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About seachellyfish

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  1. I have arachnophobia too so I understand how it's like, I have the bear mod and it did change the huge spider into a giant bear, it even changes the spider from the loading screen. :D
  2. I chose the option to rescue Thorald without bloodshed from either side and when I went to where he's imprisoned, the guard said that he can be released by the Imperial Legion. Is there a way to rescue Thorald without having to kill npcs? Isn't there a way to negotiate with the Imperial Legion to release Thorald or something? Or can you only rescue him by sneaking in or killing all the guards there?
  3. I just finished doing this and I'm still laughing,this is the first time I fooled around in the game and it was a lot of fun! I wanted to see if the traveling ship worked (from the traveling mod) and I found it. It was 1am and I sneaked inside and explored the entire ship until I found the large crate at the very bottom floor. I got into the crate and "smuggled" myself just to see what happens and sure enough,I got caught and was abandoned in a remote area near the ocean in Bravil at around 7am. I thought to myself,"This is great,I wanted to go to Bravil anyway!". I walked a bit and noticed a silvery being running towards me, a guard caught me,it turns out that smuggling is a serious offense (who knew?). I fought him and took all his belongings except his sword and I disguised myself as a guard (not like anyone gets fooled anyway). I didn't want this to happen so I decided to fool around and not save my game file. I saw this gentleman dark elf near the stables and I tried to sneak attack him but he quickly ran to tell the guard,noticed he was dead and promptly grabbed the sword on the floor and he proceeded to attack me until it was too much for him and he ran away to his stable house. I got attacked by another guard,killed him. I went near the stables and I attacked a random npc,he ran away too. I broke into the stable house and killed the dark elf and a female. I went in town,heard a bad remark by an npc so I decided to hit him with my arrow. A guard came and I killed him. Another guard came and he sent me to jail. I opened the locked cell door,the guard walked by..stopped..and looked at me for a few seconds until he realized I wasn't supposed to do that and he barged inside the cell. I killed him and closed the door with him inside. I explored the rest of the prison and I entered the castle where it was hauntingly empty. I later found myself in the main room with the Count sitting there with about 9 guards and 3 npcs who decided to all attack me at once. I killed them all and I sat on the thrown to stare at the pile of bodies near me. I stood up and I tried to see what loot the room has and while I was sneaking around,I saw a guard moving in a zig zag motion around the room looking at all the bodies. I hid somewhere in hopes he wouldn't see me but he did so I ran the hell away. I ran around Bravil for 5 minutes being changed by 4 or 5 guards,two thieves even ran with me for a few seconds. o_O I decided to run outside of town where the stable npc was still running around,the guards stopped chasing me except just one guard started attacking me. I just ran,got to a near inn,killed everyone with a frozen blade,left..got chased by a wolf..and at one point I jumped down a hill and fainted while in mid-air and I flailed like a ragdoll all the way to the ground in slow motion..(fatigue mod). I woke up,continued to be chased by the wolf until I entered another inn,killed the innkeeper while everyone ran for their lives..met them again in the second floor where I turned them all into a pile of bodies. By the end,I only had one more npc to kill..after I dealt the final blow he immediately combusted into flames and I as well so I died..in slow motion...by flames...while using a frozen sword...while also being covered in about 20 arrows from the previous battles..ahh.. Throughout the entire thing,I kept having to drop armor because of the mod I used,I had to drop things to regain my fatigue..at one point I was being chased by guards while only wearing a thong and bra. Also throughout this whole thing,my character kept tripping in slow motion and it was hilarious when she hit her head with the front town gate or when she tripped on a body and she went flying like a ragdoll across the table of the bar at the inn..ah she's so clumsy. I usually don't say the word "epic" but this was so epic for me,especially the end when they both combusted for no reason and I'm a goody two shoes player and this was my first murderous rampage which was actually fun for me. xD
  4. In my opinion,as long as I get to control a female character I don't mind if I play a game with mostly all male characters. What would make me feel uncomfortable is if the game has a bunch of women in skimpy outfits or exaggerated melon boobs,now that'sgeared towards males. Come to think of it,wouldn't a girl be more likely to play a game with all male characters since they would be nicer to look at in a girl's point of view?
  5. I'm a girl and I recently got addicted to Fallout 3 (I've seen the commercials but I always thought it was just another "War Game" oh boy was I wrong..). My 12 year old sister is even more addicted to Fallout 3 than I am and just a few days ago I told my 22 year old sister about it and she began playing and she liked it so much she told my mom about it. xD
  6. I have Enhanced Weather and it works ok but the Darker Nights part doesn't work. The description of it says that it's for non-obse users but I do use obse so...ugh. I uninstalled Enhanced Weather and I tried installing it for the mod manager but it's so sdlkfjsl impossible for me no matter what tutorials I read I CANNOT get my head around anything so I gave up. I installed Enhanced Weather manually again and I still don't know how to get Darker Nights working. I'm so frustrated,can anyone please help me or point me to the right direction on how to get the darker nights part of Enhanced Weather working without using the mod manager or so that I'm able to use it for obse if it's even possible? :/ edit: I got it working! I think it was the patch because at first I had it working until I patched it (I didn't notice until now though). An hour ago or so I uninstalled the mod and reinstalled it and I forgot to patch it,I loaded it in a clean save and it worked. o_O
  7. Sorry if this doesn't go here,I've searched other topics but I have no clue. I have Enhanced Weather and I'm planning on using Weather-All Natural mod with it but I'm also looking for a mod that will make storms more harsh with lightning and stronger winds and such but I can't find one that seems compatible with both. Can anyone point me to the right direction for this?
  8. I found some of these quests easy (probably because of easy difficulty,I'm a coward) but the quest where you have to give the Fighter's Guild members weapons in the cave I honestly had to do nothing. I only gave them their weapons and they ran off,I lost them completely and then I searched for them but they soon came back intact. The paint quest was easy too since I just sneak attacked them with arrows,I didn't even remember about the Turpentine until after I finished the quest. xD I just started playing like a week ago so I haven't gone far,I did find the Odil Farm challenging though especially when the monsters come for the third and last time. I think if I'd play the game on normal or hard difficulty,I'd freak out. xD
  9. I just started playing Oblivion a week ago and I've never played a game like this before (I've wanted to though). I love how I can choose to do anything I want whether to explore the forests or to ignore the Oblivion gates,those kinds of things. I love how after you finish the main quest,you can continue playing. I love the depth,the lore and the personality of the npc's. The things I hate are first, the characters you choose from are ugly. The female has manly shoulders and manly voices when they get attacked (I changed it with Bab's mods and a soundset mod so it's perfect now). I would have loved the game more if there was more immersion such as needing to eat and sleep (again fixed it with mods) and if there were actual holidays going on and festivals and different things going on depending on the time of year. ^To the above poster,I also hate dungeons and I also freak out a little when I have to deal with enemies but that's just me.
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