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    Vampire the Masquerade : Bloodlines

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  1. Apparently the DAO2 demo is to be released soon and if enough folk download it then we will all get some extras more info at http://dragonage.bioware.com/da2/demo/
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. vvk78


      I mean, is it more fun to play DAO than Oblivion. Because Oblivion is fun only because of its tons of mods, whereas people seem to like DA even without mods.
    3. wolfsangeleyes


      Difficult to compare w78. DA has cutscenes which are great. You generally play the game with a group of four. Like CM partners i guess, you can invite them to come with you. You have to guide how they support you in the effect of an attack, which can be tricky. You can change the members of your group, if you need their specific skill on one of the quests. You can raise their disposition towards you which can lead to romantic involvements. If their disposition goes down far enough they could ...
    4. wolfsangeleyes


      Forgot to mention that one of the great things about DA is the fact that you come across choices you have to make. Good or bad, they can change how you play the game and more importantly, it may have an impact on your faithful travel companions. I can't tell you too much in case you're thinking of buying the game, but i think it is well worth the money.
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