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    Vampire the Masquerade : Bloodlines

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  1. The latest patch seems to have caused no end of graphical glitches with my game that were not there before.. but miffed as it makes some parts unplayable..
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    2. Spaceritual


      Got that one and using it now , does seem to be helping with the crashes and letting me play for a lot longer before those graphic glitches kick in :)
    3. Deleted54170User


      I hate to be a stickler with dusty old questions, but.. Have you cleaned the dust out of your computer and cleaned the fans blade's lately? That is a good video card you have there. Is your video card software up to date?
    4. Spaceritual


      You do have a good point there...I often promise myself to dust the thing..but never really get around to doing it..so will give it a go tomorrow for sure :)
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