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    Vampire the Masquerade : Bloodlines

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  1. Dead Money has turned out to be Dead Boring unless the action hots up when you finally get to that Casino...but luckily DAO 2 has arrived so may try that :)
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      I have a DOG! O_O Now I have to choose between gathering a bunch of good stuff or getting the DOG to where it will use its FEV enhanced abilities in, "Dead Money" I can see how that could get boring to you SpaceRitual. ;- { Caught between wealths double edged sword, "Grabbing scraps for money, or rushing each part so you can get the key to the real treasure chest". Money. Money. Money. Money...MONEY!
    3. Camon


      DAO 2 is best game I've started to play this year. Hope it would have many DLC's :)
    4. Deleted54170User


      Dead Money deadly boring. I have the flu and every time I wake enough to I played. I cough and boom one of my companions stumbles cause I accidentally shot them. I cough again, I hit Fast Reload and am back at the start of the last f5. I coughed and laughed so hard it wore me out trying to play and keep a straight killer face. LOL I can't wait for Elijah to show up, I am too tired. lol *drifting off to sleep...zzzzzzzz*
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