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  1. I am looking for a mod that add possibility for innkeeper to refuse to give you a room because the inn is full.
  2. For testing purposes, after I finish a mod, I now always try to get the mod on another computer to test the bsa and make sure that everything is correct. I have this one mod that was a port to SSE that I released and it worked fine. I did a few updates since and when I tested it on the modding computer, it works without issues. So I created a bsa that has all the scripts including the source ones in it and transferred to my other computer. Now I often run into issues where according to the papyrus logs, there is properties missing on the scripts or it cannot read them . But the properties are all there on the scripts. I even check in SSEdit to see if anything looked wrong there but it all looks good. My fear is that there is really something wrong with the ESP and everyone else that download my mod run into the same issues. Has anyone that ported a mod to SSE have any kind of weird issues like that? Should I just recreate the scripts? I did recompile all of them too but I don't see how it would fix the properties (and it didn't work anyway). I hope this make sense.
  3. So I have a mod that has a message with 2 choices that opens when you read a letter. I have the mod on both Oldrim and SSE. In Oldrim, the message appears when the letter opens no problem. On SSE, I have to open the letter, close it and get out of the menu before it comes up which just doesn't work for me as there is multiple letters that do the same script and the user could end up with 5 menu opening without knowing which one they are responding too. Is that a normal behavior in SSE or am I missing something? This is my code event onread() if boslvl1job1.getstage()==20 boslvl1job1.stop() endif boslvl1job1.start() boslvl1job1.setstage(5) int aiButton = boscanceljob.Show() ; Shows your menu. If aiButton == 0 boslvl1job1.setstage(25) game.getplayer().removeitem(boslvl1jobnote1,1) ElseIf aiButton == 1 EndIf endevent QUEST Property BOSLvl1Job1 Auto Message Property boscanceljob Auto Book Property BOSLVL1JobNote1 Auto
  4. While that is unlikely the reason. Is there any chance that you created your character in a improper way? Like using the console to get in the game instead of creating a new game? Only time that it happened for me.
  5. Do you have a load order? A picture might not be enough to go on.
  6. So I am not sure if there is a way to do this but maybe someone knows. I have a chest that spawn 5 notes. Now I have about 13 notes to choose from and I want the 5 notes to be chosen from that list. I know how to add an item from a formlist/leveledlist/array etc but the problem I am running into is that it might give me the same item multiple time. Is there a way to ask for 5 items from a list and make it so it will not give me a second copy of the item, a bit like making the notes unique? I really want it to be random
  7. Just remember that I am not commiting myself to this, I do have my own projects and life so it could take a long time but at least there is info if anyone really wanna give this a try.
  8. Exactly, this is what i want. :smile: And i have enough dreams already written to make a mod to put out with, some suggested that the character limit is 1024. We would have to test, but i have the nightmare and good dreams, all that is needed to test the prompt boxes out. I also was looking for an mcm, that simply controls *how often dreams are had *how many of which dream are more likely to happen (like if you wanna have nightmares more than good dreams) *to turn buffs received off *and finally, to turn whether you dream on or off I hope this isnt too much I have done a MCM before so I know the basics of it, I am not super familiar with event that are already created in the creationkit which is what Sleep is but I can definitely take a look at some point if no one ends up helping.
  9. So you have dreams written yes? What you are looking for is for someone to do some kind of text box that tells you what the dream was about and how it made you feel after you wake up correct? I don't know how complicated of a request that is but maybe after I am done with my next mod version, I can help out but don't hold me to that.
  10. What happens on a brand new game? Seems to me like your save is *confused*. I don't think I ever renamed a mod in the middle of a playthrough and that might just be a big no no.
  11. Hi everyone, I ported one of my mod to SSE and when I went to create the archive it made me create 2 bsa, inital one had all my scripts in it, 2nd one seems to be for textures. I didn't really question it and uploaded my mod but some users seems to be concerned about it. Is that normal behavior or am I doing something wrong?
  12. Disable is probably what you are looking for. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Disable_-_ObjectReference
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