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Everything posted by MoutainSplitter

  1. http://i.4cdn.org/vg/1513905526014.pnghttp://i.4cdn.org/vg/1513905338353.png I saw in the Nuka World textures .esm file there was a set of .dds files named Clean Cut Killers Suit, which seems to be a cut version of one of the operator's suits. I wanted to know if someone could add it into the game as an outfit. The textures look really neat, better than any of the vanilla Operator Suits.
  2. I wanted to know if anyone could remove the belts all over the Disciples Strapped Chest, including the ones around the waist added with the armor. It would look so much better without the belts, since they clip with alot of other clothing options, thanks
  3. Yeah the Jackets and Coats of the Wasteland mod looks amazing, all the other coats too. Shame they all clip pretty bad with anything that isnt the vault suit or the like, but eh. Ended up using the Custom Combat armor mod to recolor the vault suit so it color-wise matches the jacker.
  4. I wanted to know if anyone could make a version of the bomber jacket that isnt worn over a BoS suit, but maybe something like the tshirt and slacks, or the casual outfit. It's just out of place if you wanna wear the bomber jacket but not be in the BoS. Thanks if anyone can do this
  5. Yup. I just put the containers in bad spots, I guess in the alcove of some walls wasn't a good placement. Thanks for the help!
  6. Thanks! I was able to find the right string to change the handedness, tested it on the club, which looks great 2handed. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/172668583927687654/C8F157C4B27E57C7D47B5E7A0EE88B8C5A622662/ Now I just can't figure out how to get a container to work. Like i've done on Fallout NV/3, I just edit an existing container, change the id so its a different object, and place it in the world. But here, it's like a un-interact-able brick in the game world.
  7. Can I fix this issue within the CS? I've sorta done this in FNV and FO3, but I didnt have to do anything with nifs, I just set the weapon to be 1handed or 2handed, etc. How do I change this PRN property?
  8. Well, i've got 2 problems. For one, when I try and make/place containers, they're un-interactable in-game. Second, I wanted to mess with the handedness of weapons, like making a warhammer 1handed or a mace 2 handed, but there is issues. When initially equiped in the inventory, it looks fine. When out of it, the weapon stays in it's original sheathed position, but the player holds nothing. Anyone know what to do? All I did was make said weapon to 2handed blunt or one handed blunt, etc.
  9. Welp, I found my solution. Had an idea, and with the FOMM's BSA browser, I found the texture file for the cape. It's actually the same cape for all legion armors that have it. It's called the Legion cloak. (pics related) Pretty much I erased the stuff on the texture file and made it transparent, so in-game, no cloak. My only issue is the back of the armor looks a little wierd, since some straps were covered by the cloak, but eh. Best I can do.
  10. Is there a way to remove it? I haven't the experience with nifscope and the other stuff to do it, but can't I just make the "cape part" of the texture invisible? Like erase it from the texture file so it won't show up in game? Problem is I don't know where the cape texture is, as I don't think it is a part of the centurion armor file. Does anyone here know what other texture files are bound to the centurion armor meshes?
  11. I wanted to know if anyone could make/edit the textures for the male thief mask to remove the hood, leaving the lower mask and completing it, so it looks like the female version. Or if anyone could post the female thief mask's texture file, that'd be great too. Attached here is the male thief mask texture file from this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls/mods/355/?
  12. No problem. If you want me to put it on my to do list, post the pathname or just a keyword to search for in fomm, for the mesh and textures. One of us should probably edit the wiki page you listed too since it gives a false impression it's the meshes only, ie; "Meshes and an inventory icon for night-vision goggles appear in Fallout 3's resource files but are unused" data\meshes\armor\headgear\wastelandclothing04\m\goggleswastelandclothing04m.nif & goggleswastelandclothing04mgo.nif data\meshes\armor\headgear\wastelandclothing04\f\goggleswastelandclothing04f.nif & goggleswastelandclothing04fgo.nif data\textures\interface\icons\pipboyimages\apparel\apperal_outfit_4_nightvision_goggles data\textures\armor\wastelandclothing04\hatm or hatf & hatm_n & hatf_n I guess the goggles were cut headwear to be paired with the merc veteran stuff. Here's the file paths from within FO3. Found em using the FOMM's bsa browser. I figured the textures would be in headgear, but i guessed wrong.
  13. I don't think it' be a big deal to move those over the eyes......just have to adjust them in blender and create a new egm. But it'd have to be for FO3 since the wiki says none of the assets were carried over to FONV. I wonder where they got the pics on the wiki page, since it is obviously showing a texture for both. I found the textures for the goggles, they were simply in a different file path than what the meshes lead me to believe
  14. Thanks! Ill try it out. I was saddened to see that the goggle meshes are on the forehead, but then again, I should have expected it, since they were ment to be cut headwear, not eyewear. Ill try out the effects soon. Thanks
  15. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/257088-night-vision-help/ I was reading this thread, trying to figure out how to make my own nightvision effect, since I dont want to use the cateye effect. Problem is, the GECK won't let me make my own imagespace modifier or script, it just edits an existing one, overlaying it. How can I actually make my own effect for this? Or is there I way I can use the effect given to nightvision scopes from weapons?
  16. Nevermind, I was able to find the textures. The wiki is wrong, they're in there, just a different file path than the meshes.
  17. I just opened up the GECK in FO3 and put the cut mesh in the data folder after extracting it from the .bsa file with FOMM. Loading the mesh it has textures, but I couldn't find any seemingly related textures for it in the .bsa file. I would love if anyone knew the correct ones, I just want to port these goggles to FNV, not gonna upload them on the nexus or anything
  18. Thats it. Only the meshes and pipboy icon exist in game, but what im confused about is why the wiki shows textures and why there are mods that make them playable in FO3, but dont include textures
  19. I remember playing FO3 awhile back and seeing a bunch of NVG mods out there. Through random browsing came across this: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Night-vision_goggles It seems that the goggles are cut content from Fallout 3. Using the FOMM, I found the goggle's meshes and Pipboy Icon, but no textures. The meshes were in the folder meshes\armor\headgear\wastelandclothing04. I was wondering if someone could find/get the correct textures and combine them with the mesh. It would be awesome to have some night vision in New Vegas that isn't cat-eye biker goggles.
  20. If your talking gloves that are usually associated with various outfits/armors (not gauntlets, fists, etc) than you don't have to do anything with the model/nif......they are already (probably) setup for an armor form. I'd imagine this is the same for the MK II stealth suit. With the GECK, how do I go about making the gloves a separate armor piece?
  21. here is a armor addon for teh cram opener and bladed gauntlet. Like the boxing tape it will be the armor tab of your pipboy. Thanks! Ill try it out right now. Also, I wanted to know, how do you/others make the glove mods? I've seen some where the gloves are equippable separately, and are taken from vanilla armors. Is it like hiding parts of the textures on a set of armor? I've been meddling with the GECK recently and would like to try and get the gloves off of the assassin suit/sneaky stealth suit.
  22. Thanks, found it. Guess the thread I checked might have been a little old or for a different version of fnv
  23. I'm trying to make a mod and put it in Dead Money's Police Station, but the cells won't load. I checked out this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/919869-dead-money-mod-issue-with-geck/ Problem is, I can't seem to find this .ini file. I have the ulimate edition from steam, and have used the GECK multiple times. Where can I find this file?
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