animate them, just a radio message 'Ok, boss, we're on it' and the things vanish sometime when you're not there. There's a bunch of random generators around that aren't being used that I've longed to be able to steal and repurpose. One of the metro stations has a raider settlement built up around it that has two medium generators, an armor and a weapon workbench and at least one cooking station. "Crime pays, take -everything-".
  7. Move along, nothing to see here. (jedi hand wave) Never mind, I'm a derp. After 20 minutes of screwing around with lightboxes, it gets dark and I discover the lighthouse has its own power and lights up by itself. Can't figure out how to delete the post, though.
  8. At the moment due to the lack of GECK, it probably can't be done. The ones that exist are custom built for the individual location, so you can't just make it shorter or longer, as I understand. But DDProductions83 has created an elevator mod that you can use. NPCs can't yet, though. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6053/? And Siles has made an addon for that for craftable Institute elevators http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6608/?
  9. If it makes you feel better, I did the same thing. :P And I've wanted those mods but didn't know it until just now. :D Thanks!
  10. With the ref ID, couldn't you use prid (ref) and moveto.player, same as finding lost companions? (I don't know if that'd work at all, just an idea.)
  11. I -love- the atomic age design of the vehicles... I'd collect all of them if I could get them as shiny and new. I haven't seen that tank yet (Not the APC?) I think, but I want them...
  12. Nothing wrong with it, just not for me. Like I said, I approve of the idea, more variation is nice. Maybe I'll want a beefdog next time. :P
  13. Don't have to wait now. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/145/? Among others...
  14. Nobody? (twiddles thumbs waiting for flood control to screw off.)
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