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About zanza125

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    United States
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    Fallout:NV & Minecraft

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  1. Here's your request, tell me if its what you wanted: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13648
  2. I'm kind of surprised that no one has made a skin for the female pit slaves... I guess I'll just wait until BlackBlossom releases the skin. And yeah, I already have the armors.
  3. So I'm 99% sure that one has been made, but I cannot for the life of me find it. Can someone please post a link to one? I'm fairly positive that I've had it before so I know it's out there. If it isn't, would someone be inclined to make one for me? It's the only skin that I am missing for my mods... I even have a Pitt Slave Male skin that works, but not a Female Pit Slave. Thanks for this.
  4. Earache, that's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
  5. Yeah, I'm looking for a dialog to do that. Like everyone I talk to is a companion and can freely take any item or give anything. But I suppose that will works for the time being. Thanks.
  6. Hahah, invincibility, invisibility. I misread. My bad. :teehee:
  7. I'm just trying to help, but have you seen the BW Stealth Underwear Mod by Bubba Wilkins? I know it isn't glasses, but you can use it with anything. It makes you invisible while you crouch, but not standing. You also need Operation: Anchorage to use it. Works great for me.
  8. I'm looking for a mod that would function when you talk to anyone, you can get an option to open their inventory. You would be able to talk to anyone, such as Tenpenny or Angela, and be able to take their clothes, their weapon, and give them something else to use/wear. (Or not.) It would function like a follower, but they don't have to follow you for you to be able to access their inventory. I don't think that it would be that hard to create, but I'm having trouble doing it myself. I'm also not sure if this was created or not already, but if it was I'm sorry for the request, and can I get the link to the mod? Thanks in advance!
  9. Yeah, "a script to backup your inventory, so you could later delete your complete inventory and resotre to this point" I'd like to be able to restore my inventory to the point that it was saved at. Hopefully as a text file that can be ran in the game, so I could use it on any save file.
  10. I'm looking for a script to be made. It would essentially save all of your items, weapons, armor, etc. into a text file. Then you could just "bat ____" and have your items duplicated essentially. Such as: I have a Chinese Pistol, and Brotherhood Power Armor. I would run the script, and get a text file. Then I would run the text file, and it would add the another set of the Chinese Pistol and Brotherhood Power Armor. The items would be put in the text file as, "player.additem ######## #,###" format. I'm not sure if its been done before, but I couldn't find it if it was.
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